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Gibberling Poobah
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Everything posted by CamDawg

  1. This package contains highlighters for three text editors: ConTEXT Programmers Editor, Crimson Editor, and TextPad. Highlighters assist modders by highlighting commands and improving the legibility of code. The highlighter cover code for tp2s (including libraries such as .tpa and .tph) as well as scripts (.baf) and dialogue (.d). Based on IESDP updates and DLTCEP-created reference files, with Idobek's tp2 highlighter serving as inspiration/baseline. Installing and Using the Highlighters with the ConTEXT Programmers Editor Install the ConTEXT Programmers Editor, available from the ConTEXT home page at www.context.cx. By default, it will install to C:\Program Files\ConTEXT\. After installing ConTEXT, browse to its installation directory, and then into the Highlighters directory. Copy the following files from the ConTEXT folder in this package into the ConTEXT Highlighters folder. If you the highlighters previously installed, you will be prompted to overwrite the files; choose yes. WeiDU_BAF.chl WeiDU_BAFstring.chl WeiDU_TP2.chl WeiDU_TP2string.chl WeiDU_DTRA.chl WeiDU_DTRAstring.chl Copy the files from this package in the context folder into the Highlighters directory. C:\Program Files\ConTEXT\Highlighters\ C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.tp2 C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.tp2 C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.baf C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.tph C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.d Open ConTEXT, and open your file to be edited. By default, the "no strings" version has all of the associations (.d, .tra, .tp2, .baf) and should immediately read your file. To view the file with strings enabled, have the file you want to view open. Go to the top bar and under TOOLS, follow SET HIGHLIGHTER to toggle other highlighters. Each of the WeiDU highlighters comes in pairs with strings, no strings as options. Under these instructions, the default loading behavior of these files should be the "no strings" versions, to see what is happening within strings. To see if strings are working correctly/terminated properly, just switch highlighter to the "string" version. Performance Notes ConTEXT is a free editor, and does not integrate into Windows. This means that loading multiple large files using the DTRA highlighters may cause ConTEXT to load slowly or hang. Crimson Editor integrates with Windows, bypassing this problem, but has no simple way of doing a line-by-line file compare. Installing and Using the Highlighters with Crimson Editor Install the Crimson Editor. Available from www.crimsoneditor.com or, alternatively, from its Wikipedia page. Follow the instructions given at the download site. By default, it will install to C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\. After installing Crimson Editor, browse to its installation directory. Copy the files from this package in crimson/link into the matching subdirectory in the Crimson program folder so that you have C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.tp2 C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.tp2 C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.baf C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.tph C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link\extension.d NOTE: There is already a programming language using the extension ".D" - replace this older file with the one in this package. Copy the file in the folder crimson/schemes into the matching subdirectory in the Crimson program folder so that you have C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\schemes\WeiDU.clr Copy the files from this package in crimson/spec into the matching subdirectory in the Crimson program folder so that you have C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\spec\WeiDU_TP2.key C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\spec\WeiDU_TP2.spc C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\spec\WeiDU_TP2string.spc Next, set up the highlighters. Open up Crimson Editor and Browse to TOOLS > PREFERENCES; under CATEGORIES, choose COLORS. Under "Load Color Scheme", choose "Saved Color Schemes", and hit "Load". Click on WeiDU.clr, and hit "Open", then hit "Apply". This is as far as you need to go, unless you want to be able to toggle string behavior, or view the TP2 contents with a D or TRA highglighter to catch errors. To completely identify the installed materials, open Crimson Editor, and find TOOLS, center top bar. Select TOOLS, PREFERENCES, FILE, FILTERS. In the box at the right side, scroll down and select an empty entry and define WeiDU_BAF (*.baf in second box, baf in third box), and hit APPLY. Repeat this process for WeiDU_DTRA (*.d;*.tra in second box, blank in third box) and WeiDU_TP2 (*.tp2;*.tph in second box, blank in third box). Move to TOOLS, PREFERENCES, FILE, SYNTAX TYPE. In the box at the right side, scroll down and select an empty entry and define: Decription WeiDU_BAF Lang Spec WEIDU_BAF.SPC (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") Keywords WEIDU_BAF.KEY (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") and hit APPLY Repeat this process with: Decription WeiDU_BAFstring Lang Spec WEIDU_BAFstring.SPC (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") Keywords WEIDU_BAF.KEY (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") and hit APPLY Decription WeiDU_DTRA Lang Spec WEIDU_DTRA.SPC (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") Keywords WEIDU_DTRA.KEY (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") and hit APPLY Decription WeiDU_DTRAstring Lang Spec WEIDU_DTRAstring.SPC (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") Keywords WEIDU_DTRA.KEY (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") and hit APPLY Decription WeiDU_TP2 Lang Spec WEIDU_TP2.SPC (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") Keywords WEIDU_TP2.KEY (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") and hit APPLY Decription WeiDU_TP2string Lang Spec WEIDU_TP2string.SPC (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") Keywords WEIDU_TP2.KEY (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") and hit APPLY Decription WeiDU_TPH Lang Spec WEIDU_TP2.SPC (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") Keywords WEIDU_TP2.KEY (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") and hit APPLY Decription WeiDU_TPHstring Lang Spec WEIDU_TP2string.SPC (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") Keywords WEIDU_TP2.KEY (this can be browsed for by hitting the button marked "...") and hit APPLY Usage To use the highlighters, load the file you want to edit. Under DOCUMENT, SYNTAX TYPE will be the available highlighters. Under these instructions, the default loading behavior of these files should be the "no strings" versions, to see what is happening within strings. To see if strings are working correctly/terminated properly, just switch highlighter to the "string" version. The highlighters are case sensitive, so if something doesn't highlight check the associated .key file and see what the usage is. You can change it right there, too - be careful, though, as some keywords used in WeiDU are case sensitive and others are not. Default behavior is to load .D, .TRA, .BAF, .tp2, and .tph files with the appropriate highlighters. If you use the Project functions, you can instantly load your entire mod and all related files from wherever they are on your harddrive or network with the appropriate highlighting automatically applied. That, combined with robust Find functions, allows you the best opportunity to take advantage of highlighting. Performance Notes Crimson Editor integrates with Windows, meaning you can load massive numbers of files using multiple highlighters with no problem. It is less "beginner friendly" than ConTEXT, and has no simple way of doing a line-by-line file compare, but has support for 9 categorizations, personalized toggles colors, easier viweing of multiline strings, and a number of other much more powerful editing/searching/organizing tools. Hope this helps you folks mod away with easier syntax checking and visualization. Cheers!
