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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Thanks for the feedback! It wouldn't be too difficult to implement, but it would contradict the "hooray hero!" start of SoD and it would also mean I'd have to disable the "PC's a hero" dialogues from the people in the city (they do hear about the PC saving the Dukes though). So I'm not sure I'll change it but I'll keep it in mind. Maybe I could make the hero cutscene another optional component. I'm not sure though. Thanks for the kind words!
  2. The only time where order of triggers in scripts played a real role was with AreaType() check in the deam script (the script that triggers before rest) of an NPC leads to a crash if the NPC cannot talk (or is dead) and that another trigger giving false in that case should be on top to prevent the crash. Meaning, that the "NPC can talk" check (!StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)) should be before the AreaType() check, e.g. Other than that, ordering the triggers in teh scripts such that a false trigger would be on top might be optimal because the engine is quicker with going through the script files if it can skip the script block in question sooner. But what the optimum order of triggers would be here and also whether this has really an impact is a good question that could use more input from all the modder veterans out there.
  3. Other actions that should be put last: -EscapeArea() -EscapeAreaDestroy() -MoveBetweenAreas() JFI. It's some of these things that you either know or you despair why it doesn't work in game.
  4. @Raduziel sure, some things are so obvious (to the experienced) that it doesn't make sense not to chime in. (Now I'll go around telling I troubleshooted a kitpack which I have no experience with, haha!)
  5. Cool! Thanks for the answer.
  6. It's because of the order of your transactions. You have to put JoinParty() last. Any transactions after that do not get executed. (I didn't look at that properly before.) With the two changes it should work.
  7. Still not sure I understand this. If you use then @9004 is only a title, in your case this would be e.g. Nothing else. Then the other entries after that are the actual entries. And they will all be grouped under the journal title "Of Cats and Birds."
  8. What do you mean by bracketed entry?
  9. I know asking for more features if the modder is still waiting for feedback is unfair, but do you think the mod could be made compatible with BGT or did you use some very EE-only features? There are still people around who like their BGT.
  10. Did you install the mod into the game language you are playing the game in?
  11. Alternatively, you could switch to #14674 which is "Blinded" in EET and in BG:EE. In the German version, #14674 is "was/is blinded" (whreas #31786 in BG:EE translates to "Blinded") though, in case that matters.
  12. The string "You lie. etc." is no. 31786 in EET. In BG:EE that would be "Blinded". So, a mod is appearently assigning string #31786 to a blinding effect. (In case the author is reading this: in EET, that would be + 200.000 i.e. #231786.) (Ain't I smart?!) Carlos? That's one of those wood cutter guys, isn't it?
  13. Ah. I knew that name sounded familiar lol Maybe it has nothing to do with Shank perse. Maybe it's some kind of attack that got altered by a mod. But all Shank does is attack with a dagger, I think? So I wouldn't know what the line was suposed to be instead of the BG2 quote.
  14. With EBG1 the BG1 part/game does not end after Sarevok's death like in BGT, yes, in case that was the question.
  15. What Jarno said. If this Shank is a mod cre then first thing I would check is whether the cre itself has dialogue strings assigned to it that do not make sense (a lot of mods have cres with random high numbers instead of the "-1" for "no such string" which didn't do anything in BGT, lead to a "Invalid: 123456" in BG:EE, and might lead to a random string in EET. Hm, although it would be a BG1 string in that case as they are patched at the end. OK, so maybe it's just a string number that a mod used and which would make sense in BG:EE but in EET it doesn't because the string is obviously not the same in BGII. But not necessarily inside the cre, but the kind of attack Shank did to Galauriel. Do you know which mod the cre is from?
  16. Oh wow, no, I'm a liar! I already received a translation, but Eimerian said they wanted to play it first to see whether it fits in the game. Have to ask what the status is!
  17. I di not receive any translations yet. But I was told that it's almost ready.
  18. Thanks, I think I can fix this without needing a savegame (thankfully, Minsc is right next to the Carnival). Missed this: So far, no. I had plans on integrating the possibility to give one hamster to every child in the game but dropped it due to time and effort reasons.
  19. You mean there's a boog in the quest? (harhar) (I was temped to write something using boohoo about me being sad but I guess one boo joke might be enough.) Thanks for the report. Indeed, for certain conditions the vendor can reappear. If he took the hamster then, I fear you'll be stuck with him in the Friendly Arm Inn, at least for a while. I'll use this for an overhaul of the quest variables so this won't happen with the next version, hopefully. Why the hamster remained at the place I have a faint idea, that will hopefully be fixed, too.
  20. I prefer that too. After Quest and NPCs would be my guess, yes (since Quest is before NPC that's a yes to your question). Or would there be a case of crossmod for non-quest non-npc mods? Breagar put all the crossmod stuff into an extra component especially to be able to install it later and not make the main component dependent on it. We could 1. put the whole Breagar mod into an install order that works for the crossmod component, too - might not work for all mods 2- make more work for me by making the crossmod an own mod/moving it to Crossmod Banter Pack - there are plenty of other mods that have crossmod stuff, too 3- make more work for you and insist you add component-wise install order categories - might not be supported by all modders so the work was for nothing We can see how far we get with option 1. Still, the idea of the separate component for crossmod stuff is a bit mute if mods have to be put into one install order slot for all components, is all I was trying to say.
  21. @Cahir thanks for the reports. I'll consider them next time I'll update the list.
  22. BG1UB has no native EET compatibility. The EET note on the GitHub repo was probably a copy&paste error. It needs to be installed to BG:EE yes.
  23. Oh man, that's hilarious. Thank you for the report! I'm using the variable from the cpmvars - but I don't seem to read the definitions in beforehand. Well...
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