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Everything posted by Isewein

  1. It was pretty much compatible with old Ascension though - I don't recall any issues at the Throne of Blood with BGT, although admittedly the Amkethran invasion had some issues even then. This seems to be an EE problem or a problem with the Ascension EE update.
  2. PS in view of the occasion: The Corwin mod which was just released seems to fit my criteria above perfectly and it's one of the very few recent NPC mods I think I am actually likely to give a try in the near future. Skitia's NPCs on the other hand seem wonderfully written and fleshed out, but they seem to be designed to be taken as a whole party, and I just cannot imagine that they fit the story of the Trilogy as well as Jaheira, Khalid, Viconia etc., so I doubt I'll ever be interested in playing them properly, alas.
  3. Personally, I really appreciate content beyond the good old romance. Friendship, rivalry, Realmslore conversations etc. In Baldur's Gate specifically, we have such a plethora of well-written characters available now that if I am to try out a new one at all, they must needs have some connection to the story of the game, be that through their own stake in the matter of the Iron / Bhaalspawn crisis or at least strong ties to some of the locations or characters of the Saga.
  4. I second this - I tried it on my last run but had to remove it again because it is just too unbalanced.
  5. Maybe we should start a petition that if enough of us buy Stray Gods he might deign to share the SHS backup and data with someone else willing to host it? Especially considering a number of us had been donating towards the hosting fees for a while...
  6. In general, it's a really bad idea though for backups to be stored in one location only. Storage is so cheap today - simply preserving the forums for posterity in a frozen state shouldn't be too difficult. If @Kaeloree indeed has access to an offline backup, I hope he can share it with others before another unfortunate incident happens.
  7. Does anyone have the email address of the hosters? It would be nice to at least ensure that an offline backup of all the content there exists in some form...
  8. Neat bit of trivia to know that it all started with the moribund Delainy mod, yet has given a platform to so many others which were actually completed. Thanks, Gibberlings Three!
  9. By now I'm getting really worried. It would be great if someone in the know could drop by and at least confirm that a backup exists - not just for the mod files, but for all the forum content.
  10. As long as someone has made a backup...
  11. It really is rather worrying. Someone with more knowledge than me should try and write a script to let the Wayback Machine archive it once it comes back online, in order to preserve bug reports, reviews etc for posterity should one crash finally prove the last.
  12. This sounds like a problem with Turnabout or Longer Road rather than WoP. Did you have either of those installed?
  13. @Christian, @Avallach: IIRC, I encountered a similar issue many years ago. The problem is that some variables are supposed to be set upon Melissan's death script firing, but that somehow proved rather unreliable. Not sure this was exactly the case, but after allying with Balthazar and dispatching Melissan, try: CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("DMWWGroveRevealed","GLOBAL",1) Then the PP should let you travel back to the Stone Heads and everything should proceed regularly from there (you'll know it worked if Balthazar and a horde of Demons appear there).
  14. Now we've got two trips to island towers - wonder how this measures up against Tower of Deception. The Readme looks very promising!
  15. Technically compatible, but if one were to pursue the quest pack option it would preclude completing Evandra's personal quest, thus I wouldn't recommend installing this component.
  16. This sounds like a wonderful addition to the game which would finally make one of the best BGI romances viable again. Please do share your work, even if it is but a draft.
  17. Isewein

    Xzar romance

    Was just going to post that same link. I learned Rule 66 truly applied when I discovered that story.
  18. Well, ChatGPT doesn't have access to the internet (yet), so it stands to reason that one particular page advertising Sandrah (likely Roxanne's own) was among the search results fed to it at its creation while continually evolving forum threads are not - otherwise it should well be able to portray the actual consensus on the mod's quality more accurately.
  19. This is a change I would really appreciate, not only for Gaal but a number of the other forced questgiver dialogues around Athkatla. It would greatly improve Chapter II/III if we didn't constantly have to suspend disbelief for all those "urgent" issues.
  20. The level issue may also be due to early versions adjusting abilities to vanilla in-engine levels (which were often absurdly high as a convenient way to boost spellcasters' HP), while later versions are more realistic about what the intended level of e.g. Mekrath was supposed to be.
  21. That all sounds like RoT (Reign of Terror mod) rather than CtB (Check the Bodies), so make sure to cross-post that to their forum instead.
  22. Thank you for the explanation. Maybe you should put it as a preamble into the first post so that cursory readers understand the nature of this revised revision. Now, I'm happy to try out your changes - I assume you play with SCS yourself and its AI is able to work with SRR just as well as with SR?
  23. Without having read the 119 pages of this thread, is there a reason this still isn't integrated into a new SR version? Is it following a different general design philosophy? Is there a guide somewhere which of the two SRs I should chose as a player used to the old SR depending on my preferences?
  24. Thanks, it's mostly Chapters IV and V that get crammed with too many NPCs really needing to come along to Spellhold. I will pick her up in Chapter VI then.
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