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Everything posted by Sam.

  1. Notepad++ supports RegEx in it's find/replace, but I'm unsure of the particular flavor of RegEx it uses. You'd need to check the docs. However, doing this would be incompatible with languages other than English. Instead, add 200000 to each StrRef to get the EET equivalent.
  2. Not that my opinion counts for anything, but in general I prefer NI's jargon over the language used in the IESDP, especially the names of Effects. I'm sure both are technically correct, but NI uses language I find more natural. I acknowledge this is purely a personal preference.
  3. Your are trying to Convert Image to PVRZ. That is NOT what you want. You want Convert Image to Tileset, and then select the PVRZ-based Tileset tab. (My wording might be slightly off as I don't have access to NearInfinity ATM.)
  4. If you're 1) adding the area to an EE game, 2) using an old style palette-based TIS, and 3) seeing lines between all/most tiles, the solution is to convert your area graphic to the PVRZ-based tileset format. The way to do this while maintaining the highest quality is to start with your original area artwork in the PNG format, and use Near Infinity to Convert Image to Tileset (under Tools). Be sure to select the PVRZ-based tileset. This should get rid of the lines between ordinary tiles. If your area has a lot of overlays (such as water overlays or door tiles), you may still see lines around these overlay tiles. Provided you have access to the pre PVRZ-based tileset or original artwork, there are ways to minimize if not eliminate these lines as well, but the process is not straightforward and your tileset will take a heavy hit on filesize. If you get to that point and want more details, let me know and I'll try to provide an overview.
  5. BG:EE Classic Movies component "Restore BG1 Chapter and Dream Screens" should now fully support the LeUI-BG1EE, LeUI-SoD, and LeUI themes on BGEE, SoD, and EET. More details here. If I get a few people who test the latest commit and report in that mod's thread that I haven't broken anything, I'll make a release.
  6. The latest version at time of posting is ImageMagick-7.0.10-29. Always get it from the official website. Those are the correct files. Make sure to maintain the folder structure. Correct, unless you are running on 32-bit architecture in which case use "PS BAM.exe" instead of "PS BAM_64.exe".
  7. Yes You are using an older version. Instead of "magick.exe convert" use "convert.exe". Adding the full path to the BAT file never hurts. It comes in the same download as PS BAM.exe (and the 64-bit equivalent). Just extract the entire archive to the folder where you want it.
  8. Make sure the file name is really "code.bat" and not "code.bat.txt". To make sure, you will need to enable showing file extensions in the explorer window. Also, add a new line at the end of the file that says "Pause". This will give you a chance to see what is going on. Also, the location of "magick.exe" must either be in your system path, or you must explicitly give the full path in the BAT file. Nothing. It is an output, not an input. Please post this file for me to review, as it may help me understand what is going on. Yes. The ".\PS BAM (files)" folder MUST be located in the same folder as the EXE. Whichever directory you run your BAT from is your working directory. Any file not also in this directory will need an explicit path specified. It can simplify your BAT file somewhat to have everything in the same directory, but putting ImageMagick, PS BAM, your BAT file, and the images in the same directory can clutter things up. It's a personal preference.
  9. IIRC isn't the total number of icons (technically the total number of sequences/cycles) limited to 255 in the classic games? It would appear this number has already been reached in STATES.bam, although many of them are essentially blank (a small number of white pixels).
  10. Unify the frames using either PS BAM or bamresize. This will pad all the frames to be the same size and at the same offset. Edit: Also FWIW, the 255x255 (and I am fairly confident it is 255 not 256) frame size limit does not apply to the EEs. Edit 2: How to use the tools cd /d "D:\Program Files\Infinity Engine Modding Tools\bamres Analysis\bamresize Extract\bamresize" python.exe bamresize.py -p 100 -u 1 -t 0 -e png "C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\Comet\SPCOMTRV.bam" "D:\Program Files\GitHub Projects\PS-BAM\PS BAM_x64.exe" --ExportFrames "PNG" --ExportFramesAsSequences 1 --OrderOfOperations PE --Save "BAM" --Unify 1 --LogFile "C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\Comet\Log.txt" --OutPath "C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\Comet" "C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\Comet\SPCOMTRV.bam" Pause
  11. The code you quoted is creating the three BAMs I posted before. The lines that start with "REM" are comments and describe the BAM to be created by the following lines. The 2nd and 3rd one add shadows. The top one does not. "original.png" is the original PNG here in all three cases. Anything else is just an in-between file until the BAMs are created. It logs the console output to a file. You can pick any path and filename you want, or pass a blank string via double quotes ("") to disable it. Or just leave those parameters out to disable it. Yes. Exactly this. You should just be able to double click it to run it. Or Right-Click it and select "Open" or "Run". If you really must run it through a program (you shouldn't need to) it would be the command prompt (cmd.exe).