  2. The multi-install tool is a program that allows side-by-side installs of any supported game (see list below) at a minimal size. This can be useful for example when playing incompatible mods, or when wanting to test a mod on a fresh install. Specifically, it follows the instructions posted by igi in Discussion: Multiple BG2 Installations, though it now works on games besides BG2. This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License (version 2). As such the source code is included in the MIT package. WARNING: Multi Install tool v5.1.12 does not work on recent Java versions. To use this tool as recommended by megamodification instructions, please download and use v5.1.10, which is confirmed stable and working on recent Java versions. Please visit the forums to discuss and contribute to updating this mod. Supported IE Games The Multi Install Tool will work on any of the following Infinity Engine games: Baldur's Gate for Mac OS X Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn for Windows, with or without the official patch Baldurs Gate II: Shadows of Amn for Mac OS X Baldur's Gate II: Thrown of Bhaal, with the official patch. Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal for Mac OS X Baldur's Gate II: The Collection Icewind Dale for Mac OS X or Windows, with or without the official patch, but without any expansion packs. Note: Mac OS 9 games are not supported. In general, any patches or mods after the official patches for each game will have no impact on support by the Multi Install Tool. Requirements To use the multi-install tool, you will need: An installed copy of a supported Infinity Engine game. A recent java runtime environment - if you get an error saying 'Unsupported class version', your Java version is not new enough. The multi-install tool. Usage Instructions Ensure that you have met the requirements above. Download and run the multi-install tool. Fill in the fields as follows: Source: an existing installation, to be used as a basis for the clone. Sink: where you want the new installation to live on your disk. Optionally, change any available preferences in the lower pane. Depending on the game you have selected to clone, your operating system, and whether you have any save games, not all of the displayed options will be enabled. Each option will increase the size of the clone directory, but may be required for certain functionality or mods. Note: if 'data' is selected, 'music' will always be copied, regardless of whether that checkbox is selected. Click 'Go'. Wait until the progress bar fills in and says 'Done'. Run the clone with the main executable (eg, 'bgmain.exe' - not baldur.exe) in the clone folder. The newly-created install will have the same set of patches and mods to start with as the one it was cloned from. You can apply mods as usual to the cloned game, and they will not affect any other installation you have on your system.
  3. CamDawg

    Shards of Ice

    The mod contains separate components that can be installed independently of one another. The Price of Friendship (From Iron Modder) Original Release Date: 19 September 2004 Entered in the Iron Modder VI championship We all know friends aren't cheap. They'll take your time, your attention, your patience... and sometimes your money. But, that's what friends are for, right? SPOILERS: The quest begins in the Trademeet. You must have Imoen in your party (after Spellhold) and rest at the inn. Some of my Best Friends Are Slimes (From Iron Modder) Original Release Date: 8 February 2004 Entered in the Iron Modder II championship Not everyone despises a slimey person, right? We've all heard about some women always falling for the "bad boys." Such is the story of Kjobo Pansyflake. Found in her home in the Forest of Tethyr (AR2600), Kjobo lets you in on her somewhat questionable choice of lifestyle. While you may find her and her lifestyle somewhat odd, try to be nice and help her out. There's no need to be judgemental. SPOILERS: Kjobo Pansyflake is located in AR2600 (Forest of Tethyr) at coordinates 401.2785 Heinonny is located in AR1800 (North Forest) at coordinates 900.1032 You Could Restore the Summon Cow Spell, But Why? Originally part of the alpha release of Unfinished Business, it was quickly removed Restores the Summon Cow spell to BG2. When cast, a cow will fall from the sky and land on the target of the caster's choice. SPOILERS: The spell can be found in a new store. Talk to Lucy. She'll know.
  4. Sword Coast Stratagems is a collection of mini-mods for Baldur's Gate series of games. It is compatible with the Enhanced Editions of Baldur's Gate I and II, the original edition of Baldur's Gate II with the Throne of Bhaal extension, with the "EasyTUTU" conversion of Baldur's Gate to the Baldur's Gate II engine, and with the 'Baldur's Gate Trilogy' and 'Enhanced Edition Trilogy' combinations of the two games. (It is not compatible with the original BG1, or with the original BG2 without Throne of Bhaal.) Sword Coast Stratagems contains many optional tweaks to various aspects of gameplay, including a full implementation of the Icewind Dale spell system, but at its core it is a tactical/AI mod. It carries out a fairly systematic restructing of the games' core artificial intelligence, affecting spell and proficiency choices, kits, high-level abilities, and most importantly enemy AI scripting, with a full install rewriting the AI of practically every creature in the game, though in most cases without significantly affecting their core abilities. It further offers a large number of tailored components that modify individual set-piece encounters at various points throughout the two games. The idea throughout is to make combat more challenging, interesting, and most importantly immersive and realistic, insofar as that can be done with a 1990s-vintage game engine - I focus on trying to get enemies to use their abilities intelligently and effectively, and in the harder parts on making moderate changes to their powers and spells, rather than the brute-force method of increasing hit-rolls, saving throws and the like. Since there are a lot of tactics mods out there, of very different styles, it's probably simplest to describe the distinctive features of SCS. (I don't want to suggest that all of these are automatically advantages: there are lots of different styles of play, and different mods fit different people.) Some more thoughts of mine on how to assess tactical mods can be found here. SCS plays fair. I've made a fairly sustained effort to ensure that SCS opponents fight by the rules and don't use powers denied to the player (other than obvious things like dragons' breath weapons, liches' ability to see through invisibility, etc!) This is probably most notable for spellcasters - SCS mages don't randomly get uninterruptible spells, improved casting time, free Alacrity, or the like. (In fact, I've removed these powers from creatures in the vanilla game occasionally, though I haven't done so systematically.) However, "fair" is sometimes in the eye of the beholder, so please do read the component descriptions if this is important to you! SCS is highly sensitive to the difficulty slider. SCS has five difficulty settings (Basic, Improved, Tactical, Hardcore, and Insane) and the great majority of enemies are affected by the slider. At the lowest settings, SCS is about as difficulty as the unmodded game on Core difficulty; at Improved and Higher then enemies will behave much more intelligently; at higher difficulties, the enemies make more systematic use of their powers, and occasionally gain ability boosts. The difficulty of each individual component may be set in Enhanced-Edition games via a new control on the Gameplay page, or on non-Enhanced games by a new special ability granted to your character; in either case this overrides the difficulty slider for that component. SCS is very focused pure AI. Most components of SCS muck around rather little with the core powers of creatures, and hardly at all with their abilities, resistances, saving throws and the like. Its main focus is on getting creatures to do as much as they possibly can with their existing abilities. In particular, its targeting is very careful - hopefully you'll almost never see a mage do something stupid like cast repeated spells at someone immune to that spell. SCS is quite low-key in its changes. Where SCS does modify something other than AI, it usually does so in a relatively