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Jarno Mikkola

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Everything posted by Jarno Mikkola

  1. Do the people that are hit have melee or ranged weapons ? Cause if one has ranged weapon, darts or the like, they take +4 damage, just from that.
  2. This address doesn't have a downloadable/released archive, while only this one does: https://github.com/skellytz/infinity-animations/releases -and I believe this one is more recent too.
  3. This is all over the place actually... it came from one of the weidu updates.. it's here, there, and elsewhere. It's so called well known bug. But it only affects the old game, as you don't need to do that to the EE games, as it has no effect in the EE engine.
  4. Is that any more needed as the new version of the files should all be assigned to the first 127 characters in the codepage... aka they no longer use the bad characters.. I too got triggered by this... but then I went to view the files, cause I saw the new github address..
  5. Wha... have you tried the other version of the Near Infinity, that doesn't use Java ? +
  6. Are you aware that the --change-log will give you that, and also responsiple components. Well, for the item. The attached archive also has the general weidu.log ... what I see is that the paperdolls transparency color palette has likely the wrong color order. Aka the orange should be transparent. Easy to fix... recolor the orange color spots to be the second color in the palette.
  7. If you are not getting errors during saving the game, and you use the option where you do not overwrite the previous save, it should all be good. But not having that, can cripple the current campaign. Cause if the priest spells disappear, and the sorcerer gets a priest spell they shouldn't .. or things like that happen, well it's in the boots already. And yes, I have had errors happen in the non EE version, which then removed spells and did other bad things. But I had a backup. Also, you can just set the GLOBALS/LOCALS in game... you just need to know what they are and finding them in EEKeeper is easy... so the thing is, feel free to save the game in EEKeeper and if it doesn't grouse you, it's usually fine. But KEEP a backup.
  8. Have you looked at what DavidW has done in the Troll component of the SCS ?
  9. The only item that can fall to the ground is the Player1 given item, .. well or any item in their inventory that's not bolted down as it's replaced with the given item.. and as you are ordering an invisible creature to do the actions, the taken item goes with them, and will no longer be anywhere after they are ordered to do- ActionOverride("scriptname",Destroy(Self)) .. hopefully within the same command line as the other above. As should the creating it also... Something like: CreateCreatureObjectOffset("scriptname",Myself,0) Aka, the whole lenght of the thing would be: DO ~ CreateCreatureObjectOffset("scriptname",Myself,0) ActionOverride("scriptname",TakePartyItem()) ActionOverride("scriptname",DestroyItem()) ActionOverride("scriptname",GiveItemCreate("itemname",Player1,0,0,0)) ActionOverride("scriptname",Destroy(Self)) ~ END ...
  10. Yeah, this is the best solution. And for reference scriptname is the death variable of the invisible creature that takes the item and destroys it.. and the command can come from anyone, which is usually a participant in the dialog, or the dialog itself, depending on how you look at it. @jastey, should't that also have the create creature in the same dialog command, and also it's destroying ... I remeber this so well, I have no idea.
  11. And you cannot throw a lit torch in P&P... ouh yeah, you can. Then why does the player never do that... cause the DM doesn't like the players, and so can disallow that.
  12. Q1: So does the regeneration actually only kick in, in round 3 ? Q2: Also with 3 hit points per round doesn't sound correct ? A1: No. Cause most battles are over by that point. A2: Cause usually in BG, they get up and they are unharmed at the point of their getting up, cause it's technically a different creature. Yeah, cause it's bullshit. This is a computeraized Role Playing Emulation, not P&P game.
  13. The likely problem is that the area map has the black square texture be animated by squares at the bottom of the "tile set". And Android hates standardized transparency. Mac's do it too... Also, I don't know where the game keeps the settings data on Androids, but on PC they are in: Baldur.lua -file, that's in: C:\Users\<Windows user name>\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition .. for the first game.
