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Sword Coast Stratagems v33 now available

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5 hours ago, NiziNizi said:

- I reported before that Flame Strike still work on Entropy Shield, for V33 it is stated as corrected, but it is not. However this is minor thing and easy to correct.

If so, could you --change-log the file ? So we can try to trace, or at least know where the problem comes from.

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1 hour ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

If so, could you --change-log the file ? So we can try to trace, or at least know where the problem comes from.

I don't think there's any need. Entropy Shield (assuming, I think correctly, that NiziNizi is using SCS's version of the IWD spells) is from SCS itself, so this is an internal SCS issue, not a compatibility problem. (One I thought I'd addressed, indeed.)

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34 minutes ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

If so, could you --change-log the file ? So we can try to trace, or at least know where the problem comes from.


Of course.


Mods affecting SPPR616.SPL:
00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 1510 // Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Editionv33.2
00001:  ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2010 // Separate Resist Fire/Cold Icon into Separate Icons (Angel)v9
00002:  ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)v33.2
00003:  ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 5000 // Ease-of-use party AIv33.2



But it is not even needed. Fault is my, sorry. Now I inspected with Near Infinity and Entropy indeed use Protection from resource (318) with SPPR503D as resource to protect from. I made very simple mistake, as I casted Flame Strike many times, but different one (assigned only to one my creature, slightly improved version). As it use different subspell of course it ended bypassing Entropy Shield. So I did put it on list of what I have to report and gone to work on other things, so it happened this way.. good think is now I found source of problem and patched it for my version of spell. Although I put big attention to every detail, seems miss still can happen so I will boost my concentration further 😀

My fault is not only reporting non existing problem, but also not patching (until now) my spell to respect immunity to Entropy S.


In case of using modified spells, or unique ones, I use opcode 318 or 324 to prevent their effect to apply. In this specific case, problem would never really occur in game because creature is strictly scripted not to ever cast FS on ES (it would only occur if you CTRL+Q her and go on casting). But now I patched it to be useless against anyone in SpellState ENTROPY_SHIELD. That SpellState is already in vanilla EE game, it is not from SCS nor some states which will I add for detection, so there is no any risk of compatibility problem. And I will triple check everything other. Little angry on myself now, but ok.


Glad if other reports helped.


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David, I've found a few more if you're planning on updating soon:

  • The precast druidic Iron Skins (DWSP506.spl) is still flagged as a spell rather than combat protection (on classic, anyway).
  • I mentioned in another thread the issue with giant spiders launching multiple web tangles per round, I forgot to note that phase spiders can teleport multiple times per round due to the same bug (much less troublesome though).
  • The more aggressive AI for Invokers (flinging AoE damage spells without regard for their own safety) increases their threat level but also has some unintended consequences; a militia wizard in Trademeet fried himself with a rebounding Lightning Bolt, resulting in nearby soldiers and innocents turning hostile (allowed myself a reload for that, as it's obviously a bug). I'd suggest that GOODBUTBLUE wizards not be given the Invoker kit and script to avoid this kind of game-breaking thing.
  • Not really a bug, but some of the enhanced random encounters (inter-area ambushes) check PC's level before spawning a tougher group; I feel they should check XP instead, because a PC bard hits level 11 much earlier than a PC fighter/mage/cleric.
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Guest SCS fan №1022

As I remember, the cambion in Irenicus's Dungeon with aTweaks installed did some pretty cool staff: upon being released he teleproted away, buffed himself and telported to you no matter where you were. Would be really awesome if such behavior was adopted into SCS

I also find pretty stupid that in the vanilla game lesser baatezu you summon attack your Pit Fiends, etc. 

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1 hour ago, Guest SCS fan №1022 said:

As I remember, the cambion in Irenicus's Dungeon with aTweaks installed did some pretty cool staff: upon being released he teleproted away, buffed himself and telported to you no matter where you were. Would be really awesome if such behavior was adopted into SCS

SCS generally hasn't done that sort of fine-grained work. (It's a general difference between aTweaks and SCS: aTweaks does very detailed careful work on a small number of creatures; SCS affects pretty much everything in the game but inevitably has a bit less attention to detail.)