undramatic manner - adding a few more creatures, giving a creature a couple of other magic powers in keeping with powers it's already used, and so forth. It doesn't give new ultra-powerful spells to creatures who didn't have any magic before, or give creatures massive damage resistances, for instance. (Again, there's not necessarily anything wrong with doing this, it's just not what SCS is about). SCS is very customisable. Feel free to install whichever combination of components you like - there is a separate one for each major AI / tactical change. SCS is systematic. I've tried to be very thorough in making sure that there aren't "gaps" in its AI modifications - so that all hostile wizards, for instance, and not just some, are upgraded. SCS tries to be as compatible as possible. I've done the best I can to ensure that SCS will install on top of other mods (especially non-tactical ones) without causing problems for either. In particular, SCS dynamically alters its scripts to take (some) account of new magic items introduced by other mods. Overall, playing SCS shouldn't exactly feel like a whole new game - it should feel like the old game, but with your foes acting much more intelligently and realistically. SCS also makes a number of small tweaks to the spell system, all intended to modify the game in small ways that are helpful from the point of view of tactical challenge - some make the game a little easier, others make it a little harder. These spell tweaks are installed by default since the AI scripts assume that they are present, but advanced users can deactivate them. (See under Spell Tweaks for the details, and under Customisation for how to fine-tune them.) If you are playing with Spell Revisions, almost all of the tweaks are skipped. SCS also incorporates, as an optional component for the Enhanced Edition only, most of the new spells in Icewind Dale, which will be used intelligently by the AI if they are installed. Finally, SCS contains a few miscellaneous tweaks to gameplay, a few ease-of-use features (notably, an ease-of-use player AI script with a large number of convenience features) and a few "flavour" features that don't really affect gameplay but hopefully aid the feeling of immersion in the game world. (These project pages are slightly outdated; I am in the process of updating them.) Core Component This component fixes a few bugs in the game not already caught by the Fixpack; it also allow the computer to detect various effects. It is required for most other components. Spell Tweaks These components make relatively minor alterations to the spells in the game, usually in the interest of game balance or consistency. All changes are fully documented in the spell descriptions themselves. Note that while all these components are optional, many of the tactical choices made by wizards and priests in SCS assume that they are installed, so you may notice some slight anomalies in enemy behaviour if you don't install them all. Standardise spells between BG and BG2 (TUTU,BGT) Make Protection from Normal Missiles affect some magical projectiles Allow Spellstrike to take down a Protection from Magic scroll (BG2,BG2EE,BGT) More consistent Breach spell (always affects liches and rakshasas; doesn't penetrate Spell Turning Antimagic attacks penetrate improved invisibility Iron Skins behaves like Stoneskin (can be brought down by Breach) Modify the Harm spell so it does damage rather than reducing target to 1 hp (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Make individual versions of Spell Immunity available, so that players can use them in Contingencies etc (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Revert Greater Restoration back to only affecting one creature (BG2, BGT) Blade Barrier and Globe of Blades only affect hostile creatures (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Cap damage done by Skull Trap at 12d6 Make Power Word: Blind a single-target spell (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Make Minute Meteors into +2 weapons (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Reduce the power of Inquisitors' Dispel Magic Slightly reduce the power of Insect Plague spells (and the like) and let Fire Shields block them Cosmetic change: stop Stoneskins from changing the caster's colour (BG2, TUTU, BGT) Slightly increase the power of Mantle, Improved Mantle, and Absolute Immunity (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Make spell sequencers, spell triggers, and contingencies learnable by all mages Add extra spell scrolls for hard-to-find spells (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Give True Sight the ability to prevent magical blindness (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Prevent clones made by the Simulacrum and Project Image spells from using their magic items (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Item Tweaks These components remove, move or tone down the powers of a small number of magic items. It's not at all systematic (there are mods out there which go through almost all the items in the game and reduce their powers) but it reduces the extent to which a party can coast by on a few über-items. Make elemental arrows like BG2 (BGEE, TUTU) Replace +1 magical arrows and other projectiles with Fine ones Replace many magical weapons with Fine ones Reintroduce potions of extra-healing (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) Remove Arrows of Dispelling from stores Remove the Shield of Balduran from the game (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Remove the invisibility power of the Staff of the Magi (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Move Vhailor's Helm into Throne of Bhaal (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Move the Cloak of Mirroring into Throne of Bhaal (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Move the Robe of Vecna into Throne of Bhaal (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Make the Healing and Resurrection powers of the Rod of Resurrection into separate powers (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Change Carsomyr so that its dispel-on-contact power grants a saving throw (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Gameplay Tweaks These components could equally well be called "miscellaneous tweaks". Faster bears Grant large, flying, non-solid or similar creatures immunity to Web and Entangle More realistic wolves and dogs (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) Improved shapeshifting Make party members less likely to irreversibly Reduced reputation increase Allow player to choose NPC proficiencies and skills (TUTU, BGT) Allow BG1 NPC pairs to separate (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) Allow Yeslick to use axes (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) Skip the Candlekeep tutorial sections (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) Allow the Cowled Wizards to detect spellcasting in most indoor, above-ground areas in Athkatla Increase the price of a licence to practice magic in Athkatla Increase the price asked by Gaylan Baele Make Freedom scrolls available earlier Make Watchers' Keep accessible between SoA and ToB (BG2, BGT) Recover lost items from Hell Randomize the maze in Watcher's Keep (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Remove unrealistically helpful items from certain areas (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Remove unrealistically convenient ammunition from the game (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Delay the arrival of the "bonus merchants" in the Adventurers' Mart and the Copper Coronet (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Treat mages' and priests' High-Level Abilities as innate abilities rather than memorisable spells (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Cosmetic and ease-of-use tweaks Ease-of-use party AI Move Boo into Minsc's pack Remove blur effect from the Displacer Cloak Remove animation from the Cloak of Mirroring (leave it for other spells and effects that use the same graphic) (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) AI enhancements Initialise AI Smarter general AI Better calls for help High-level abilities for spellcasters (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Smarter mages Smarter Priests Potions for NPCs Improved Spiders Improved Golems Smarter dryads and sirines (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) Slightly