  12. IWDEE has an Arctic Boar animation but I don't see any Wild Boars. The only animation using the Arctic Boar animation is [bdsha06c.CRE Boar Spirit Animation=BOAR_ARCTIC - 57957]. Want that one? Edit: SoD has a BDBOAR02.CRE - Wild Boar that is using the wild boar animation.
  13. That was your BAM, I just showed how to set the trans color and locate it properly in the palette using DLTCEP. As to the green halo: again, this is caused by semi-transparent anti-aliasing with the background color. Ideally, you should handle/account for this BEFORE importing it into DLTCEP. There are a variety methods that can be used to accomplish this which could be discussed at length, but the actual implementation will remain dependent on which program(s) you use. I can't figure out how to do what you want in DLTCEP, so if you insist on trying to fix the green halo with that tool, you'll have to look elsewhere for advice.
  14. So here's my swipe at it. Create a BAT file with the following contents and run it. You will need ImageMagick and PS BAM, and you will either need them added to your PATH or modify the script to point to the EXEs directly. Adjust the paths as appropriate. REM EE-only single frame item icon with transparency, no shadow magick.exe convert original.png -background lime -alpha Background -fill lime -fuzz 25%% -opaque none -trim -sample 64x64^> CloakA.png "D:\Program Files\GitHub Projects\PS-BAM\PS BAM_x64.exe" --AdvancedFLTCompression 1 --AdvancedZlibCompress 2 --AllowShortPalette 1 --AlphaCutoff 10 --AutodetectPalettedBAM 1 --AutodetectPalettedThreshold 500 --BAMProfile "Zero" --Compress 1 --DebugLevelL 1 --DebugLevelP 2 --DebugLevelS 1 --DropDuplicateFrameData 1 --DropDuplicateFrameEntries 1 --DropDuplicatePaletteEntries 1 --DropEmptyCycleEntries 1 --DropUnusedFrameData 1 --DropUnusedFrameEntries 1 --DropUnusedPaletteEntries 1 --ExportFrames "" --ExportFramesAsSequences 0 --ExportPalette "" --ExtraTrimBuffer 2 --ExtraTrimDepth 3 --FindBestRLEIndex 0 --FixPaletteColorErrors 1 --FLTSanityCutoff 720 --ForceShadowColor 2 --ForceTransColor 1 --IntelligentRLE 1 --ItemIcon2EE 0 --MaxRLERun 255 --OrderOfOperations PCE --ReduceFrameColumnLT 1 --ReduceFramePixelLT 1 --ReduceFrameRowLT 1 --ReplacePalette "" --ReplacePaletteMethod Quant --Rotate 0 --Save "BAM" --SearchTransColor 1 --SetXOffset "" --SetYOffset "" --SingleGIF 0 --TrimFrameData 1 --Unify 0 --VerifyOutput 0 --zopfliIterations 5000 --LogFile "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\Log.txt" --OutPath "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM" "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\CloakA.png" del CloakA.png REM EE+Classic item icon, no transparency, with shadow magick.exe convert original.png -background lime -alpha Background -fill lime -fuzz 25%% -opaque none -alpha off -trim CloakB.png magick.exe convert CloakB.png -fill "#00FF00" -opaque "#000000" -trim -sample 60x60^> RemoveShadow.png magick.exe convert RemoveShadow.png -fill "#000000" +opaque "#00FF00" -bordercolor "#00FF00" -border 4 Shadow.png magick.exe convert RemoveShadow.png -transparent "#00FF00" RemoveShadow.png magick.exe composite RemoveShadow.png Shadow.png NewWithShadow.bmp magick.exe convert NewWithShadow.bmp -trim -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakB_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp magick.exe convert CloakB.png -sample 32x32^> -trim -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakB_Sequence_0001_Frame_0000.bmp del CloakB.png Shadow.png RemoveShadow.png NewWithShadow.bmp "D:\Program Files\GitHub Projects\PS-BAM\PS BAM_x64.exe" --AdvancedFLTCompression 1 --AdvancedZlibCompress 2 --AllowShortPalette 1 --AlphaCutoff 10 --AutodetectPalettedBAM 1 --AutodetectPalettedThreshold 500 --BAMProfile "ItemIcon" --Compress 1 --DebugLevelL 1 --DebugLevelP 2 --DebugLevelS 1 --DropDuplicateFrameData 1 --DropDuplicateFrameEntries 1 --DropDuplicatePaletteEntries 1 --DropEmptyCycleEntries 1 --DropUnusedFrameData 1 --DropUnusedFrameEntries 1 --DropUnusedPaletteEntries 1 --ExportFrames "" --ExportFramesAsSequences 0 --ExportPalette "" --ExtraTrimBuffer 2 --ExtraTrimDepth 3 --FindBestRLEIndex 0 --FixPaletteColorErrors 1 --FLTSanityCutoff 720 --ForceShadowColor 2 --ForceTransColor 1 --IntelligentRLE 1 --ItemIcon2EE 1 --MaxRLERun 255 --OrderOfOperations PCE --ReduceFrameColumnLT 1 --ReduceFramePixelLT 1 --ReduceFrameRowLT 1 --ReplacePalette "" --ReplacePaletteMethod Quant --Rotate 0 --Save "BAM" --SearchTransColor 1 --SetXOffset "" --SetYOffset "" --SingleGIF 0 --TrimFrameData 1 --Unify 0 --VerifyOutput 0 --zopfliIterations 5000 --LogFile "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\Log.txt" --OutPath "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM" "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\CloakB_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp" del CloakB_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp CloakB_Sequence_0001_Frame_0000.bmp REM Hybrid item icon, no transparency, with shadow. magick.exe convert original.png -background lime -alpha Background -fill lime -fuzz 25%% -opaque none -alpha off -trim CloakC.png magick.exe convert CloakC.png -fill "#00FF00" -opaque "#000000" -trim -sample 60x60^> RemoveShadow.png magick.exe convert RemoveShadow.png -fill "#000000" +opaque "#00FF00" -bordercolor "#00FF00" -border 4 Shadow.png magick.exe convert RemoveShadow.png -transparent "#00FF00" RemoveShadow.png magick.exe composite RemoveShadow.png Shadow.png NewWithShadow.bmp magick.exe convert NewWithShadow.bmp -trim -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp magick.exe convert CloakC.png -fill "#00FF00" -opaque "#000000" -trim -sample 64x64^> -background lime -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0001.bmp magick.exe convert CloakC.png -sample 32x32^> -trim -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakC_Sequence_0001_Frame_0000.bmp del CloakC.png Shadow.png RemoveShadow.png NewWithShadow.bmp "D:\Program Files\GitHub Projects\PS-BAM\PS BAM_x64.exe" --AdvancedFLTCompression 1 --AdvancedZlibCompress 2 --AllowShortPalette 1 --AlphaCutoff 10 --AutodetectPalettedBAM 1 --AutodetectPalettedThreshold 500 --BAMProfile "ItemIcon" --Compress 1 --DebugLevelL 1 --DebugLevelP 2 --DebugLevelS 1 --DropDuplicateFrameData 1 --DropDuplicateFrameEntries 1 --DropDuplicatePaletteEntries 1 --DropEmptyCycleEntries 1 --DropUnusedFrameData 1 --DropUnusedFrameEntries 1 --DropUnusedPaletteEntries 1 --ExportFrames "" --ExportFramesAsSequences 0 --ExportPalette "" --ExtraTrimBuffer 2 --ExtraTrimDepth 3 --FindBestRLEIndex 0 --FixPaletteColorErrors 1 --FLTSanityCutoff 720 --ForceShadowColor 2 --ForceTransColor 1 --IntelligentRLE 1 --ItemIcon2EE 1 --MaxRLERun 255 --OrderOfOperations PCE --ReduceFrameColumnLT 1 --ReduceFramePixelLT 1 --ReduceFrameRowLT 1 --ReplacePalette "" --ReplacePaletteMethod Quant --Rotate 0 --Save "BAM" --SearchTransColor 1 --SetXOffset "" --SetYOffset "" --SingleGIF 0 --TrimFrameData 1 --Unify 0 --VerifyOutput 0 --zopfliIterations 5000 --LogFile "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\Log.txt" --OutPath "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM" "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp" del CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0001.bmp CloakC_Sequence_0001_Frame_0000.bmp Pause The ImageMagick portions may look complicated, but most of it is just for Creating Shadows for Large Item Icons. The PS BAM switches are mostly just to enable advanced compression. The special ones to note in these cases are --BAMProfile "Zero", --BAMProfile "ItemIcon", and --ItemIcon2EE 1. It creates three different BAMs for you to try, with the only input being your "Original.png". Not a single pixel needs to be edited manually. CloakA.bam is an EE-only single frame item icon with transparency, but it does not include a shadow. One could certainly be added, and the process would be similar to the next two examples. (You can remove "-sample 64x64^>" from the second line to keep the original size, although it will be bigger than other cloaks in the game.) CloakB.bam offers the best compatibility with both EE and classic games, has no transparency in the palette, and includes the shadow on the large icon. CloakC.bam is a hybrid of the two, including a shadow and no transparency, but the "small" icon with no shadow is as large as what is normally displayed in the EEs. Attached are the three BAMs. Compare mine to the ones you made and let me know what you think. I'll try to answer any questions. Alexander12 BAM.rar
