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IA v6 Final

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I wonder why my forum has not gotten hate for reposting/hosting Improved Anvil Lite.

What's Improved Anvil Lite?


Edit: Nevermind, I just googled it... Sounds really lame btw.


Different people like different things. Some people prefer the idea of new items without the increased difficulty, single mod install, etc...


((See I can use tact))


In other news, some comedian posted the link to IA v6 on my forum. I think I will leave it up for the "lolz" as they say on the internet.

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Different people like different things. Some people prefer the idea of new items without the increased difficulty, single mod install, etc...

What I meant by 'lame' was much owed to the fact that someone decided to distribute a hacked version of the mod without the author's consent. Also that these items without the enhanced difficulty make the game ridiculously trivial; there is a reason these items are hard to obtain. I'm all for variety, but overpowered (which is relative to the game's difficulty) items obtained easily are really lame.

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Some people like easy. For example, they might want to witness the new quests in BWP Tactic without having to reload 3000 times for every battle, and use IA Lite to make such an install easier.




I enjoy a challenge, but games that require multiple reloads until I get bored and ctrl+y do not appeal to me.


I never played Improved Anvil because the "increased challenge" that requires me to take a kit that does not sound fun, role-play is lessened, and I am required to take a certain party members to survive (like Valley Girl), thieves and bards being pretty much useless (I enjoy playing bards), and the mod being an IAP mod even though it is installed in Weidu which means "that shalt have no other mods then IA"...


Because of these, Improved Anvil does not appeal to me.


Then of course the support forum charging me money to get support in the same style feedback is allowed at the Attic...


Yeah, no thanks.


As for Improved Anvil Lite - The kits still do not appeal to me, and the items are a bit over powered for my typical install.


I chose to host it because it had vanished from the internet, and I think people should be allowed to play any mod they want. The download count proves to me that some people want to at least try the mod, so why not let them (which is my attitude for Improved Anvil).

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well...after almost 2 years I got IA6 on my computer. At BWL I was registered as Kerkes. Due to the fact that BWL started charging for logging in to their site with "gold" and "premium" membership offers, I gave up on ever playing IA6. I honestly considered even paying the damn 30 bucks so I could have my version of it...but, it leaked. Obviously, it's the final version, not some beta (regardless of what Sikret says about it, it IS the final version with no huge game-breaking bugs). For a guy that uses "the truth, I only want you to know the truth.." line as his signature that's quite a low blow.

But regardless, this is not about Sikret or BWL, just some lines I have bout IA6.

First of all, it's not much like IA5. You get dispelled much more often, enemies are even more buffed up, have really funky immunities (Suna Seni party is untouchable by silence for example...), some early battles are OMGWTFISTHIS hard etc.

But it is fun....in a strange kind of way (masochistic).

Anyway- i started (as we all do.... :) ) a multiplayer game - party necro prot, swashbuckler, berskerker, berserker-cleric, sorc. Picked up Valy, dropped B-cleric and sorc and than took Cernd. So, no cleric and no sorc for me, 5 person party which (i hope) will achieve success due to high AC class (....) and the fact necro prot can get really powerful..we'll see. I tweaked my game a bit, however - exp gain is vanilla (traps, locks), lvl gain is vanilla (copied file from bgtweaks for exp levels) and some other minor tweaks. Cheating? Hell yea. Its still very hard, and some battles are just impossible without some luck with saving throws..ah well. Emotion still rules.

I'm thinking about a new game with new party but we'll see. I kinda like these guys.

A bit early to say, but - if I had payed 30USD for this, I'd regret it. Even 5 is 2much - I'd rather give them to Unicef or something. IA5 was more fun, more roleplaying and simply better to spend time with. This is like one big anti-cheat Sikret vs Saros experiment gone awfully wrong. It has its moments, new items and spells are cool, new enemies also- but some more liberty in party composition choices (if you want a bard, u screwed for example. Pure druid? Illusionist? F/m/t? lol.)and some more options about which quests to do at what order would also be good. Overall, I'd rate it 3 /10. Fun for a while, 2hard for average player who has a real life and doesnt want to play Torgal battle 20+times, some nice ideas, some poor execution. too biased towards necros and (taaaa-daaaam) rangers etc. Imo, the last Anvil we'll live to see. One would expect more after 4 years development, but all that time has apperently gone on Anti Saros devices...Damn u, Saros :) .

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The XP check is there, but remember that there's other "anti-cheese" measures through the mod (for example there's lots of encounters that deny you critical scrolls, components, or other loot, if you don't meet some arbitrary requirement about party size or composition or tactics employed).

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yeah..i checked all those files.. a lot of work done by Sikret to say the least..I'll probably remove the ones I don't agree with and keep the rest intact. I'll also remove exp cap checks for Spellhold and other areas too, but probably will just play with Shadowkeeper a bit if the need arises

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