smarter carrion crawlers (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) Smarter basilisks (BGEE, TUTU, BGT) Improved Golems (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Improved Fiends (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Smarter Genies (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Smarter Celestials (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Smarter Dragons (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Smarter Beholders (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Smarter mind flayers (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Improved vampires (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Smarter Githyanki (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Smarter final ToB Villain (BG2, BG2EE, BGT) Smarter Illasera (BG2, BG2EE, BGT - requires the Ascension mod) Smarter Yaga-Shura (BG2, BG2EE, BGT - requires the Ascension mod) Smarter Abazigal (BG2, BG2EE, BGT - requires the Ascension mod) Smarter Gromnir (BG2, BG2EE, BGT - requires the Ascension mod) Ascension versions of Sendai and Irenicus use SCS abilities and AI (BG2, BG2EE, BGT - requires the Ascension mod) Ascension demons use SCS abilities and AI (BG2, BG2EE, BGT - requires the Ascension mod) Tactical challenges for BG Improved doppelgangers Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards Improved Deployment for Parties of Assassins Dark-Side-based kobold upgrade Relocated bounty hunters Improved Ulcaster Improved Balduran's Isle Improved Durlag's Tower Improved Demon Cultists Improved Cloakwood druids Improved Bassilus Improved Drasus party Improved Red Wizards Improved Undercity assassins Tougher end-of-chapter battles Improved end-of-BG battle Improved miscellaneous encounters Improved Watcher's Keep Tactical challenges for BG2 Make the starting dungeon slightly harder Improved Shade Lord Spellcasting Demiliches More Resilient Trolls Increase difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings Improved Random Encounters Improved D'Arnise Keep Improved Unseeing Eye Improved Bodhi (Tactics remix) Party's items are taken from them in Spellhold Improved fight with Irenicus in Spellhold Improved Sahuagin Improved Beholder Hive Prevent Resting in the Illithid City Slightly Improved Drow Improved Watcher's Keep Improved Fire Giant Temple Improved Sendai's Enclave Improved Abazigal's Lair Improved minor encounters
  5. CCIE Creature Creator for the Infinity Engine (CCIE - Cre-key) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .cre files for Infinity Engine games. Currently only Baldur's Gate (including TotSC) and Baldurs Gate II (SoA or ToB) are supported, although it is possible the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games. Readme Download DFC Dat File Converter (DFC) is a small tool to convert the .dat files used by DLTCEP/IEEP etc. to plain text file, preserving only the opcode names. The resultant list can then be printed and used as a cheat-sheet, or summary sheet for the effects available in the game. The converter works with the .dat files for BG, BG2, Ps:T, IWD and IWD2 (in fact the converter works for all files using the .dat format). Readme Download DFC2 Dat File Converter 2 (DFC2) is a small tool to convert the .dat files used by DLTCEP/IEEP etc. to HTML files, in the same format as used in the IESDP. The converter works with the .dat files for BG, BG2, Ps:T, IWD and IWD2 (in fact the converter works for all files using the .dat format). Readme Download ECIE EFF Creator for the Infinity Engine (ECIE - pronounced e-key) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .eff files for Infinity Engine games. Currently BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA and BG2:ToB, IWD (and add-ons) are supported (i.e. games using EFF V2 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games. Readme Download IAPU IAPU is a small tool to unpack files which have been packaged in the .iap format. Rather than requring the loading of a program, and the use of commands in layers of menus, or running a self-extracting archive, IAPU allows the contained files to be quickly extracted to the current directory, preserving relative directories. Text associated with the contained files is not extracted and is not added to the dialog.tlk file. Readme Download ICIE Item Creator for the Infinity Engine (ICIE - pronounced ick-e) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .itm files for Infinity Engine games. Currently BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA and BG2:ToB, IWD (and add-ons) are supported (i.e. games using ITM V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games. Readme Download ITFC The igi Tool for Cam is designed to dynamically build spells that invoke a series of 'Can't Use Item' opcodes based on the contents of a folder. Download SCCIE Scroll Creator for the Infinity Engine (SCCIE) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .itm files for Infinity Engine games, specifically scrolls used to learn/cast magic spells. Currently BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA and BG2:ToB, IWD (and add-ons) are supported (ie. games using ITM/SPL V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games. Readme Download SCIE Store Creator for the Infinity Engine (SCIE - pronounced sky) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .sto files for Infinity Engine games. Currently only BG, BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA and BG2:ToB are supported (ie. games using STO V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games. Readme Download SIIE Store Inserter for the Infinity Engine (SIIE - pronounced sigh) is a small tool to aid in the distribution of .sto files for Infinity Engine games. Currently only Baldur's Gate II (SoA or ToB) is supported, although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games. Readme Download SPCIE Spell Creator for the Infinity Engine (SPCIE - pronounced Spikey) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .spl files for Infinity Engine games. Currently only BG, BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA, BG2:ToB and IWD (with add-ons) are supported (ie. games using SPL V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games. Readme Download TBGU TBGU is a small tool to unpack files which have been packaged in the .tbg format. Rather than requring loading of a program, and the use of commands in layers of menus, TBGU allows the contained file to be quickly extracted to the current directory. Text associated with the contained file is not extracted and is not added to the dialog.tlk file. Currently .tbg V4 files are supported, although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other .tbg formats. Readme Download VCIE VCC Creator for the Infinity Engine (VCIE - pronounced vick-e) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .vvc files for Infinity Engine games. Currently BG, BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA, BG2:ToB and IWD (and add-ons) are supported (ie. games using VVC V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games. Readme Download
  6. CamDawg


    GemRB is an open-source port of the original Infinity Engine to Linux/Unix, Mac OS X and Windows with some enhancements. The project, written in C++ and Python and available under the GPL, is currently at alpha and is being developed on Sourceforge. G3 is pleased to host the forums for the project, so feel free to contribute, discuss, and learn more about the project both here at G3 and at Sourceforge.
