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Please check my install list (2.6 EET)

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A bit of a mystery since from what I can tell from your file this *should* all be working. But I can try to tamp things down a little more.

Try applying this hotfix and see if the issue goes away.

EDIT - whoops, sorry, I just realized that won't affect someone already in your party who is being affected by this bug - it changes the spell that is applied at level 1, but if the old version of that spell was already applied to the character, they won't get the benefit of the new version. You would have to manually apply the spell... and IIRC it is super annoying to cast spells from the console. I think it would be something like:


...but some of those items might need to be in quotes, and some of the quotes and/or parens might need to be escaped, or something. I personbally find working with the Console to be very frustrating except for basic stuff like CreateItem and SetCurrentXP.

Alternatively I think you can click on Imoen and have the mouse over her and type:


... and that would give her the innate ability - though it would have no icon or spell name. Cast the new nameless ability and she should be updated to resist these added spell slots.

EDIT 2 - remind me: has it been established that this only happens to Might & Guile bards? I.e. it should only be happening while wearing armor, so it should only happen to people who can actually cast arcane spells in armor. And it doesn't happen to divine casters, does it?

Edited by subtledoctor
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Going back a bit:

On 2/26/2022 at 3:15 PM, Gwaihir said:

In n°50 I hadn't rested yet, ever.

But loading savegame n°51, she has 70 ish casting slots displayed, and they grow by 3 every couple of seconds. I'm pretty sure the only thing I did between the saves was resting,

I wonder if she was wearing armor while resting. She should have permanent op206 protection against the .EFF that repeatedly casts the spell that adds those spurious and illusory spell slots. It seems that in your game, somehow, the .EFF is successfully being applied, overcoming that immunity. The hotfix I posted adds additional immunity to the .SPL applied by the .EFF, so theoretically the repeating effect will still keep happening but there will be no effect. It would result in a tiny hit to your processor cycles, but the game would work as expected.

But, even if it fixes the problem, that doesn't illuminate why the problem is happening in the first place. I wonder if there has been some kind of undocumented engine change in the 2.6 update. (Beamdog tends to add a lot of undocumented engine changes in their updates.) Like, maybe the game temporarily strips away permanent effects on the character when they sleep... very very speculatively, I could see a justification for this to ensure dream sequences work, or something. But it would mean that the armor's .EFF with timing mode 2 would very briefly find itself on a person without immunity to it, and that tiny window of time would enable the .EFF to start running.

I don't know who might have any knowledge about that... maybe @CamDawg?

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5 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

EDIT 2 - remind me: has it been established that this only happens to Might & Guile bards? I.e. it should only be happening while wearing armor, so it should only happen to people who can actually cast arcane spells in armor. And it doesn't happen to divine casters, does it?

Pretty much. So far I witnessed this on Imoen (jinxer with NPC_EE), Garrick (f/m gallant), and Keiria Silverstring (m/t bard). Charname spells as an earth mystic warrior have always worked perfectly, also Jaheira (technically a fighter/cleric) and Quayle have no problems.


5 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

I wonder if she was wearing armor while resting.

Well, she was all the time. I tried resting with no armor equipped, going around doing stuff for a while, then re-equipping it. The issue reappeared after a little bit. First the casting slots were doubled, which is the little bug you talked about earlier; then after a while the numbers started growing again (2 by 2, since Imoen had 2 slots available at that moment)

This thing is also tricky to test, it doesn't seem to be triggered instantly.. like if I unequip/re-equip then cast a spell, casting slots are displayed correctly and stay correct for a while.. but after playing a bit, I check and slots are 218 or whatever.

HOWEVER: I've just now noticed that this issue starts immediately after loading a save. After recruiting Keiria I:gave her xp to lv 2/3, tought her some spells, cllicked on prepare spells, memorized 3, rested with a studded leather armor +1 on, she can cast those spells + vocalize. Casting slots are 4, and stay 4; waited for a while, cast a spell, they are 3, did a bit more stuff, traveled to an other area, fought a few enemies and cast a spell in combat, slots are 2 and work great; THEN I loaded the last autosave, immediately checked the cast slots, they are 4. Then 8. And so on. In her case, she also magically gained castings of the bard 'focus spells' of lv 2 and 3, silence 15' radius and shout. She definitely couldn't cast those after resting before.

