Creature Creator for the Infinity Engine (CCIE - Cre-key) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .cre files for Infinity Engine games. Currently only Baldur's Gate (including TotSC) and Baldurs Gate II (SoA or ToB) are supported, although it is possible the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games.
Dat File Converter (DFC) is a small tool to convert the .dat files used by DLTCEP/IEEP etc. to plain text file, preserving only the opcode names. The resultant list can then be printed and used as a cheat-sheet, or summary sheet for the effects available in the game. The converter works with the .dat files for BG, BG2, Ps:T, IWD and IWD2 (in fact the converter works for all files using the .dat format).
Dat File Converter 2 (DFC2) is a small tool to convert the .dat files used by DLTCEP/IEEP etc. to HTML files, in the same format as used in the IESDP. The converter works with the .dat files for BG, BG2, Ps:T, IWD and IWD2 (in fact the converter works for all files using the .dat format).
EFF Creator for the Infinity Engine (ECIE - pronounced e-key) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .eff files for Infinity Engine games. Currently BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA and BG2:ToB, IWD (and add-ons) are supported (i.e. games using EFF V2 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games.
IAPU is a small tool to unpack files which have been packaged in the .iap format. Rather than requring the loading of a program, and the use of commands in layers of menus, or running a self-extracting archive, IAPU allows the contained files to be quickly extracted to the current directory, preserving relative directories. Text associated with the contained files is not extracted and is not added to the dialog.tlk file.
Item Creator for the Infinity Engine (ICIE - pronounced ick-e) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .itm files for Infinity Engine games. Currently BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA and BG2:ToB, IWD (and add-ons) are supported (i.e. games using ITM V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games.
The igi Tool for Cam is designed to dynamically build spells that invoke a series of 'Can't Use Item' opcodes based on the contents of a folder.
Scroll Creator for the Infinity Engine (SCCIE) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .itm files for Infinity Engine games, specifically scrolls used to learn/cast magic spells. Currently BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA and BG2:ToB, IWD (and add-ons) are supported (ie. games using ITM/SPL V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games.
Store Creator for the Infinity Engine (SCIE - pronounced sky) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .sto files for Infinity Engine games. Currently only BG, BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA and BG2:ToB are supported (ie. games using STO V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games.
Store Inserter for the Infinity Engine (SIIE - pronounced sigh) is a small tool to aid in the distribution of .sto files for Infinity Engine games. Currently only Baldur's Gate II (SoA or ToB) is supported, although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games.
Spell Creator for the Infinity Engine (SPCIE - pronounced Spikey) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .spl files for Infinity Engine games. Currently only BG, BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA, BG2:ToB and IWD (with add-ons) are supported (ie. games using SPL V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games.
TBGU is a small tool to unpack files which have been packaged in the .tbg format. Rather than requring loading of a program, and the use of commands in layers of menus, TBGU allows the contained file to be quickly extracted to the current directory. Text associated with the contained file is not extracted and is not added to the dialog.tlk file. Currently .tbg V4 files are supported, although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other .tbg formats.
VCC Creator for the Infinity Engine (VCIE - pronounced vick-e) is a small tool to aid in the creation of .vvc files for Infinity Engine games. Currently BG, BG:TotSC, BG2:SoA, BG2:ToB and IWD (and add-ons) are supported (ie. games using VVC V1 files), although it is likely the tool will be expanded to support the other IE games.