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Someone over at SHS might make an NPC named Akron! If he gets there first, you might have to change the name!


[p.s. good luck]


Hehe, I was thinking Akron would be Aklon's Kozakuran name, so it's still mine. :laugh:




Thanks for the well wishes both of you, and those cookies and/or honey bread must have agreed with someone, because I've finally found a some time to do some more work. Hopefully something worthy of the progress thread will be ready in a day or two, but I have just finished a large banter that involved the PC quite heavily.

Edited by BigRob
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I'd hoped to announce Edwin's banters getting finished up last week, but a bit of a hiccup in my schedule left me with little time to write. However, at this point, I can say that I'm working on the last of his banters now, which should hopefully be finished tonight. There's one PID based on Edwin to write as well, but then he'll be done and it'll be time to move on to Haer'Dalis.


What I really need is a good solid 'flu to keep me away for work for a couple of weeks so I can finish up a good chunk of writing. :)

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I'd hoped to announce Edwin's banters getting finished up last week, but a bit of a hiccup in my schedule left me with little time to write. However, at this point, I can say that I'm working on the last of his banters now, which should hopefully be finished tonight. There's one PID based on Edwin to write as well, but then he'll be done and it'll be time to move on to Haer'Dalis.


What I really need is a good solid 'flu to keep me away for work for a couple of weeks so I can finish up a good chunk of writing. :)


The Flu? Or the [cough-cough], flu?? :)


Here's hoping you get some good solid time to devote to your writing without a fever, chills, or nausea . . . although you are writing for Edwin :)



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Thanks celticrose and Vestrael for the encouragement, this last banter is taking a little longer to write than I thought, despite a lack of fever, nausea or chills. It's one for Edwina and has multiple NPCs involved, so it's a little more complicated than most.



I'm hoping to get Eddie wrapped up tonight and started on Haer'Dalis if possible. But, as ever, don't be holding your breaths, or you'll likely get very blue. :)

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Hooray for progress! :p

I'm still here too, awaiting Aklon patiently (don't care how long it takes, I'm certain he'll be worth the wait!). We all know how RL gets, so we'll never hold it against you!

*hands BigRob some ice cream* You've earned it!!! :p

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Hooray for more progress! Thanks for the update BigRob. Off the top of your head how many more NPC banters (or should that be NPC's banters?) are there for you to do? I will CERTAINLY be here for Aklon and I have zero doubt that the wait will be well worth it.



Hooray for progress! :p

I'm still here too, awaiting Aklon patiently (don't care how long it takes, I'm certain he'll be worth the wait!). We all know how RL gets, so we'll never hold it against you!

*hands BigRob some ice cream* You've earned it!!! :p


Mmm, ice cream. Yoink!


Thanks very much for the words of support Ankhesenpaaten and Eleima! I'll try to keep RL on some kind of leash as best I can to get Aklon finished (or at least the SoA part released) as soon as possible.


In answer to your question about how many banters I have left to write, I'm going for about three to four per NPC, so with that plus additionals for those with more interaction (for that we have only Jaheira and Haer'Dalis left), we're looking at about 50 banters left.



Hmm, that really puts it in perspective. Time to get the lead out!

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Okay, here's a question . . .

Are muses female or male?

I ask because chocolate almost always works on females.


(I can say this because I am one, and it definitely works on me;

okay, I am not a muse, but I have the female part down pat, :p )


I have heard a rumor that muses like honey, so if chocolate is out, honey cake?


Either way, here's hoping that BigRob can tame RL and charm his muses! :p

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