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Everything posted by Cahir

  1. It's Sarevok Tweaks, or something like that. Judging by the prefix, it was done by Crevsdaak. Unfortunately it's not on his Github, so probably it's buried somewhere in forum's Miscelleanous section here or at SHS. I've definitely seen it somewhere.
  2. SoD to BG2EE currently throws install error while installing after EET. It seems to work installed on BG2EE before EET, though. But it seems Daeros Trollkiller is working on the next version that will provide native EET compatibility.
  3. Just remember to select EET from the drop list if you want to play EET game. Also if you plan to install Awesome Soundsets and SoD to BG2EE Items, currently you need to create sort of mini sort order list for them, install them on BG2EE first (changing in the drop list) then switch again to EET and install the whole main list as explained in previous post. Author of the second mod is working on new version that *should* add native EET compatibility, so you could install it along with other mods using EET option from drop list.
  4. I'm writing from memory, I'll be able to check exactly in my PC on weekend, unfortunately. First of all, yes you have to download your mods manually while using PI. I recommended down loading them to separate folder (I named my PI Downloads). I'd start by using list provided by me or other players here at G3 (doesn't really need to be mine, cause it may be a bit out of date now, some component numbers may be added or changed in newer mod versions) and just remove add mods as you fit. You've gotta be careful with the install order though, mine was a result of weeks of discussion. You can safely remove mods, I think, but you need to be careful where to add one. To get the actual component name, just put this mod in your download folder, hit refresh on the left bar, to have it show in your mod list on the left panel, then hit Sort Order on the right panel and you will see the list of components of this mod. Copy-paste whichever components you want to a proper place of base install order list (mine or someone's else). And here is the part I'm not 100% sure without checking in PI. You put the install order to Sorting Order window and... I *think* that's it. Then you need to hit Install mods, and that's. But try to play around, because I'm not sure if I remember it correctly. I'm using Beamdog version, so whenever I want to do another install, I hit "Repair install" in Beamdog client, which cause to reverse the state to default, wiping also Override folder in the process, then change install order file, then load it to Sort Order window, then hit Install mods, and that's it. The most time consuming part is to create a sorting list from scratch, that's why I suggested using one of the list other players shared and change stuff there *carefully*. Hope it helps. I'll try to double check the part I'm not sure before weekend.
  5. Great stuff! I seriously consider switching Imoen in Stone for Imoen 4Ever in my delayed EET run, now with more mods compatibility added. Download link at G3 doesn't seem to work, though.
  6. @jasteyjust to be sure, there are no new components in v5.0?
  7. Damn, I should be more persistent with the request for updating item descriptions to EE-style for EE games, then This would be probably noticed only by me, but Hey, let's go crazy
  8. FWIW Kazgaroth the Best had more than one claw So, I think in this particular case immersive explanation is right there.
  9. I'd say V4 has probably fewer bugs than v3. Not sure why you claim it's for testers.
  10. That's interesting, thanks for the tip. I'm actually mostly interested in alignment fixes from The Oversight.
  11. Where is the "Like" button when needed
  12. The list will be updated at some point when I finally find the time to play this run. Currently it's is postponed because of RL stuff and SoD translation project to Polish which needs to be done before I start playing. I didn't test my mod compilation thoroughky ingame, so can't tell just yet if it's buggy or not, but as far as installation goes, it was installed without errors, with just couple of harmless warnings. Unfortunately I don't use Roxanne's EE Setup Tool, so cannot help you with that. But I hardly doubt, that my mod compilation is bigger that what's the tool is offering. For example, I don't use megamods (except NTotSC) and only few selected NPC mods. I do use many tweaks, kit, item and spell mods, though, that require careful installation order, which was discussed many hours with mod authors in this very thread and other threads here at G3. I use Project Infinity as installation tool, which requires more manual handling, but it's very handy if you learn how to use it. You can take my install order from first post as a base and modify it according to your preferences. You can learn about Project Infinity here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/74335/project-infinity-public-beta-for-all/p1
  13. I think capitalized D is an inconsistency within original EE's. AFAIK majority of items uses normal "d". I think you showed one of the exceptions on your picture But no, I don't change this manually for original items
  14. It's not like that I find EE style superior to IR style, rather that the inconsistency between IR and other mods are bugging me. And I freaking HATE capital "D" in Dice Roll entry.
  15. Yeah, I know I'm doomed here Fortunately applying changes from new IRR version to my fixed base tra file is much easier thanks to your tip to use WinMerge. Besides I didn't suggest switching to EE altogether, rather to include EE text style for EE installations only and leave original IR descriptions for vanilla engine. The way @CamDawg did when he updated Weimar's Item Upgrade mod. I realize, though, that would be more job for you later, updating changes in both files.
  16. For me personally the only gripe I have with IR or IRR is the vanilla-style item stat descriptions which doesn't mesh well with EE-style descriptions. I have fixed this for IRR for my personal use, but it's tiresome to apply those changes each time new version pops up.
  17. Should work with LeUI. I have tested it on my EET Install and I think some compatibility issues were fixed along the way. Not sure about Dragonspear UI, though. Nevered tried it since it's not compatible with EET yet.
  18. Hmm, this Arcanist class is very tempting. Almost so tempting that I consider switching my Dragon Disciple to this one.
  19. @Caedwyr, Lava just updated mods from Athkatlan Grounds series and also Weasels! and Skie - The Cost of Girl’s Soul with better EE item descriptions. Don't forget to grab new version while updating your modlist. Thar would be all Lava's mods for which I provided updated EE item descriptions. I haven't touch his NPC mods, so not sure if those also need updates, but I may check them in the future.
  20. I have updated EE item descriptions for other Lava's mods too, mainly from Athkatlan Grounds series, so expect updates for those mods within days too.
  21. @Caedwyrjust FYI, @Lavareleased new version of mods from his Colours of Infinity series with updated EE item descriptions (that are now more in line with original items). Maybe it's not super important for you specifically, but this lack of consistency in item descriptions was bugging me for some time.
  22. Yeah, I mean't EET mainly, so this was an inacurate wording from my part, apologies. But I was sure even EET compatibility is tested before release, which you just confirmed Sorry for starting this debatę, but I was so pissed reading this that I needed to share with you guys. I'm tired of antagonizing players and modders by Roxanne and her countless alts.
  23. It's definitely more time consuming and difficult to translate from Polish to English than the other way around. And I would definitely need proofreading help of English native speaking kind soul. Still, Siege of Dragonspear translation is a priority to me right now. The team is making a really good progress. But it's on my radar, that's for sure (not Sovereign, though, I'm afraid).
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