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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Jarno was referring to a stutter bug when it's caused by a dialogue call + no valid dialogue, which is not the cause here. @Jarno Mikkola I prefer seeing the actual script block. The changelog doesn't give a clue why there would be a stutter. The changelog makes clear which mods added the script, though, so it's a good additional step to identify the problem. @Sanderson The script block you posted would stutter indeed, seeing that the trigger is True() which means it doesn't even check whether the item that is supposed to drop is in the inventory. I am confused, though, where this script is being applied. It seems to be a specific script which would need to be connected to either group NPCs (which is unlikely), other characters (in the area), or triggers/traps (in the area). So I'd assume it would stop once you left a certain area. Would you do "Find" -> "references to this script"? I posted a link to here in the BG:EE DSotSC thread at BeamDog's.
  2. Thanks for this. I'm not involved with Stone of Askavar but nevertheless I say it is very appreciated you took the time to correct your former false conclusion.
  3. This sounds like stutter bug. A script block keeps firing repeatedly, probably for a dialogue that can't trigger for some reasons. First step is looking whether the Stutter Debug Tool gives any clues: https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/Stutter_Debug_Tool
  4. Congratulations on the release! (Well, soon to come release) This looks impressive, like all your mods.
  5. I'll add the idea of saving the Sahuagin to our list of possible side quests.
  6. No, he can't be saved. There is a larger quest concerning Sahuagin planned, but it is not implemented yet.
  7. Another fine Hell can easily be detected by checking for GlobalGT("C#AfHSoD_RevisedEnd","GLOBAL",0) after the slayer "dream" scene (the variable is set the first time when Bence arrests the PC, and is then increased for every new ending step.) Do you have Transitions installed? I know that @Lauriel was planning on inserting this into the mod (well, one dagger, of course). From the readme of Another fine Hell: In short: all NPC mods that patch the normal SoD script for leaving the party before the slayer dream scene will leave the party normally when it is time in Another fine Hell as well. I really made this as compatible as possible not to destroy anything in other mods. It's more the problem that modders need to add compatibility if they want their NPCs to stay in the group. If Roxanne's Corwin didn't leave, then it's because her Corwin NPC mod doesn't seem handle these things like they are done for the original SoD NPCs, or because she is meant to stay in group (hence an incompatibility between the two Corwin mods).
  8. @InKal I am sure @RoyalProtector was referring to the OP.
  9. Thanks for your kind words and interest! I'm not actively working on the mod currently because I'm busy with another mod, but it is on my list to finish his BGII part.
  10. I can only help with some of them for the order: EEex Bubb's spell menu Ascension Tweaks Anthology SCS
  11. What exactly do you mean by darker? The so called light map ("xx1234LM.bmp) defines how "light" the areas are, i.e. how much the group members / characters are illuminated when walking in certain areas. Changing the graphics needs an edit of the area art.
  12. Yes. The "Imoen stays in group in Korlasz Dungeon" from I4E is not compatible with EndlessBG1's "Korlasz Dungeon in BG1" (and vice versa). EndlessBg1 leaves "tourguide" Imoen in if she is not in party.
  13. Late reply: yes, EndlessBg1 does not do anything to Imoen's class. If you are playing EET, you get "your" Imoen back at the beginning of BGII.
  14. Yes, I didn't read carefully enough. I was referring to making your whole mod idea BGT compatible, i.e. introducing the SoD content into BGT, which would definitely too much.
  15. Regarding thinking about going BGT compatible with this mod idea: be aware that there is a problem with backward compatibility from the EEs to oBG2 engine, and also, you do not want to ship all SoD resources in your mod because of Copyright reasons. That's exactly how EndlessBG1 handles the skipping of the maze on the first way back.
  16. It's an idea and if you want to make a mod for it, go ahead. My beef would be that it has nothing to do with the actual mod idea of this thread. I am all for "keep mod content straight forward". Meaning, make a mod or an optional component that moves the entrance. But do not clutter your mod about X with changes regarding Y and Z which have nothing to do with X, content wise. Regarding 2: I'd use a nameless Fritz. Using Corwin for this might make all Corwin related mods incompatible who might have invented another back story for her during Angelo's time. Or place her inside the palace. Or whatever.
  17. Seems I screwed this up 100%. Sorry again. Ok, now it gets ridiculous... The item code Master Shizell should recognize would be either "MISC1I" or "bdbellad". The latter is from SoD, the former should be the one from Balduran Island. At least it is in my BG:EE game. Is there a possibility that you look up the item code of your Belladonna (using NI or somesuch)?
  18. This is quite straight forward. I use this all the time to add transitions and new reply options and triggers to mod added states. My mods even do it to their own states installed by an earlier component. (It's how EndlessBG1's inserting of the hero cutscene works, for example, or the shift of transactions for installed / not installd "Korlasz' Crypt in BG1". Here is the general syntax: /* add transition to Korlasz dungeon to Belt's dialogue */ // Get state for BELT %belt_ebg1_8% (in dialogues_ee.d) /* @8 /* ~I see. Still, the city is in your debt. Fare well, Hero of Baldur's Gate.~ */ */ OUTER_SET belt_ebg1_8 = STATE_WHICH_SAYS 8 IN ~c#endlessbg1/translations/%s/dialogues.tra~ FROM ~BELT~ "belt_ebg1_8" is just a name you use here, I chose the name I gave the dialogue state in my d-file. The "8" is the line naumber (@8) in the specified tra file. The "~BELT~" at the end is the dlg file the line you are searching is in. This doesn't work without referring to a trai-fyed text, at least I wouldn't know how. If the line in question is inside the dlg more than once, this method will fail. (It then gives a very significant "-1 something something" error message. The variable (here "belt_ebg1_8") is set to "-1" if no valid state number could be found. With regard to languages, weidu will use the correct language the other mod is installed in. The only problem I had with different languages between mods was when using WITH_TRA to get the str-ref number of a line, described here.
  19. Tagging @The Artisan for Aura and @morpheus562 for Powergaming Scripts, although this sounds like it could be unrelated to the latter. (It might still be some mod interaction.) I was thinking about some funny remark about buffed cows and the Summon Cow spell now being really dangerous for having to deal with a really pissed cow after summoning it.
  20. The idea of EET is that you do not need to load anything into anything when moving on to BGII when playing. Like mentioned, the BG1(+SoD) resources were all included into the former BGII folder (now EET), and you play them by launching EET (aka the former BGII game), and you'll just stay inside the game for the BGII transition.
  21. And just how would you know that there is Belladonna behind a locked door, hmm? - On a serious note, I apologize sincerely for this false lead. it was not intended. I was not aware the cellar cell lock is unpickable when the EAOB version was released. Plans are to make this accessible one way or the other in v1.
  22. @Meneldil Palantir like mentioned, you should find the BG1 resources in the EET override folder. The area files you are looking for now have the "BG" prefix. That makes the areas of second and third floors of the Friendly Arms Inn BG2302.are and BG2303.are, respectively. Also, in Near Infinity you can set how the files are displayed. You can change the setting so that the added are files are also shown in the "ARE" menue choice.
  23. As much as I'd like mods to be compatible (and think it would be doable here), just a reminder that EndlessBG1's license allows to use any parts of the mod in your mod. (Same for Transitions afaik).
  24. @Adamvs_Maximvs The checker is a tool for modders. Do not install onto a game for playing.
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