  14. Why not just make the trolls actually regenerate at a fast speed, and remove the min1hp item ? My earlier suggestion was 10 hit points per round... that can be adjusted by the trolls difficulty. As a one with 1000 hit points probably should have a little more than say one with 60. Also, the fire and acid weapons/spells could just "remove" the regeneration effect, by flagging the hitted enemy to be immune to the regen effects(.eff using opcode 98) for a while(say 2 fight rounds/12 real time seconds), via opcode 101 or 321. Also, the player characters should be effected by this regeneration immunity, but you can still heal them, using other effects. As I cannot see a reason for there to be regenerating from fire or acid damage during it's effects. You can regen from fire by being more than 100% immune to it via the protection effect heal. Yes, this will make the trolls able to be defeated by 6 fighters even without fire, easier... as they will be ripped to shreads. But that happens when you put them into a meat grinder... And yes, this is possibly an EE game only, cause the 321 effect usage, but the 101 could be used in non-EE games.... as far as I know.
  15. Just to state this... ", a dread wolf regenerates like a troll," -doesn't mean it has a min1hp item, it just means that it can regenerate, if it gets hurt, and is not dead. I'll also state that the trolls are badly made in the main game ... and so on. And there's better ways to make them... for example give them 10 HP regeneration, but remove the item, and make all fire/acid spells remove the regeneration effect.
  16. Well here's a trick.. add a few more hit points and just a regeneration ... no min1hp items. You have your regeneration, and no unkillable creature. And if you then want to go and make better things, you add a regen immunity to all the fire and acid based attacks, well spells and arrows usually. Or you could ask SCS to do that. ... cause you know, a man on fire should probably not regen... unless he is made of fire, and then the (fire) damage immunity will do that by itself.
  17. I posted a similar thing else where, and so I'll post this here. Here's a weapon proficiency indexing in the ADD_KIT command: //https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/files/2da/2da_tob/weapprof.htm //BG1 ------ BG2 Useless // ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 ~KITNAME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ //weapprof.2da // L S B S B S A M B L S A T K S D W C S H F M Q C L S D S 2 S S 2 E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // a m o p l p x i a o h x w a c a a l p a l a u r o h a l H S i W x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // r a w e u i e s s n o e o t i g r u e l a c a o n o r i a h n e t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // g l a n k s t g r H a m g H b a b i e r s g t t n n e g a r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // e l r t e i a S t a n i e a r e l t s B B g e l e p a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //the zeroes are the needed values or the game can remain at the character level up screen
  18. "It is either written out of laziness, a complete inability to spell or type, or in a failed attempt ..." -google says hello there.
  19. Sure... it's not like the SHSForums had what ... 4000 topics about megamoding and quides, on installing multiple mods to a game. Here's my 2012 definition: ...from a topic that had had about: 180 000 views, before 2023.
  20. Well duh, the bg1 style weapons don't use the weapon styles at all. And I don't think the mods option allow you to put points into the weapon style any longer. So maybe the Skills and Abilities needs to check if the tweaks mod is installed yeah..
  21. Does not your component have a sanity check... aka: COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.spl$~ ~override~ PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0xf1) THEN BEGIN // protects against invalid spl files
  22. Hmm, let me draw you a parable from a real world and I'll try to preface it first by saying that while the first one is super simple, the one is a little more complicated, it takes a bit... or a lot or expertice. The spell difficulty could be similar ... to math. Now the parable: Just like everyone of us knows, "one plus one" is two. We also know that; 2 * (sin x^2+cos x^2 ) is, the same two. It doesn't take much knowledge to know the first one( wow ). But the second, if you don't have any math lessions, is a little harder, especially to people that didn't know how to read.
  23. Agreed to a certain extend. The extend being that perhaps the level 1 and 2 spells wouldn't be specialist spells... just normal mage spells, that everyone can learn and thus also not subject to the special rules the game comes with.
  24. Wouldn't this tweak need to be applied whole spell book wide ? Aka, make every one of the spells on be either lesser or greater... and if it's lesser, just get ridd of the specialist tag and make them Universal. And not just divination spells.
  25. Aka, start a weidu.exe in the game folder and push enter until it shows the command console, and then give these two commands to it: mkdir change-log WeiDU.exe --log nul --change-log xplist.2da >change-log/change-log.txt --out change-log And then open the folder the first command makes and you have the backup files there, and opening the .txt will give you which mods edited it and in what order, and comparing the text files (renamed as .2da's) you can see which backup has the non zero values and which ones don't and inso doing also find which mod was responsible .. and yes, the setup-modname.exe -files are just renamed weidu.exe's to take commands from the ralated setup-modname.tp2 -files.
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