Can't say for sure that this happens only after loading, I'll keep playing for a bit and pay more attention. Then I'll try adding D5ZBLAR and see what happens.

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Huh, so loading a save interrupts (or can interrupt) the immunity. Alright, that’s probably enough information. My fix should prevent the issue*… though not as well as I’d like. This is a super annoying engine bug and I’m not sure how to fully work around it. For now, people will have to deal with an infinitesimal processor hit. 

* Unless loading a save permanently disrupts the immunity… in which case there is a much more serious problem.

Last remaining caveat… I presume you are playing this on EET, so in the BG2EE 2.6.6 engine… I’m testing on plain old BG2EE 2.6.6, and I don’t see this. (Though I was loading normal saves, not autosaves.) So it’s possible we still don’t have this right and it’s caused by some mod, or EET itself. Or maybe it’s to do with auto-saves specifically

Edited by subtledoctor
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11 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

So it’s possible we still don’t have this right and it’s caused by some mod, or EET itself. Or maybe it’s to do with auto-saves specifically. 

Yeah, it's probably some interaction with some mod.. Definitely not autosaves. Happens with any kind of save. 

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There is something wrong with the fireball effect of fire wands in my game: when the projectile is fired (it uses FIRE2.PRO), nothing happens. @subtledoctor maybe something wrong with evasion? One too many aplies of D5EVB137.eff? Other fireball effects (FIREBALL.PRO) work correctly.

mods affecting the item:


[WeiDU-FileChangelog.exe] WeiDU version 24500


Mods affecting WAND05.ITM:
00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS\FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ 0 31 // Install Cleric kits0.81.11
00001:  ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS\FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ 0 37 // Install Ranger kits0.81.11
00002:  ~MIGHT_AND_GUILE\MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ 0 200 // Feat System4.18.1
00003:  ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)34.3
00004:  ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 8130 // Rebalanced troll regeneration34.3
00005:  ~ATWEAKS\SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ 0 160 // PnP Undeadv4.53



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4 hours ago, Gwaihir said:

There is something wrong with the fireball effect of fire wands in my game

Hard to say - they work perfectly fine in my install. One difference is, I am using Item Revisions which changes wands to cast a spell, and deliver their effects through the spells, instead of going straight from the item. The Fireball subspell cast by WAND05.ITM is WAND05A.SPL, and it uses PFIRE2.PRO (this is the vanilla projectile). That spell has the typical Evasion stuff: four opcode 318 effects, followed by two opcode 177 effects (D5EVAA###.EFF and D5EVB###.EFF), followed by the effects of the spell. My game has all the evasion stuff applied and that resulted in two op177 effects, so there should not be more than two in your game and that is not "too many." Moreover, even if the 177 effects were added extra times, they would still be excepted by the various op318 effects that precede them. So even if there were too many op177 effects, it shouldn't matter.

But tl;dr: if you are seeing four op318 effects and two op177 effects, then the Evasion stuff has been applied correctly.

The other differences between my game and yours:

  • I am playing in BG2EE v2.5, you are playing v2.6, since stupid Beamdog STILL has not shipped even a beta of the 2.6 patch for the iOS games.
  • I am using SCS v33, you have v34. I understand there are some bugs in v34, though I have no idea whether they could affect the Wand of Fire.
  • I did not install aTweaks PnP undead. That could conceivably affect Wands of Fire, though I'm not certain. The aTweaks stuff was written years and years and years ago, and while it is very very high quality, perhaps something has changed in the FIRE2 projectile in the 2.6 patch that messes up aTweaks' changes?
  • As noted, my wand's projectile is PFIRE2.PRO, where yours is FIRE2.PRO. There might just be a problem in the FIRE2 projectile. Maybe try changing it to PFIRE2.PRO or FIREBALL.PRO, and see if it works then.

EDIT - I am testing right now and there does seem to be a problem with WAND05 in BG2EE v2.6... it seems to be something about the item having multiple headers. Other items are patched correctly, no problem. Seems like it might be a problem with Weidu's ADD_ITEM_EFFECT macro? Need to do a more controlled test, and report the issue to WISP if it is a Weidu bug.

