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Forgotten Armament

Guest morpheus562

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I have had bad experiences mixing and matching item mods that tweak the rules. I would rather go with one persons vision that is completely integrated and bug tested. Forgotten Armaments is my new go to mod in that regard.

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On 1/12/2023 at 9:29 AM, morpheus562 said:

Players will have the option to either allow it remove the critical hit immunity many bosses and difficult foes have. Finally, I'm open to suggestions on which items should receive crit immunity. So far I have: Blessed Bracers, Claw of Klazgaroth, and my Imaskari Bracers of Immortality. Other items up for consideration include Ilbratha, Gargoyle Boots, and the upgraded Helm of the Rock.

Cloak of Displacement? It makes sense that an item which projects the wearer as being in a slightly different position also prevents hits on their vitals.

Also, it would allow monks and kensai some source of crit immunity in the early game when they most need it.

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Hi first of all i really enjoy your Mod so far even though i only played it through BG1 (waiting for a big Quest Mod for BG2 EE to be finished before starting my journey there).

I have a few questions about your plans for Set Bonuses (which i think is awesome):

You wrote about your planned Set Bonuses from the Balduran Set and in general i really like the idea of Physical Resistance Items especially on Insane SCS No Reload but i think it could be slightly overpowered in certain cases. 
I know that Powerlevels of Items is in a lot cases really subjective and what some people might consider "Overpowered" others will deem as totally acceptable and vice versa. Of Course it all depends on the Mod Setup and if other Tactic Mods and Difficulty Increasing Mods are installed, self restricted Rules on cheese etc.

1. If you gather lets say the Helmet (importable), the Shield, the Cloak and the Armor from the Set and combine it with DoE than you can get really early in the Game a whooping Physical Damage Resistance of 40% without much of a difficult fight to obtain said items. Combine this with a Dwarfen Defender and you have 90% Physical Damage Resistance.

My first suggestion would be to give the Cloak (which is really really strong for BG2 as well) to an Powerfull Enemy later in the Game to make it not quite as early possible to stack that much Resistances.

My second suggestion would be changing the Set Bonus to a strong effect which just increases offense like +2 Strength or something like this. 

2. The cloak is to my knowledge not implemented in BG2 and only accessable via Console. What was your original plan to include it in the game if i may ask??

3. Are your planned Set Bonuses compatible when i combine your Mod with SodtoBG2 Item Upgrade??

Again i don't want to sound like the Power Scaling Police and i like worthy Rewards for Extremely Difficult fights but i think this could be to much Power early in the Game.


Edited by Nurn
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Just wanna say this mod is great on BG1. Haven't gone into SoD and BG2 yet. I recently posted some issues i found in the github.

Just an idea, is there a way to check for Thalantyr's item upgrade mod, and avoid installing The Shadow's Blade component? Both mods are redundant. Or maybe there's a better creative way to solve this. (Actually if someone could take up on that mod, since it's been inactive since 2019, that'd be awesome).


More item ideas:

- Gently unnerf the Stupifier by removing the save vs spell or increasing proc chance?

- Make something useful out of Druid's Ring lol.


Thanks again!

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