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Skills and Abilities Mod

Guest morpheus562

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I see, thanks again for the reply.

I noticed that I screwed something up in the mod order, as Small Sword, Large Sword, Exotic Sword, and Axe profciences aren't showing up at all for new characters to distribute skill points into even if I choose Fighter. I think this is due to accidentally leaving on "Alter Weapon Proficiency System with BG-style weapon proficenices" from Tweaks Anthology on before your mod in order list.

I'm fairly sure this is the culprit, I'll do a reinstall and see if it's fixed.

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On 3/14/2023 at 4:03 PM, morpheus562 said:

Official pre-release for version 1.2.3-Beta which brings the following enhancements:

  • Fixed a compiling issue with craft scrolls
  • Disabled crafting as a hla because of mod conflict (temp fix)
  • Accounted for out of bounds spell level checks for xp cost (temp fix)
  • Fixed bug where Fighters were not receiving the Indomitable passive ability.
  • Remove updated enrage ability. This is transferring over to the Battlerager in my kitpack.
  • Updated War Cry HLA.
  • New componenet: Increase Bard Song durations to 1 turn.
  • Added critical success/failure for concentration checks.

what does increasing bard song duration to 1 turn do?  I thought it already lasted multiple turns, like 3 I thought.  Or maybe I'm confusing turns with rounds?  I'm not sure what a "round" is, actually.

While I'm at it, I added this mod (and the required EE Extender using DLC Merger first) specifically so I could turn Imoen into a Jester but I can't get the instructions for changing an NPC class in EE Keeper to work.  Game crashes when I try to level her back up.

I tried NPC-EE but while that let me change Imoen's class it seemed to ignore Skills & Abilities updated Bard skills, or else I installed something wrong.  Just now I've added everything except NPC-EE one at a time and checked to make sure some things that seemed broken in my last attempt (adding a stat effect in EE Keeper to increase lore stopped working when I last tried NPC-EE) were still working. This install was done as follows (all the latest GOG versions):

  • Install BGEE
  • Install the faces pack
  • Install Siege of Dragonspear or whatever its called
  • Run DLC Merger
  • Install EE Extender - for some bizarre reason EE Ex adds Stat: AC vs. Damage Type Modifier [0] with all default settings to Effects, which as far as I can tell doesn't actually DO anything, but if you delete it out of Effects in EE Keeper, it appears again next time you're in EE Keeper.  For all party members, not just your avatar.
  • Install Skills and Abilities

Is there a conflict using NPC-EE with Skills & Abilities, and if not, in what order should it be installed?  Or can somebody help me get Imoen changed with EE Keeper?  Directions I was (trying) to follow.

Later I'm going to want to turn Minsc into a berserker.  Changing NPC classes is the only reason I am doing any mods at all.  Back in the day the only mod I ever used was the pack donkey but now we have bags of holding.  I'm not even sure where that donkey is (or was) any more, as I recall last time I tried to get it the site it was on had seemingly been hacked.

Edited by ZenSojourner
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12 minutes ago, mickabouille said:

npc_ee should probably be installed after things that change proficiencies (as it builds a list of proficiencies to obtain at re-level-up).

Or was that with an older version? Maybe 5.x changed that (at last time I tries it was 4.x)

I installed it last every time.  It acts weird.  Sometimes when I change the class and level Imoen up it gives me 2 pre-assigned  pips (in short sword, and bows) and 2 pips to assign.  Sometimes no predistributed pips, just 2 to assign.  And after its installed - I don't have to actually run the script to change class - I can no longer affect the Lore value via effects in EE Keeper.  That entry keeps getting deleted.

Near Infinity is virtually unusable to the neophyte.  I can find very little on its usage.  I'm sure modders/programmers use it all the time to great effect but there is no manual and it is not intuitive in the slightest to a new user.  I have figured out how to SEE settings for party characters but I can't find any way to actually change anything I actually care about.  Like lore.  I had hoped I could perhaps use it to reclass Imoen and bypass NPC-EE, but given I can't so much as change a single attribute or proficiency, let alone figure out how to add an entire kit, that's a no go.  All I want to do is respec Imoen into a Jester, which at least USED to be possible through EE Keeper but I can't get the instructions I have found to work.  At least not when Skills & Abilities is installed.  Haven't tried it with vanilla, but then its not much use to me in vanilla as I need the lockpick skills and you can't get those without a mod. 

The only info I've found so far as to how to use Near Infinity to change a party member's attributes, the advice given just keeps repeating "its obvious".  No.  It is not.  GAH!  I've been playing this game off and on since it first came out and I have never been happy with Imoen or Minsc as written but it looks like, even with mods, I am never going to be able to change them without screwing something else up.

Skills and Abilities seems great but I can't figure out how to apply the new classes to an NPC party member, which is where I want them the most.

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18 hours ago, ZenSojourner said:

Back in the day the only mod I ever used was the pack donkey but now we have bags of holding.  I'm not even sure where that donkey is (or was) any more, as I recall last time I tried to get it the site it was on had seemingly been hacked.

Might be https://web.archive.org/web/20230331232142/http://www.shsforums.net/topic/47668-w-packmule/

Unfortunately Spellhold Studio is currently down (with hope it will come back soon).

It's not hacked, just a maintenance issue (for now).

Edited by mickabouille
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@morpheus562 @mickabouille @Endarire

Well like I said, we do have bags of holding now. I did like the donkey (and if its not up to EE, that indicates how long ago it was last time I went looking for it) I would have liked it just for looks though.  It always seemed silly to me to be schlepping all across the landscape totally on foot, in this and every other fantasy game.  Armor is HEAVY.  Hiking about in it, plus all the other gear, just doesn't really sit well.

Turns out that using Near Infinity to try to fix whatever is going on with trying to use NPC-EE to change Imoen's class doesn't work either.  That parameter (lore) still gets reset. Changing other skills works ok, but not lore.  I don't know what is so special about lore (possibly there are other parameters that are messed up that I just haven't stumbled across), but it looks like my last resort for trying to apply these modded classes to an existing NPC is going  to be to create a test char of the class I want and then copy all parameters to Imoen (and eventually Minsc) one by one by hand.

Thanks for pointing out where the heck to get at those values via Near Infinity. I need to google to see what CRE even stands for LOL!

Edited by ZenSojourner
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