If this is the case, as a workaround, make sure the four op318 effects and two op177 effects exist in all headers of that item. I.e. just cut and paste them until the set of six effects is present in all item abilities.

EDIT 2 - I should say, in any instances I’ve seen of the Evasion stuff malfunctioning, the actual visible fireball still happens. I’ve only seen odd occasions where the blast does no damage. If you are not seeing the fireball blast itself, then it is unrelated to evasion - the mod cannot have that effect. That must be something to do with the projectile.

Edited by subtledoctor
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3 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

As noted, my wand's projectile is PFIRE2.PRO, where yours is FIRE2.PRO

Sorry, that was a typo.The projectile is indeed PFIRE2.PRO in my game.

3 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

I should say, in any instances I’ve seen of the Evasion stuff malfunctioning, the actual visible fireball still happens. I’ve only seen odd occasions where the blast does no damage.

Yeah, the visuals play every time correctly; but when the fireball explodes, there is no damage or reaction, either by targeting terrain, or an NPC.

3 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

If this is the case, as a workaround, make sure the four op318 effects and two op177 effects exist in all headers of that item. I.e. just cut and paste them until the set of six effects is present in all item abilities.

Well, there's only 2 item abilities, and one is agannazar's scorcher. The fireball one has indeed the four op318 and two op177, so it seems evasion was applied correctly. The reason I ignorantly said 'too many effects' is because there's an op318 applied directly to the item with resource D5EVB137.eff, on top of the same op318 inside item ability 0; so I thought that could be the issue.


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No, it turns out the item is messed up. I found a bug, which I'll say is about 80% Weidu's fault, which strangely has beset me recently in two other totally different circumstances. I even put a post up on the Weidu forum about three days ago, before realizing I had already posted about the exact same issue. (In a nutshell: if you use DELETE_EFFECT or CLONE_EFFECT you must always always set check_globals=0.) Really weird coincidence, but at least the workaround is simple to fix the code.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to create a hotfix or fix your item mid-game. See those "unused bytes" up there? That represents some (apparently mild) corruption of the .ITM file.

This will affect both Might & Guile and Scales of Balance, as well as Random Tweaks.  I have to run right now but I should have updated versions uploaded later tonight.

EDIT - all fixed now in all relevant mods! (No hotfix for this one though.)

Edited by subtledoctor
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1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to create a hotfix or fix your item mid-game.

Please don't. You've already dedicated so much time answering my questions, it's way better to focus your efforts in fixing this issue at the root of the problem.

Thank you.

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Hi Gwaihir. I would like to play EET using most of the same mods as you. Currently trying to wrap my head around ProjectInfinity and how to get everything set up the way I want it. Since you seem to have done a fair bit of research into your mod order list, could you provide your WeiDU.log so I could copy it and base my install from that? Or if it's possible to just set the WeiDU.log from the install sequence (which I can copy from the first page), I could do that...but I haven't figured out how yet.

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3 hours ago, Quester said:

Hi Gwaihir. I would like to play EET using most of the same mods as you.

Hello! As you rightly said, you're welcome to copy the list in the first post of this thread. If you paste that as it is directly inside a correctly-set up Project Infinity and start installation, you'll have a game almost identical to the one I'm playing right now. Setting PI up means having clean install folders of BGEE with SoD and BG2, a folder for all the extracted mods, and having PI point to those folders. Please check this thread for details.

After that, I strongly advice to read all the documentation inside each mod's folder, to have a good idea of what they do. What works for me might not be what you want for your game. Check the EET compatibility list to start downloading your mods. There is also a download option inside PI, if you want.

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Thanks. I'm still reading through all the various readmes to decide on what precise components I want and not, but I've downloaded everything and set up all the folders etc. I was thinking that in order to easily edit the list you made, add/remove some components etc, I would have to import a WeiDU.log with that list into PI and then be able to change stuff around on the left side of the PI interface. Or is there an easier way? I noticed with hundreds of mods loaded, PI hangs for a while each time I try to change something...which makes this work time-consuming to say the least.

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