  7. The Debugging Suite is designed to work with Baldur's Gate II with or without the Throne of Bhaal expansion pack. Note that the suite doesn't actually alter any game files and leaves no entry in the WeiDU log, so that it can be used at any point in the install order, as many times as needed. If there is interest for the Suite on other platforms (BG, IWD, etc.) it can be developed. For the most part, the file formats are the same so certain components may work on non-BG2 variants of the Infinity Engine, though I may not be able to actively support them. Area Checker Output of this check can be found in G3_Debugging_Suite/debugger_area_checker.log. This component scans all area files present for common errors, such as bad indices, references to non-existent files, trap errors, etc. The following checks are performed, and listed along with their generated error message: Corrupt File: Area files must be at least 0x11c bytes in length to contain all of the information below. If the file is below this size, none of the following checks will be performed and the component will skip the area with the message foo.are error: Corrupt file, below minimum file size. Area Script: The suite will perform two checks here. If an area has a script assigned, but the script doesn't exist, the message foo.are error: Area Script assigned but nonexistant (foo.bcs). Now, if the area has no script assigned but there's a script that matches it (i.e. if ar1000.are has no area script assigned, but ar1000.bcs exists) then the message foo.are error: Area Script exists but is unassigned (foo.bcs). Offsets: The area files contain a series of offsets to tell the engine where various information blocks within the file exist. These offsets are expected to be in a particular order (though not required). As part of its running checks, the tool will check the offset of each block in turn and report incorrect offsets, based upon their expected order within the file. The Map Note check in particular will generate a lot of messages, as BioWare tended to consistently ignore the entry in areas without any map notes. foo.are error: Actor offset is incorrect foo.are error: Info Point offset is incorrect foo.are error: Spawn Point offset is incorrect foo.are error: Entrances offset is incorrect foo.are error: Containers offset is incorrect foo.are error: Items offset is incorrect foo.are error: Ambients offset is incorrect foo.are error: Variables offset is incorrect foo.are error: Door offset is incorrect foo.are error: Tiled Objects offset is incorrect foo.are error: Vertices offset is incorrect foo.are error: Animations offset is incorrect foo.are error: Bitmap offset is incorrect foo.are error: Songs offset is incorrect foo.are error: Rest Spawn offset is incorrect foo.are error: Map Notes offset is incorrect Vertex Indices: Each area file has a list of points, used as vertices by info points, containers, and doors. Each point in this list is supposed to be used once; i.e. no door or info point should try and use a vertex that has been used by another door. There should also be no unused points. As such, the component will keep a running tally of the vertices and check them against the indices used by doors and other area features to verify them. If an error is found, one of the following messages is generated (note that doors actually have four indices each): foo.are error: Info Point #1 has vertex index error (should be 854) foo.are error: Container #1 has vertex index error (should be 854) foo.are error: Door #1 has vertex index error (should be 854) Actor Resources: The component will run through the list of actors and verify that the creature files exist. Scripts and dialogues can also be specified in these blocks, so any custom dialogue or script noted here will also be cheecked for existence. Creature file names beginning with RD are ignored, as these are handled correctly by spawngrp.2da. foo.are error: Actor #1 dialogue file does not exist (bar.dlg) foo.are error: Actor #1 script does not exist (bar.bcs) foo.are error: Actor #1 does not exist (bar.cre) Info Points (Transitions): If the info point is actually a transition to another area, the area is checked for existence and the component verifies that the entrance point actually exists. foo.are error: Info Point #1 has transition to non-existent area (bar.are) foo.are error: Info Point #1 has transition to non-existent entrance point (bar.are, Exit0000) Info Points (Traps): The component also checks for common trap errors. If the info point is flagged as trapped, the component checks for the existence of a trap script and whether the trap is already detected. foo.are error: Info Point #1 is trapped with no trap script (bar.bcs) foo.are error: Info Point #1 is trapped and detected Spawn Points: The component will verify that all creatures listed exist. Creature file names beginning with RD are ignored, as these are handled correctly by spawngrp.2da. foo.are error: Spawn Point #1 creature file does not exist (bar.cre) Containers (Traps): Similar to the checks on info points, the component will perform checks for the existence of the trap script and whether the trap is detected if the container is flagged as trapped. foo.are error: Container #1 is trapped and detected foo.are error: Container #1 is trapped with no trap script (bar.bcs) Item Indices: Like vertices, area files contain a list of items. Containrs simpy refer to entries on the item list and, like vertices, each entry should be used exactly once. foo.are error: Containers #1 has an incorrect index Items: Items are verified for existence; if not then the message foo.are error: Item #1 does not exist (bar.itm) will be displayed. This component does not account for the random treasure tables, so expect a few false positives. Ambients: Like items, the referenced sound files are checked for existence and the message foo.are error: Ambient #1 does not exist (bar.wav) is displayed upon failure of the check. Doors (Sounds): Doors can use opening and closing sounds. If sounds are listed, the resources are checked for existence with the message foo.are error: Door #1 sound does not exist (bar.wav) displayed if the check fails. Doors (Traps): Like the container and info point trap checks, a trap script and detection flag are checked if the door is flagged as trapped. foo.are error: Door #1 is trapped and detected foo.are error: Door #1 is trapped with no trap script (bar.bcs) Doors (Keys): If a key is listed in a door, the key is checked for existence. In addition, the door is checked to see if it is subject to being lockpicked. The door is also checked to ensure it's actually locked. foo.are error: Door #1 has non-existent key set (bar.itm) foo.are error: Door #1 requires key (bar.itm) but the lock can be picked foo.are error: Door #1 requires key (bar.itm) but the door is not locked Animations: The component will check for both BAMs and VVCs for any animation listed. If none are found, the message foo.are error: Animation #1 does not exist (bar.bam or bar.vvc) is displayed. Rest Spawns: The component will verify that all creatures listed exist. Creature file names beginning with RD are ignored, as these are handled correctly by spawngrp.2da. foo.are error: Rest Spawn creature file does not exist (bar.cre) Creature Checker Output of this check can be found in G3_Debugging_Suite/debugger_creature_checker.log. This component will check several potential issues in creature files. The inventory is only given minimal treatement; please use the Creature Invenory Checker component for in-depth inventory checks. Invalid File: If the file is below the minimum file size required to have a complete header, the component will generate the message foo.cre: Invalid, below minimum size and move to the next creature file. None of the other checks will be performed. Offsets: The creature files contain a series of offsets to tell the engine where various information blocks within the file exist. These offsets are expected to be in a particular order (though not required). As part of its running checks, the tool will check the offset of each block in turn and report incorrect offsets, based upon their expected order within the file. foo.cre error: Known Spells offset is incorrect foo.cre error: Memorization Info offset is incorrect foo.cre error: Memorized Spells offset is incorrect foo.cre error: Effects offset is incorrect foo.cre error: Item offset is incorrect foo.cre error: Item Slot offset is incorrect Name Check: Creatures have two name fields, name and apparent name. If strings are set in both, the component will verify that they match. If not, the message foo.cre: name fields do not match will be displayed. Portraits: If portraits are specified for the creature, they are checked for existence. foo.cre error: Small Portrait does not exist (bar.bmp) foo.cre error: Large Portrait does not exist (bar.bmp) BG Proficiencies: If a creature has proficiencies from BG set in their file, the message foo.cre: Has BG proficiencies set will be generated. With all of the leftover creature files present in BG2, this component can cause a number of false positives. Sex/Gender: The component checks for conflicts between these two values. As gender can have a broader range of values than sex, creatures with genders other than male, female, both, or neither are