  15. Your original image used semi-transparent anti-aliasing. These semi-transparent pixels got blended with the background color (either black or green) which produce the "halo" effect around your image as well as the individual dark pixels floating around your image when you essentially converted it to 24-bit with either mspaint or one of the BAM editors. You can manually edit out these pixels using a graphics editor as temnix suggests, but I believe there are more sophisticated options. Give me a bit to experiment and I'll see what can be done.
  16. Sorry for the delayed response; I had a busy weekend. There is a lot here, so I will try to answer the questions one at a time, and then FWIW I will attempt to show you how I would have made the BAM. This is telling you that BAMWorkshop II expects a "Paletted" (8-bit [or possibly less]) or "True Color" (24-bit) PNG. The ones you sent me were all "TrueColorAlpha" (32-bit). BAMWorkshop and BAMWorkshop II were written before the game engines supported the alpha channel in the palette, so they can't handle alpha channels properly or at all. You mean BMP? In BAMWorkshop II, you really want to convert the palette to unpaletted, import the frames, then convert back to paletted. Again, BAMWorkshop II has a lot of bugs, so it's best do do this one step at a time: do one thing, save, close, reopen, next step, repeat. Thanks, i tried, but the green background doesn't disappear at all: To do this in DLTCEP, you'll want to go to Tools->Uncompress all, then Palette->Edit Palette. Next, find the index of your background color. In your case it is Color # 107 which is RGB(0,254,0). Note that it SHOULD HAVE BEEN RGB(0,255,0). Go ahead and correct that now. Then enter that number into the "Transparent index" box: Then go to Palette->Order Palette. Thanks, but i can't understand how this can be done. Is it possible to make so in DLTCP? And how? Or BAM workshop? It varies, see above for steps to do it in DLTCEP (setting transparent index and ordering palette). For BAMWorkshop II, using the proper pure green and pure black colors, converting the BAM to unpaletted, importing the frames, and converting the BAM back to paletted should be enough to properly order the palette. I don't remember for absolute sure about BAMWorkshop, but I'm pretty sure using the proper transparent and shadow colors (they must be exact) in the images you import is enough to properly order the palette. I was able to open both the BAMs you send me with the latest version of DLTCEP. See above for setting transparent color. I mean ImageMagick and PS BAM, which is what I prefer to use but they do require you to have basic knowledge of running a non-gui based program. Inventory icons in the classic games used two different sized icons, a large one that was no bigger than 64x64 px, and a small one that is no larger than 32x32 px. The large icon almost always has a "shadow". The large icon is in Sequence 0 and the small icon is in Sequence 1. [Sequence aka Cycle] The small icon was used when the icon was sitting in your inventory, and the large icon was used when you picked it up. Some versions of the EEs dropped the small icon and use a resized version of the large for everything. If you want to reproduce the classic behavior, add the small icon as a second frame in Sequence 0. Each frame requires specific offsets in order to be positioned properly in the game. For best compatibility with all games, the XOffset and YOffset of the large frame should be width/2 and height/2 respectively. The XOffset and YOffset of the small frame should be (width-32)/2 and (height-32)/2.
