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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Oooh! You are busy! Thanks for the kind words. You know my address.
  2. Haha! That quest was only handed out to groups with lower reps, and I usually had 20 when reaching Baldur's Gate, so I never knew about it myself. Send me the package anytime, and thank you!
  3. @Coland That is great! Did you also note the completely new component mentioned here?
  4. If you know the stringref number, STRING_SET should be what you need. Have a look at my Imoen4Ever mod, e.g. imoen4ever/tpa/string_set.tpa. I use STRING_SET to change references of Imoen into references about Irenicus. My first guess would be that you got the syntax wrong somehow / put it into the wrong file type maybe. If you used it in your tp2 and it didn't work, please post your code here. Differences between BG:EE(SoD) and EET is easy: the stringref number of EET is 200,000 + the number of BG:EE(SoD). For BGII(:EE), stringrefs between BGII:EE and EET are the same. Thus, if your BG:EE stringref is #15993, for EET it is #215993. I am dealing with this in Imoen4Ever, too, and do it via OUTER_SET variables. If you want to cover the same (BG1-) stringref for BGT, too - then it gets complicated and I can't help you with how to find the right stringrefs of the BG1 part.
  5. The reactions of BG1NPC were more of the completeness kind of sorts for authors that wanted "their" NPC to react to it (for me it was "I can't let (romanced) Ajantis *not* react to a gender change".) bg1re focussed more of the gender change as a topic I guess and is more tongue in cheek I think. But: the topic (EDIT: topic included in BG1NPC) was extended by bg1re because it fit the mod content of bg1re. So I guess it's more number 1.
  6. It's not that bg1re is supposed to be an add-on to BG1NPC Project's girdle reactions (as you noticed, the tone is different due to the nature of the mod). It's more that when we wrote girdle reactions for the NPCs, we didn't want to overwrite the (few) ones from BG1NPC so some NPCs react via BG1NPC and some (others) via bg1re. Also, BG1NPC is closed content-wise with regard to additions.
  7. I'd prefer posts in the relevant mod forums tbh, so nothing gets lost. Thanks for your work!
  8. Interesting. I'll put this down on my list, thanks for the reminder.
  9. Haha, that's funny! Coland it will be, then. This sounds great, looking foreward to receiving the files. I'm not sure when I'll do the next round of mod updates, so please have a litle patince. The problem is that the old engine and BG:EE need different ones, and for the way the installer works the format needs to be the one for the old engine. The way it is provided in the mod currently is what will work on both engines.
  10. Thank you for your work. I put it on my list for when I do mod updates next time. No ETA.
  11. Hi @Coland, thank your for the kind words and for taking on such a huge project! Fist you'd need to check whether your translation is still up to date. If you use a tool like WinMerge you can check for differences in the (english) tra files from the version you used for translation and the current one. Let the files be proof read by at least one other native speaker. I don't know how much experience with translating IE-mod tra files you have, so I'll point out the most basic requirement which is that the text lines need to be enclosed by the tildas (~~) without any spaces. I'm saying this now just in case. The encoding needs to be ANSI (not utf-8). If you say you used the French one then that should be fine. Then just link the package to me or send it at my username at web.de and I'll pack a new version. Also, do not forget to specify who / by which name should be credited in the readme.
  12. Thanks for feedback and short reviews! It's always nice to read on players' thoughts about mods.
  13. Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad to hear it.
  14. @Caedwyr I'd love to joke that I'm doing this on purpose to get your corrections but unfortunately, that's my best English there.
  15. Thanks, I'll have a look at that.
  16. @argent77 thank you for the reports, that all sounds quite buggy. I will fix those when I'll have the time.
  17. Probably. Please put logs into a spoiler tag in the future.
  18. Grey clan newest official version is on GitHub from k4thos. Don't have the link currently. EDIT: ah, should have read more carefully. Not sure it's also compatible with original BG1:TotSC.
  19. You wrote: That's very general and unspecific and therefore not constructive.
  20. My sentence was addressed to your words about PI only, I should have pointed that out. EDIT: rereading what I wrote I think this is quite clear. Why are you setting what I said into the wrong context? EDIT2: I get what you wrote now. Let's put it like this: I don't think your "criticism" of PI is any way constructive, and therefore it's not helpful. I fully support the idea of mentioning the downs about the EE Setup Tool, but as I said - not everyone is around all the time to update readmes, and also that not all people feel the same way about the topic (saying this without any judgement or implications of any kind).
  21. @Alonso Look, I get that you are unhappy with PI. But there is no need to go around and tell these negative things if there are clearly other players who manage to install their mods fine by using it. As for the actual criticism: Of course it would be great if all instructions everywhere were up-to-date and would reflect all aspects of everything. But IE modding is a hobby, done by people in their spare time. Not everyone feels equally about this topic and often RL just steps in the way, too. What else do you expect the EET instructions to say? There is no other automated installer and "Don't use either PI nor the EE Setup Tool because both are crap" is probably not a very constructive way to approach this. That is why I have the feeling you just started this thread so you could vent your anger about PI.
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