not checked. foo.cre: Gender and Sex do not match Attribute Checks: The component will verify that the attributes of the creature fall within the normal minimum of 3 and maximum of 25. foo.cre: Attributes fall outside min/max Scripts: The component will check for the existence of the creatures's scripts, if they are assigned. foo.cre error: Script does not exist (bar.bcs) Dialogue File: The component will check for the existence of the dialogue file, if one is assigned. This component will generate a number of false positives, as BioWare assigned many creatures dialogue files that do not exist. foo.cre error: Dialogue does not exist (bar.dlg) Known Spells: Each spell listed as known in the creature file has three paramaters, all of which are checked. The spell resource itself is checked for existence and the other two parameters (spel level and spell type) are verified against the spell files. foo.cre error: bar.spl in Known Spells section does not exist foo.cre error: bar.spl level in Known Spells section does not match spell file foo.cre error: bar.spl type in Known Spells section does not match spell file Memorization Info: The memorization information lists how many spells can be memorized at every level and which spells are actually memorized. As the block is a fixed length--it always contains information for 9 levels of mage spells, 7 levels of cleric spells, and one for innate spells--the length is checked. The spells are listed in an index system, so the indices are validated to ensure each spell is listed exactly once. foo.cre error: Memorization Info length is incorrect foo.cre error: Memorization Info index is incorrect Memorized Spells: The listed spells are checked for existence. foo.cre error: bar.spl in Memorized Spells section does not exist Items: The listed items are checked for existence. foo.cre error: Item does not exist (bar.itm) Creature Inventory Checker Output of this check can be found in G3_Debugging_Suite/debugger_creature_inventory_checker.log. Originally available separately, this has been rolled into the Suite. Invalid File: If the file is below the minimum file size required to have a complete header, the component will generate the message foo.cre: Invalid, below minimum size and move to the next creature file. None of the other checks will be performed. Ammo/Launcher Checks: These errors are all caused by a similar issue: the creature has a launcher in its weapon slot, but lacks the requisite ammunition in the quiver slots. Alternatively, the creature has ammo but no launcher for it. foo.cre: Bow with no arrow foo.cre: Sling with no bullets foo.cre: Crossbow with no bolts foo.cre: Arrows with no bow foo.cre: Bullets with no sling foo.cre: Bolts with no crossbow Items in Incorrect Slots: All of these errors are caused by having an invalid item equipped. For example, if a creature has an item not of the type armor (2) in its armor slot, this error will be reported. Many of the rings and amulet errors will be spurious, as BioWare tended to use these slots for special items that give creature immunities and other special abilities for their creature type. As many of these items are not flagged with proper item types you will see a number of false positives. foo.cre: Invalid Helm foo.cre: Invalid Armor foo.cre: Invalid Amulet foo.cre: Invalid Ring foo.cre: Invalid Cloak foo.cre: Invalid Gloves Invalid Weapon: You will see the error message foo.cre: Invalid Weapon if the creature has an item in its weapon slot that does not have a melee (1), ranged (2), or launcher (4) ability. Originally, this was only a check against item type, but there were a number of spurious errors resported as many of the creature paws (such as b1-8.itm) are of the type Miscellaneous (0). Invalid Offhand Item: The message foo.cre: Invalid offhand is caused by having an item in the offhand/shield slot that is not a one-handed weapon or a shield. The offhand weapon must be melee-only (ranged weapons are not allowed offhand) and not flagged as two-handed. Invalid Quiver: The message foo.cre: Invalid quiver is generated by an item in the quiver slot that is not arrows, bullets, or bolts. Invalid Weapon Equipped: The utility will perform a compare against the equipped weapon value and the weapon slots. This error is reported if there is 1) a valid weapon available and 2) either no weapon selected or the selected slot has no valid weapon. So if a creature has weapon slot 1 set as equipped but has no weapons at all, this error will not be generated as condition #1 is not satisfied. foo.cre: Invalid weapon equipped Two-Handed Weapon and Offhand Item: The message foo.cre: Two-handed weapon and offhand item is triggered by one of the weapons in the weapon slots being flagged as two-handed while the offhand/shield slot is filled. This would cause a hard crash in BG2 if such a creature were encountered. Unequipped Items: The component is also looking for items that were possibly meant to be assigned. As such, it performs a check in a creature inventory for armor, shields, helms, etc. to see if an item could be equipped rather than left in inventory. foo.cre: Possible equippable item in inventory Item Checker Output of this check can be found in G3_Debugging_Suite/debugger_item_checker.log. This component performs basic checks against item files. Invalid File: If the file is below the minimum file size required to have a complete header, the component will generate the message foo.itm: Invalid, below minimum size and move to the next creature file. None of the other checks will be performed. Offsets: Abilities traditionally start at 0x72, the end of the fixed item information block, and effects begin immediately after the abilities. The component will check both of these offsets for proper ordering and values. foo.itm: Abilities do not start at the proper offset foo.itm: Effects do not start at the proper offset Effect Indices: All effects, whether global or via ability, are contained in a list. Each effect shold be used exactly once--this is ensured by an indexing system in the abilities. If these indices are incorrect, the message foo.itm: Ability #1 has an index error will be generated. Abilities: Ability types (melee, magical, etc.) are checked against whether they appear in the weapon slots or item slots. If they're in the wrong place, the error message foo.itm error: Ability #1 appears in wrong place is displayed. The component also checks for extraneous default (0) headers with the message foo.itm error: Ability #1 is extraneous Default(0) type. Effects on Abilities: Three rudimentary checks are performed on the effects attached to abilities. If the effect is designed to be permanent, the duration should be zero. Unknown timing modes are reported. Also, the durations of limited effects are compared against one another to identify potential errors. In this last check, effects with durations of less than one round are ignored as many abilities include playing graphics or sounds for a few seconds. foo.itm: Ability #1 has a permanent effect with non-zero duration (effect #2, opcode 147) foo.itm: Ability #1 has an effect with incorrect/unknown timing (effect #2, opcode 147) foo.itm Warning: Limited duration effects on ability #1 have mismatching durations Global Effects (aka Equipping Effects): The global effects are supposed to be more rigid as they are supposed to affect the wearer while the item is equipped. As such, they should target self, have a timing mode of instant/while equipped (2), should be applied 100% of the time, and should not be subject to dispel magic. foo.itm: Global Effect #1 (opcode 147) has an incorrect target foo.itm: Global Effect #1 (opcode 147) has an incorrect timing mode foo.itm: Global Effect #1 (opcode 147) can be dispelled foo.itm: Global Effect #1 (opcode 147) is not always applied (check your probabilities) Enchantment/Magical: The component checks for agreement between the magical flag and the enchantment level. If an item has non-zero enchantment and is not flagged as magical, the message foo.itm: Disagreement between enchantment and magical flag will be displayed. Icons: If specified, the three icons (inventory, ground, and carried) are checked for existence. The icons for the various abilities are also checked. foo.itm error: Icon does not exist (bar.bam) foo.itm error: Ground Icon does not exist (bar.bam) foo.itm error: Carried Icon does not exist (bar.bam) foo.itm error: Ability #1 icon does not exist (bar.bam) Spell Checker Output of this check can be found in G3_Debugging_Suite/debugger_spell_checker.log. This component performs basic checks against spell files. Invalid File: If the file is below the minimum file size required to have a complete header, the component will generate the message foo.spl: Invalid, below minimum size and move to the next creature file. None of the other checks will be performed. Innate Level: If a spell is of the type innate, it can potentially crash the game when used in a HaveSpell() trigger and its level is not set to one. This component will issue the warning foo.spl warning: Innate spells should be spell level one in these cases. Offsets: Abilities traditionally start at 0x72, the end of the fixed spell information block, and effects begin immediately after the abilities. The component will check both of these offsets for proper ordering and values. foo.spl: Abilities do not start at the proper offset foo.spl: Effects do not start at the proper offset Effect Indices: All effects, whether global or via ability, are contained in a list. Each effect should be used exactly once--this is ensured by an indexing system in the abilities. If these indices are incorrect, the message foo.spl: Ability #1 has an index error will be generated. Abilities: Spell type is checked against the ability type to determine whether they appear in the innate slots or spell slots. If they're in the wrong place, the error message foo.spl error: Ability #1 appears in wrong place is displayed. The component also checks for extraneous default (0) headers with the message foo.spl error: Ability #1 is extraneous Default(0) type. Effects on Abilities: Three rudimentary checks are performed on the effects attached to abilities. If the effect is designed to be permanent, the duration should be zero. Unknown timing modes are reported. Also, the durations of limited effects are compared against one another to identify potential errors. In this last check, effects with durations of less than one round are ignored as many abilities include playing graphics or sounds for a few seconds. foo.spl: Ability #1 has a permanent effect with non-zero duration (effect #2, opcode 147) foo.spl: Ability #1 has an effect with incorrect/unknown timing (effect #2, opcode 147) foo.spl: Ability #1 has a limited duration effect with zero duration (effect #2, opcode 147) foo.spl Warning: Limited duration effects on ability #1 have mismatching durations Icons: If specified, the spell icon is checked for existence. The icons for the various abilities are also checked. foo.spl error: Icon does not exist (bar.bam) foo.spl error: Ability #1 icon does not exist (bar.bam)
  8. Cirerrek's IWD2 Scripting Info View File Cirerrek has authored many AI scripts and, along the way, compiled a great deal of research on scripting triggers and actions. The IWD2 scripting information (text file) is a compilation of information gleaned from the engine and a number of online resources. IE Trigger and Action research is a comparison of the scripting capabilities of the five implementations of the Infinity Engine, with the goal of seeing where they overlap and where they may be hidden functionality available in engines unknown to modders. It is available as two spreadsheets (.xls file), comparing actions and triggers. Submitter CamDawg Submitted 12/21/2018 Category Tools
  9. This mod includes and deprecates a slew of other mods: the BG2 Tweak Pack, the G3 Tweak Pack, the Tutu Tweak Pack, Wes Weimer's Ease-of-Use, the Icewind Dale Tweak Pack, the Icewind Dale II Tweak Pack, the Baldur's Gate Tweak Pack, and the Planescape: Torment Tweak Pack. This mod works on all Infinity Engine games. This includes The series of Enhanced Editions (EE) published by Beamdog, which at present includes Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (BGEE), Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (BG2EE), Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition (IWDEE), and Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (PsTEE). The BGEE Siege of Dragonspear expansion (SoD) is supported as well. All of the Enhanced Edition games include the original expansion packs, e.g. IWDEE includes Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster. The original Baldur's Gate (BG), with or without the Tales of the Sword Coast (TotSC) expansion The original Baldur's Gate II (BG2 or just Shadows of Amn (SoA)), with or without the Throne of Bhaal (ToB) expansion The conversion projects Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT), Baldur's Gate Tutu (Tutu), Icewind Dale-in-Baldur's Gate II (IWD-in-BG2), and Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET) The original Icewind Dale (IWD) with or without either of its expansions, Heart of Winter (HoW) and Trials of the Luremaster (TotLM) Icewind Dale II (IWD2) Planescape: Torment (PsT) While the mod works on all of these platforms, not every component is available for every game; check the individual components for details using the acronyms listed above. Every component in this mod makes interactive changes and should, in general, be compatible with other mods. Except where noted, the tweaks adjust items, dialogues, and other resources added by other mods. As such, it is highly recommended that you install this mod last if you wish to take full advantage of it. For example, installing a mod that adds weapons after you install Alter Weapon Proficiency System from Tweaks will mean that the mod's weapons may not use the new system. The Tweak Pack is organized into five broad categories: Cosmetic Changes This batch of tweaks generally changes the look and feel of the game, without making general rule changes or altering the underlying mechanics of the engine. Remove Helmet Animations Change Imoen's Avatar to Mage Change Nalia's Avatar to Thief Change Viconia's Skin Color to Dark Blue Avatar Morphing Script Weapon Animation Tweaks Icewind Dale Casting Graphics [Andyr] Baldur's Gate Casting Graphics [Andyr] Restore SoA Load Screen Logo Restore IWD Loading Screens [icelus] Disable Portrait Icons Added by Equipped Items Commoners Use Drab Colors Icon Improvements Force All Dialogue to Pause Game Fix Boo's Squeak Remove "+x" From Unique Item Names Make Magic Shields Glow [plainab/grogerson] Unique Icons [Lava] Unique Containers [Miloch] Use Character Colors Instead of Item Colors Remove Annoying Visual Effects from Equipped Items Separate Resist Fire/Cold Icon into Separate Icons [Angel] Enhanced Overlays for Colorblind Players [Fouinto] Content Tweaks These components make alterations to content in order to provide a better player experience. More Interjections Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues Reveal Wilderness Areas Before Chapter Six Make Cloakwood Areas Available Before Completing the Bandit Camp Improved Athkatlan City Guard Gradual Drow Item Disintegration Breakable Iron Non-Magical Shields, Helms, and Armor Improved Multi-Player Kick-Out Dialogues Send BioWare NPCs to an Inn [DavidW/Zed Nocear] Add Bags of Holding Portable Containers [Zed Nocear] Reveal City Maps When Entering Area Do Not Reveal City Maps When Entering Area Add Map Notes Stores Sell Higher Stacks of Items Reputation Resets in BG2 Gems and Potions Require Identification Shapeshifter Rebalancing [Weimer] Multiple Strongholds [Sabre, Baldurdash, Weimer] Make Individual Strongholds Available [DavidW] Bonus Merchants [Baldurdash] Female Edwina [Davide Carte, Wendy Yung, Weimer] Romance Bug Fixes [Sabre, Richardson] Imoen ToB Dialogue Fix [jcompton] Use BG Walking Speeds Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items Adjust Cromwell's Forging Time Allow Cespenar to Use Cromwell Recipes Friendly Arm Inn Hidden Container Restoration [plainab] Move NPCs to Convenient Locations Bardic Reputation Adjustment Game Ends When the Main Character Dies NPCs Respond to the Main Character, Not to Whichever Character Talks to Them Make Heart of Winter Accessible at Any Level Restore (Most) BG2 Spells and Make Scrolls Available NPCs Cannot Pass Doors Rule Changes These components make alterations to rules, game mechanics, and other aspects of the underlying game. Two-Handed Bastard Swords Two-Handed Katanas Two-Handed Axes Universal Clubs Weapon Styles for All Delay High Level Abilities Change Experience Point Cap Allow Thieving and Stealth in Heavy Armor per PnP Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor Expanded Dual-Class Options