1 hour ago, Guest SCS fan №1022 said:

I also find pretty stupid that in the vanilla game lesser baatezu you summon attack your Pit Fiends, etc. 

That's a bug. I think player-summoned fiends generally are working a bit oddly in SCS v32/33.

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3 hours ago, Guest SCS Russian said:

DavidW, when will you update the mod and at last add the full Russian translation from Arkie?

SCS 33.1 (released May 31st) updated the Russian translation. If there’s a more recent update than that I’m not aware of it.

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Guest SCS Russian

DavidW, check your personal messages. Last month Arkie sent you a full translation for the current SCS version. Please add the updated Russian translation to the mod. 

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Updated to v33.4. This updates the Russian translation and fixes a scattering of bugs - notably, player-summoned fiends should attack properly, sequencers won't be cast while out of range, Aec'letec should use his gaze attack, overenthusiastic NPC wizards won't electrocute themselves and go hostile, and hopefully the Sendai statue fight won't hang. (I'm less certain about that one, I still don't fully understand it.)

As with the last couple of releases, this isn't a systematic catch of all the bugs reported - I've fixed the critical ones (the ones that break the game or lead to some relatively-drastic failure in it) and then opportunistically done a few that I could catch and handle quickly.

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Hi DavidW, thanks as always for your great work. I have an unusual situation (bug?) to report to you that was occurring on my Windows 10 system with v33.3. Despite updating the mod, the version 'identifiers' - for lack of a better word - have been rolling back to v33.2. By 'identifiers' I mean the file names of the extracted mod folders and what's in the weidu log. So, I extract the mod from the .exe (so I can edit the .ini) and everything looks great - v33.3. I install the mod and check my weidu log and, great! v33.3. However, a few days later I look into my saved mods folder and the extracted mod folder now reads as v33.2. And in my weidu log it says I've got v33.2 installed. This has happened twice now. The first time I just thought that I somehow must have pooched up and installed v33.2 again by mistake so I re-downloaded and installed, but now, having just looked in my saved folder it says v33.2, and another peak at my weidu log says v33.2 again. Very strange. I don't know what to make of it, but I thought I should report it. I won't have time to test v33.4 until tonight, but of course I'll do that. In the meantime I thought this might be something you'd want to know about. Thanks, and I hope you're having a great day.

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On 8/24/2020 at 12:14 AM, DavidW said:

Updated to v33.4. This updates the Russian translation and fixes a scattering of bugs - notably, player-summoned fiends should attack properly, sequencers won't be cast while out of range, Aec'letec should use his gaze attack, overenthusiastic NPC wizards won't electrocute themselves and go hostile, and hopefully the Sendai statue fight won't hang. (I'm less certain about that one, I still don't fully understand it.)

As with the last couple of releases, this isn't a systematic catch of all the bugs reported - I've fixed the critical ones (the ones that break the game or lead to some relatively-drastic failure in it) and then opportunistically done a few that I could catch and handle quickly.

I have version 33.3 installed. Is there anyway to have these changes midgame? At last the fiends one?  Or should I scrap all my instalation and do everything again? (oh God, please no).

Edited by Zohar666
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2 hours ago, Zohar666 said:

I have version 33.3 installed. Is there anyway to have these changes midgame? At last the fiends one?  Or should I scrap all my instalation and do everything again? (oh God, please no).

You need to reinstall SCS to get them. That probably won't mess up your savegames (no promises!), and SCS is towards the end of any sensible install order so you shouldn't have to redo much of your installation otherwise.

(Incidentally, it's helpful if people can avoid doubleiposting to both here and at Beamdog. I read both. This one, more frequently.)

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