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Everything posted by InKal

  1. pretty sure your goblins are insomniac. ;pp you are playing this game YOUR way. respect and good luck!!!
  2. I agree. Moreover I don't recommed HoF not only on first playthrough, I don't recommend it at all. Only play HoF if you like to chop wood with your bare hands.
  3. oh, but goblins are totally completely affected by Sleep. as I said I played HoF from scratch and them little buggers slept like babys. Two handed weapons are the best for one simple reason - highiest damage. you dont need shields and ac coz your fighters gonna get hit anyway, with THW you killing them enemies quicker than they are killing you and thats the way to go. if you cast proper combat buffs on your fighters they dont need any friggin shields, if they are hasted they are killing machines. of course there are exceptions. some one handed weapons have extra elemental damage and/or very good bonuses and extra attack or extra damage against certain type of enemy. only in this cases you could consider swtching to one hand and shield but this is situational, in most cases two handed is always better. I would never use premade characters. I love making my own party, that is a huge part of enjoynment in IDW. Now, I say goodbye to HoF mode so I build only my protagonist (like in BG!!!) usually Burial Defender unwashed and all sweaty lady named Hefty Plump heheheh and I pick all Lava wonderful NPC Oak Maw is my fav what a masterpiece that guy is. and thats the way you should play Icewind Dale (a ryhme o lol) in these times and age.
  4. in the beginning the best ekhem tactic is to use ranged weapons with ALL your characters. use sleep spelll on goblins and pelt them with bullets, arrows and bolts, only switch to melee if some of them survived and get close to you. later in the game, after gaining some levels, you can swich to melee and make a good use of all them Hackmasters +12. Do not equip your fighters with daggers unless you are crazy. ;pp give them two handed weapons for max damage. the best most effective party composition is four fighters and two casters (divine, arcane). cast cleric buffs, cast mage buffs, cast haste (the best spelll!), select all party members, kill one enemy and switch to another. rince and repeat for entire game. have fun!! ;PPP
  5. Well, good luck in Heart of Fury with pre-made characters. You'll gonna need it. I played HoF from scratch with Burial Defender lead party. Get bored in Severed Hand and to be honest I would not recommend HoF that much at all. IWD:EE is much better with IWDNPC and Lava mods in my opinion.
  6. I would recommend installing two mods: 1) Kaihiri NPC by AionZ (custom Pyromancer) extremely!! useful and fun to play and 2) I hate undead kitpack by Raduziel. My favorite is Burial Defender, barbarian dedicated to destroy undead. IWD is all about destroying undead, forget about wolves.
  7. https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/31731-betatesting-needed/ nice mod
  8. hmmm... pathfindng seems to be improved. no, I am not joking. juicy weidu log: All works just fine for now. Ventrure forth...
  9. installed 2.6 beta and gazillion of mods on top. lets roll.
  10. depends on actual stats, difficulty level and installed (tactical) mods and your understanding of game mechanic. There was once a playthrough of IWD- party of six or four gnomes lvl 1 (no leveling!!) can't remember the stats, pretty average or 9 in everything. Basically, player's knowledge about game mechanics can be absolute and he/she can do crazy stuff no matter the stats. Also, you have items like Crom Fayr so you can make very interesting playthrogh as claric, fighter/cleric with STR 8 for example and maxed WIS, CHAR, INT.
  11. pretty sure 40 lvl mage (but not sorcerer iirc) has like 10 more spell slots than 20 lvl mage and both mage and sorc has higher lvl simulacra. but Jarno is right, all progress past lvl 20 is pretty much about HLAs.
  12. IMO "improved" refers more to the game mechanics than actual phenomenon. well, the question is: how the fark can you say improved when enemy actually can see you? I was angry for this on Bioware for years...;PPP two points: 1) mentioned above game mechanics 2) highly magical world with creatures that can see invisible (which is a part of game mechanics actually) gives us the juicy conclusion: if you are just (plain?) invisible the undead madafaka (lets call him by his real name) can target you with spells. if you are improved invisible he can still see you (everybody can see you! "improved" invsibility is useless for sneaking!) but can't target you with spells outright, must dispel improved!!(sic!) invisibility first. /hope it works like that, lol/ Confusing? Hell, yes. Dishonest? Imo, no. Interesting thing... We are talking kinda about AI, no? Artificial Intelligence. Artificial??? Intelligence? Nahhh.... Refers more to the subject than actual intelligence.
