Kish Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 Does MAGE_ALL include sorcerers, or just wizards?
Andyr Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 I've not checked - will do later when I have more time. If someone wants to preempt me then I was thinking of checking by looking at the Planar Sphere related dialogues.
CamDawg Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 I had some issues using MAGE_ALL for spell targeting. I was using the Use EFF Targeting opcode, and MAGE_ALL was not being applied to a barbarian > mage dualclass (prior to the barbarian levels being reactivated). Changing the targeting to MAGE worked. Similar issues popped up for THIEF_ALL and CLERIC_ALL. Not really related to your inquiry, but I thought I'd throw it in for no apparent reason.
hlidskialf Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 No doubt you have them, but be sure that you're also using the fixed IDS file that removes the duplication of MAGE_ALL and LONGBOW at the same value.
SimDing0 Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 I don't think fixing the IDS is a good idea. If anything, I'd put the LONG_BOW entry back. Some (older) stuff will only install with one or the other, so where's the harm in having both?
hlidskialf Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 It's a basic Baldurdash fix, let it be installed! Besides, bugs are for fixing. I don't know of any mods young or old that would glitch by having this fix, but I've had a few that had problems installing without it. *shrug* Each to their own.
igi Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 The inclusion of LONG_BOW in the IDS file is hardly a bug, since the files aren't used by the game, and compile to the same value.
Guest your Name Posted January 18, 2005 Posted January 18, 2005 The inclusion of LONG_BOW in the IDS file is hardly a bug, since the files aren't used by the game, and compile to the same value. Doesn't the game use the IDS files to resolve triggers and actions for dialogues?
SimDing0 Posted January 18, 2005 Posted January 18, 2005 Yeh, IDS changes work with dialogues, so the game DOES actually read the files.
Sillara of the Tamari Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 And to, umm, answer the original question, I do believe that MAGE_ALL will also call up the sorceror. I have scripted dialogues to trigger for PC mages, and the sorcerors get them, too. Sillara
Smoketest Posted October 2, 2006 Posted October 2, 2006 I was doing some testing on this matter and remembered some threads on the subject from days gone by. This thread seemed to be the most reasonable place to post this info even though it's archived now. Much of what I found verifies what is said or inferred above, but I'm posting it in a hopefully useful reference format. Sorted by class: BARD (kits) = BARD_ALL CLERIC (kits) = CLERIC_ALL CLERIC/MAGE = CLERIC_ALL, MAGE_ALL CLERIC/RANGER = CLERIC_ALL, RANGER_ALL CLERIC/THIEF = CLERIC_ALL, THIEF_ALL DRUID (kits) = DRUID_ALL FIGHTER (kits) = FIGHTER_ALL FIGHTER/CLERIC = FIGHTER_ALL, CLERIC_ALL FIGHTER/DRUID = FIGHTER_ALL, DRUID_ALL FIGHTER/MAGE = FIGHTER_ALL, MAGE_ALL FIGHTER/MAGE/CLERIC = FIGHTER_ALL, MAGE_ALL, CLERIC_ALL FIGHTER/MAGE/THIEF = FIGHTER_ALL, MAGE_ALL, THIEF_ALL FIGHTER/THIEF = FIGHTER_ALL, THIEF_ALL MAGE (kits) = MAGE_ALL MAGE/THIEF = MAGE_ALL, THIEF_ALL MONK = FIGHTER_ALL RANGER (kits) = RANGER_ALL PALADIN (kits) = PALADIN_ALL SORCERER = MAGE_ALL THIEF (kits) = THIEF_ALL Sorted by class mask: BARD_ALL = BARD (kits) CLERIC_ALL = CLERIC (kits), CLERIC/MAGE, CLERIC/RANGER, CLERIC/THIEF, FIGHTER/CLERIC, FIGHTER/MAGE/CLERIC DRUID_ALL = DRUID (kits), FIGHTER/DRUID FIGHTER_ALL = FIGHTER (kits), FIGHTER/CLERIC, FIGHTER/DRUID, FIGHTER/MAGE, FIGHTER/MAGE/CLERIC, FIGHTER/MAGE/THIEF, FIGHTER/THIEF, MONK MAGE_ALL = CLERIC/MAGE, FIGHTER/MAGE, FIGHTER/MAGE/CLERIC, FIGHTER/MAGE/THIEF, MAGE (kits), MAGE/THIEF, SORCERER RANGER_ALL = CLERIC/RANGER, RANGER (kits) PALADIN_ALL = PALADIN (kits) THIEF_ALL = CLERIC/THIEF, FIGHTER/THIEF, FIGHTER/MAGE/THIEF, MAGE/THIEF, THIEF (kits) Some notes... - Multi-classed and mature dual-classed characters can have their individual classes detected by using the appropriate class mask. - Dual-classed characters will detect only as their new class until their original class is re-activated, then they will detect as a multi-classed character. - Kits are based on classes but use a different attribute to specify the kit portion. To detect a kit specifically, use the Kit() trigger with a fixed KIT.IDS file. To detect a kit by its base class, use Class() with one of the above classes or class masks. - Baldur's Gate 2 treats specialist magi as kits for the mage class. - The Wild Mage is a kit for the mage class. - The Sorcerer is a special class that is included with other mage types for the MAGE_ALL class mask. - The Monk is a special class that is included with other fighter types for the FIGHTER_ALL class mask. - The Barbarian is a fourth kit for the fighter class that is shown separately from the other fighter kits for some reason. I tested using a modified DPLAYER3 script with hotkeys to dynamically change class and to display which class masks were true for the current class definition. I also used a nearby character with test dialog to provide the same information through the dialog interface, just in case there might be differences; there weren't any. For special classes and extra kits I generated a new character rather than trying to dynamically change class via script. I did not test with EFF targeting, though the results shouldn't be any different, provided you are aware of the points outlined above, and have constructed your EFF correctly. If a class mask doesn't seem to be working, make sure your other triggers aren't causing a problem. For example, a See() with a Class(LastTalkedToBy,MAGE_ALL) won't work if your mage is invisible. Edit: added monk, clarified some points.
cmorgan Posted October 2, 2006 Posted October 2, 2006 It is definitely useful... I need to go recheck some stuff!
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