  17. For best compatibility with all games, the transparent color should be pure green RGB(0,255,0) and the shadow color (if applicable) should be pure black RGB(0,0,0). Depending on the tool you use to turn the images into a BAM, it may be necessary to have these transparent and shadow colors located at palette entry 0 and 1 respectively in your images. I strongly discourage this. mspaint is more powerful than many give it credit for, but its ability to accurately quantize images has always been shit. This is suspicious. Can you please send me the BAM that DLTCEP can't open? Also, make sure you are using the latest version of BAMWorkshop and DLTCEP (v7.8.0.2 at the time of posting). BAMWorkshopII has its uses, but it also has many bugs which make it a real pain to use. I have my suspicions about what is happening here, but without the actual images to investigate further it's hard to be sure. If you could send me your original PNG image, the image placed on the black background, the resized image, and the BAM you created, I might can give more detailed suggestions. However, I don't have photoshop and I don't use DLTCEP to create BAMs, so if you're looking for a step-by-step guide on how "I" would do it, it'll involve different tools. How do you feel about command line tools? Is this for an item icon or something else?
  18. Since 2016? I don't remember exactly when the change occurred, but I think Description Icons for items went back to being BAMs (for a while they were 32-bit BMPs). Also, areas no longer need MOS files. That one might have been when the version jumped to 2.
  19. My personal impression of the upcoming patch is that: a) 2.6 is likely to be the last significant patch for the IE games from Beamdog. If there's anything you want to be included, this is your last chance to push/beg for it. b) The very first step of the patch is converting the entire codebase to 64-bit. As MacOS games don't even boot, we're clearly in the early stages of its development. I wouldn't expect an official release anytime soon. Also, just because a particular feature request or bug-fix is not included in the current beta version of the patch doesn't necessarily mean it won't be included at a later date. c) While there will be significant modifications to the underlying codebase and probably a long list of bug-fixes, I doubt there will be very much top-level content that will break mods.
  20. Have you read the 2DA file format spec? My impression (although I haven't done much in terms of working with 2DAs) is that if the first two rows are missing, the top row is treated as the headings row. I think the headings row is there for human convenience and not needed by the engine. You could try replacing it with randomly spaced junk and see if the engine chokes, but I don't think it will.
  21. Classic Adventures (ToB engine) has a couple instances where a creature (non PC/NPC) is wielding a throwing weapon in their off hand. The original coder, Sir BillyBob, assured me they were doing so intentionally and that the thrown weapon dealt damage appropriately. IIRC at least one had a melee weapon in their main hand. I have not gone out of my way to independently verify the claim that it was working as intended, but I believe him. I am also not claiming that the mechanics will work the same way for a PC/NPC as different animation types are handled differently by the engine (what works as intended for one may have no visual representation in a second and crash the game on a third).
  22. Assuming you have already set the item to use the "GS" animation at offset 0x0022? WPLGSINV.BAM, WPMGSINV.BAM, WPNGSINV.BAM, WPSGSINV.BAM are the inventory paperdolls in question, and they exist in my EET game. IIRC they came from 1pp, so you either need to install that mod or use the EEs.
  23. It sounds like the game might have had so many containers (added by mods presumably) that this component ran out of unique BAMs to give them. You could just make a copy of t-bhld46.bam and rename it to t-bhld47.bam and try that. Maybe a couple of times ( for numbers 48-50) just in case.
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