  13. Not a bug!! just an observation/information: Starting her quest can be a problem on higher difficulty settings, that Lich means serious business! Nice mod, quite original. I tweaked her to be a Deathslayer and now she is lvl 15 and I don't need my protagonist anymore hahhaha, she just rolfstomp everything .... well, almost.
  14. dunno if this information is useful to you but I ctrl+Y all motherf... habgoblins. "SPARE NO ONE!!" yeah, rrrright.....
  15. Thanks! Nice mod, installed by accident of course I mean really nice, had so much fun with her ;pppp All right, tweaked her to kenasi/mage and she is like a female version of Weimer's Solafein in terms of how op she can be, no joke.
  16. Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes........... ... you are completely wrong. SCS liches are casting Improved Invisibility like the crazy bastards they are on higher difficulty settings and I suspect on lower also. I can even post screens but imo no point really. Speaking more acurately: they have Imp.Invis. in sequencers and triggers, I am not sure they renew it by just casting the actual spell or by again sequencer or trigger. also I have general observation. I observed, a long ago actually, that there is a tendency or whats the word? that if there is something wrong with their game, peeps will kinda automatically blame SCS. Dunno why or how but it kinda works like that: bam! crash or whatever = SCS!! fault!! I know it is, coz my feelings telling me, itz all about my feelz.... Maybe just because SCS is such a big mod?
  17. Windspear Hills area outside is ok but interior Firky dungeon is such a bugfest I have decided to reinstall. There are three types of "new" enemy in the dungeon: skeleton warrior, revenant and banshee. Skelly drops Dragon Halberd, Revenant drops Stonefire and Banshee drops Peridan. Now, I have about ten Dragon Halberds, Peridans and Stonefires. Revenant looks like human knight and is initialy neutral, no red circle until attacked, skeleton is BG1 skeleton very weak, banshee looks like dryad and headbutts you, well, she is trying but can't hit anything, skelly and revknight are not that much better. What else? Adamantine golem and his two stone buddies spawned in Firkys Lair. Samia becomes hostile immediately after her dialog. Also suddenly Bizzen from Every mod and Dog came back (I already completed the quest!! ) and started his zziizzz isss mee, I'm zzzorrry I'm little unzzztable that was really funny a bug ahhaha (get it??) but I must reinstall still, ten Dragon Halberds for level ten party, holy shi...
  18. Oversight version doesn't work with SCS, Roxanne's pretty sure does work. Imo there is no point even installing Oversight version (no point installing Oversight at all but thats just my opinion) on SCS game.
  19. try this https://baldursextendedworld.com/Broken-Lanthorn/
  20. Yes, it was first npc I installed and first npc I uninstalled after 3 hours masochhism with the servants of the unholy Eclipse (oh, the memories holy friggin hell!!) and then almost immediatly reinstalled because I just herd that Teleport field is the BEST SPELLL!!!! true story actually but I have a question: How does it work? http://www.shsforums.net/topic/60747-solaufein-flirt-pack-for-the-solaufein-romance-updated-to-v12/ original is included? or I must somewhat create myself original mod compatibility with ee?? o_O
  21. imo this component is baaaaaaaaaad...Bodhi is so sure that you will die there that she would not bother to take anything from you.
  22. If you spam it regulary. he he seroiusly, there are other spells you must cast if you want to dispel si:abjuration. if enemy has si:abjuration + spell turning + spell trap + si:divination+improved invisibility, you can't just spam remove magic, you must put some effort into the game, especially that you also can't just spam Inqusitor's dispel magic, btw. let me be reactive and ask you this: are you trying to saying that spamming Inqusitor's dispel magic every single encounter on the enemy mages is something that is regular?
  24. AFAIK critical miss has kinda minor effects 1) on backstab, you become instantly visible after a critical miss. normally you can miss 2 or 3 times before become visible. critical miss when backstabbing is like "ohh, fuuuuuu" and THUD! you fall flat on your ass, impossible to stay invisible. 2) if you critically miss, you miss no matter how low your THACO is and how high your oponent AC is and then you can't attack again in that round. JUSTICE!! I hardly found it incredibly frustrating, imo it's fun I agree.
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