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Everything posted by Cahir

  1. Good to know things are wrapping up well. Can't wait to do a proper EET + IWD-in-EET run with SR/IR package and all those shiny mods from subtledoctor/aquadrizzt/grammarsalad gang Add it the Tweak Anthology, UB's, few NPC's and the best of Lava's work and I'm good to go. Oh, and Pecca's UI Overhaul and the portrait packs. Wait, does it mean BWS is my option?
  2. How is it going? It's been awfully quite here lately. Any new shining banters to share AWizardDidIt?
  3. Here's a new iteration of Sheena, compatible with BG2EE: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/60784/sheena-the-half-dragon-tale/p1#latest
  4. Yes, he was also active on Polish boards and AFAIK he has found some time to meddle with EET (he said something about RC1 to come out soon(ish). We'll see.
  5. AWizardDidIt could you share some sample interjections here, so we could take a look what you've cooked up for us?
  6. I have a hunch Beamdog may also grab Chris Avellone in the near future, so they may prepare some new BGNext stuff. At least I hope they do.
  7. It's probably too hot in Italy right know which affects productivity, especially modding productivity:) And then there's girlfriend too:p
  8. Hmm that reminded me sth. Jastey did Zed Nocear reach to you with Polish translation? I kinda left it alone since it's his baby (from translation point speaking), but I haven't heard from him for couple of months now.
  9. Cahir

    Gavin BGII:EE?

    And PPG probably:) I even saw him on Polish Children of Bhaal forum once
  10. Mike does this new v2 of NPC Stronholds at G3 is the one compatible with BG2EE? Kish said that CawDawg make it compatible, but I wanted to be sure if it's this version indeed.
  11. Kish, did CamDawg update only NPC strongholds for EE or Oversight too?
  12. Ok, guys don't fight, it's not what this thread is for. I'm sure Demi is throw us something any time soon:) Please do remember that he's not doing it alone and certain parts of code are being handled by others (if I understood it right).
  13. It's just that Demi is just keep teasing us with all those new shiny V4, that's why people are growing impatient.
  14. Oh man, this and IR are two most anticipated mods for my would-be EE runs It takes so painfully long, but I've waited this far, I can wait a little bit longer.
  15. Graoumf I have version 1.5 of Super Firkraag on my HDD, so 1.4 is obviously not the recent one. Can't tell if 1.5 is the last one, though.
  16. Kirkor, this translation is being handled by Zed Nocear. I thought about finishing it for a while, but since Zed already worked on it, I didn't want to interfere. I didn't heard from him fo a while, though, so I can't tell if he finished it or not. Try to poke him with PM here, or even better on Polish Children of Bhaal forum, maybe you will be able to reach him there.
  17. Oh Cam, I was just joking. There was nothing ironic in my comment, just pure satisfaction, that apparently improvements are going in very much right direction, since even players who shows so much criticism towards EE, can see positive enhancements. I value arguments of veteran players like Erg and Kreso very much, too. I cannot argue with them cause these arguments are flawless, as a rule. It's just, they tend to focus on the worst aspects of EE (worst for them at least) and I didn't quite see if they notice any positive aspects of EE at all. Now I see, that they do (Kreso at least) and it genuinely pleases me.
  18. Kreso you can't imagine how pleased I am you liked IWD:EE. I cannot explain it, but your post made my day. Now, if only....Erg, Erg where are you? Please, try out IWD:EE, maybe there is hope for you after all:) Heh, jokes aside, I should probably play the damn thing for a change, not only translating it over and over again, when I have a little free time..
  19. Wisp, thanks for adding Polish translation. Glad I could help with that
  20. Kish, are both Oversight and NPC Stronholds compatible with BG2:EE, or if not do you planned them to be? I really like to try them out some time, but I mostly play EE these days.
  21. @Leania seems that they did fix this issue, but it is put under Modder Features, not Bug Fixes in the patch log. Anyway, I'll definitely try KR at some point, but it will probably happen when Demi make wizard/sorcerer classes revisions (if he plan to do that of course). I might try rogue or bard kits too, but I never liked to play warrior classes, never knew why. Definitely waiting for full releases of IR and SR, though.
  22. It's PnP background says also that Taragarth gives its bearer protection from fire like ring of fire resistance. It could be worth adding +20% fire resistance to it, cause now it looks rather unimpressive. According to PnP description it also gives protection from ESP and detection spells (such as know alignment spell), but it could be to much juice for it.
  23. PnP version of this harp (from The Code of Harpers book) removes magically or psionically induced despair, fear, hoplessness and rage within a round of being heard. In addition all charms and mental controls of any sort are blocked (held in abeyance, not ended) in creatures hearing the harp's music. No new charms, suggestions, or mental influences can be laid on beings listening to the harp (even by a bard trying to use the harp for this purpose). Demi you could easily make this harp more useful using some of these PnP properties. If you ever think of tweaking Azuredge a little, PnP version (from The City of Splendors book) have also a nice property that creatures damaged by it cannot be regenerated save normal rest. Very handy vs. trolls
  24. Kreso where can I find IR4 beta you are actually using? I'd like a take a look on it for the sheer joy of it
  25. Kreso I know you don't value EE's much, but please don't discourage Demi to put a proper attention to both BGEE and BG2EE. There are, not so many, players (myself included) who will probably won't go back to vanilla, but would like to play IR/SR/KR VERY much:) Demi values your opinion very much, obviously, and I'm worried that it may affect his focus on EE conversion at some point. I usually don't stick my nose on something like this, but this only proves my anticipation for these mods. And no offence of course:)
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