Wear Multiple Protection Items Alter Weapon Proficiency System Cast Spells from Scrolls (and Other Items) at Character Level Limit Ability of Storekeepers to Identify Items Multi-Class Grandmastery [Weimer] Change Grandmastery Bonuses Change Magically Created Weapons to Zero Weight Make +x/+y Weapons Consistent Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table Un-Nerfed Sorcerer Spell Progression Table Alter Mage Spell Progression Table Alter Bard Spell Progression Table Alter Cleric Spell Progression Table Alter Druid Spell and Level Progression Tables Alter Wisdom-Based Divine Bonus Spell Table Triple-Class HLA Tables Add Save Penalties for Spells Cast by High-Level Casters Trap Cap Removal [Ardanis/GeN1e] Remove Delay for Magical Traps [Ardanis/GeN1e] Remove Summoning Cap for Regular Summons Remove Summoning Cap for Celestials [Ardanis/GeN1e] Remove Racial Restrictions for Single-Classes Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits Alter Dual-Class Restrictions Alter Multi-Class Restrictions Alter Gnome Mage Kit/Multi-Class Options Alter Paladin Spell Progression Table (previously known as Paladins Use Icewind Dale-Heart of Winter Spell Tables [grogerson]) Alter Ranger Spell Progression Table(previously known as Rangers Use Icewind Dale-Heart of Winter Spell Tables [grogerson]) Druids Use 3E Alignment Restrictions Loosen Equipment Restrictions for Cleric Multi- and Dual-Classes Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-Classes Everyone Gets Bonus APR from Specialization [subtledoctor] Enforce PnP Proficiency Rules on Dual-Classed Characters [subtledoctor] Exceptional Strength Weight Limit Changes [sarevok57] Level-Lock Spell Scrolls [Angel] Allow Mages to Use Bucklers and Thieves to Use Small Shields [Angel] Lightning Bolts Don't Bounce [Angel] Speed Up de'Arnise Keep Stronghold Quests Allow Monks to Wear Helmets Thieves Can Backstab With More Weapons With "Use Any Item" or as Dual- and Multi-Classes Restore IWD Tooltips Make Certain Creatures Immune to Backstab/Sneak Attack [Luke] Convenience Tweaks and/or Cheats These components seek to remove annoying aspects of the game or to make it easier. Max HP at Level One Higher HP on Level Up Allow HP Rolls Through Level 20 [Angel] Maximum HP Creatures [the bigg] Identify All Items Easy Spell Learning Make Bags of Holding Bottomless Remove Fatigue from Restoration Spells Remove "You Must Gather Your Party..." Sound [Weimer] Change Effect of Reputation on Store Prices Increase Ammo Stack Size Increase Jewelry, Gem, and Miscellaneous Item Stacks (previously known as Increase Jewelry and Gem Stacks) Increase Potion Stacking Increase Scroll Stacking Happy Patch - Alter How Party NPCs Complain About Reputation NPCs Don't Fight Stop Haer'Dalis-Aerie Romance from Starting Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation [Luiz] No Traps or Locks [Weimer] Faster Chapter One and Two Cutscenes and Dreams Keep Drizzt's Loot, Disable Malchor Harpell [Weimer] No Drow Avatars On Party In Underdark [Weimer] Disable Romances Accelerate/Decelerate Romances Romance Cheats [Sabre, Richardson, Weimer] Rest Anywhere [japheth] Disable Non-Hostile Rest Spawns Alter Hostile Rest Spawns Sellable Items [icelus] Stores Purchase All Item Types Minimum Stats Cheat Sensible Entrance Points Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armor [Icendoan/grogerson] Friendly Random Drops Never Lose Access to Orrick the Gray's Trade Goods Recoverable Ammunition [argent77] Recoverable Throwing Weapons [argent77] Give Every Class/Kit Four Weapon Slots Personalize Automatic Save Names Death Cam Start New Games with Party AI Turned Off No Depreciation in Stores Make Party Members Less Likely to Die Irreversibly Increase Party Movement Speed and/or Casting Speed Outside of Combat [argent77] Create Interval Saves [argent77] Reset UnderSigil Fog of War Joinable NPC Tweaks Components in this category directly affect joinable NPCs. Adjust Evil Joinable NPC Reaction Rolls Improved Fate Spirit Summoning ToB-Style NPCs Allow NPC Pairs to Separate Consistent Stats: Edwin Consistent Stats: Jaheira Change Jaheira to Neutral Good Alignment Consistent Stats: Minsc Consistent Stats: Viconia Make Khalid a Fighter-Mage [Domi] Make Montaron an Assassin [Andyr] Change Korgan to Neutral Evil Alignment Give Kagain a Legal Constitution Score of 19 Give Coran a Legal Dexterity Score of 19 Make Xan a Generalist Mage [Mike1072] Make Dynaheir a Generalist Mage [Angel] Make Xzar a Generalist Mage [Angel] Make Edwin a Generalist Mage [Angel] Move Boo Into Minsc's Pack Allow Yeslick to Use Axes Ensure Shar-Teel Doesn't Die in the Original Challenge Don't Auto-Assign Advanced AI Scripting to Party Removable NPC Items
  10. No. Primarily because there's no 'clean' way to fix it that doesn't involve code, but code time is (currently) better spent elsewhere.
  11. Secondhand bug report: Fireshield blocks insects cast directly, but not from the secondary spread--e.g. casting Insect plague on a fighter next to a fireshielded mage will get insects spread onto the mage.
  12. And I was hoping Galc would take credit for being the person who originally pointed out that second bug (effect ordering) to me, but he's modest as well as smart.
  13. BG2 EE. The issue of being disrupted by 0 damage has been fixed on all EE platforms except BG2EE. BG2EE will be getting this fix with the upcoming 2.6 patch.
  14. Oh right, forgot to mention this as well. Yeah, auto-pause on spell cast can do two fairly bad things--one, as you've already mentioned, is that it can re-roll the probabilities so that not every effect gets the same roll (for further reading, any old thread about the duration of the Friends spell in the Fixpack). Another, but lesser known problem, is that it can sometimes cause the engine to apply spell effects out of order, which can cause all sorts of bad things for spells like Otiluke's where the order is necessary for the proper functioning of the spell. edit: I should note that while auto-pause on spell cast is the most common way to experience these bugs, *any* pause at the critical moment can produce the same result.
  15. Yep. In the olden days, this is how Fixpack would "delete" effects. We would still get rare reports of items/spells doing stuff that they shouldn't until we realized this. Fixpack has, as of v12, corrected all of the vanilla resources in the beta core fixes; from the documentation on game mechanics fixes: The bug is filed for the EEs but it's currently in the backlog.
  16. Well, the preview showed a pretty little table, then did that when I posted. So now it's just a screenshot.
  17. On https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/files/2da/2da_bgee/charsnd.htm "The second column shows the string reference for a male character. The third column shows the string reference for a male character." Third column is for female characters, not male. On the BG2 area listing (credit to Anders on the BD QA team), https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/appendices/area_lists/bg2aref.htm
  18. Actually, it's even easier than that. The L_xx_xx lua files are built from a common part of the translation tool, since it contains all of the common/shared UI strings between the EEs. You should be able to simply copy the l_fr_fr.lua file from BGEE and drop it directly into the BG2EE override and have it work.
  19. Must be BG2EE? BGEE has a French language option, but not BG2EE yet.
  20. As Jarno says, saving in an area can be disabled with a flag. So you could run a regexp patch to add the flag to every area in the game, then script a timed save in the master game script baldur.bcs. You'd probably need to provide some way for folks to make a hard-point save for when they're done playing for the day, though. Resting is a little trickier--while there is a 'can't rest' flag for areas, it's not really well-enforced by the engine. If you sleep in Waukeen's Promenade, for example, you get interrupted by a guard who tells you to clear off. However, if you mash the sleep button one of them eventually gets through and allows you to sleep.
  21. I still hold out hope that Roxanne will return and thus will keep this thread open. We'll just be diligent about letting newcomers to the thread know that they may find faster help at the support link in the OP rather than here.
  22. Pretty sure that WRITE_LONG is case-sensitive.
  23. CamDawg

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