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New Arcane Spells for v4

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Also, as I have already pointed out in the IR forum, we consider it normal to remove other mods' spells/items if they are not the main focus of said mods and impose difficult to solve compatibility problems - by default, unless specifically requested otherwise.

Nothing makes me avoid a mod as random added items and spells. The mod can seem interesting, with a good storyline and quality content - but then there's always the ubiquitous "[MOD] also adds 10 NEW spells and over 30 all NEW powerful magic items!"... I'm quite pleased with what IR and SR painstakingly has brought me, thank you very much.

(Yes I know I could NOT use the new stuff, but 1) I've tried it and it's a hassle to know what's kosher and what's not and 2) it totally kills immersion)


So yeah, keep at it Ardanis (& Demi:)).

Edited by Dakk
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Most mods that add items and spells don't add random ones. From what I've seen, the vast majority of mods that add new resources attempt to keep them in line with the stuff in the original game. It's just that over time, the community has become better at determining what is appropriate, and we are now critically examining how the original game was balanced.


Well-supported mods are usually very responsive to player feedback. When playing mods, I report things that concern me, like bugs, typos, compatibility issues, balance issues, and conceptual issues. A lot of the time the mod author will take note and determine whether there is something to change that would improve their mod.

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Most mods that add items and spells don't add random ones.

Our experiences differ then :) But I digress. And I'm not out to poke at or belittle other mod authors, far from it - I have very high regard for modders.


It's just that the vanilla items (with a sprinkling of others from RR and so on) and spells changed by IR and SR is just what I personally need or indeed want to exist in my game.

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First off, let me just say that the effort to fill every available spell slot with quality, balanced and fitting material is a commendable if formidable task. Kudos to you Demi! Now to the feedback you request in the OP:


We're making Find Familiar an innate spell for obvious reasons


Will you include BG1 versions of the familiars, much like there are ToB versions of them? Otherwise, playing BGT(utu) with SRv4 and a protagonist arcane caster could amount to a free, fully fledged Pseudodragon from the get go, which is kinda like starting with a Glabrezu familiar in SoA.


Level 1

MS-I: See my comments in the v4 Summons thread for the MS I-IX suite. Very high priority IMO.

Fog Cloud/Mist: I had a bad feeling about this, then I read a suggestion to only make it last as long as PfMW. I think that's a great idea and completely in line with my suggestions in the v4 revisions thread on a "PfMW" suite of spells (including mantles and Absolute Immunity) - a collection of short duration, casting time 1, "oh shit"-defenses. This seems fine for a level 1 implementation of such a spell. However, not strictly necessary.

Step/Hop: Yes please. High priority.

Fatigue: Looks nice. IMO though, I think a full level I-IX suite of Create Undead spells are a greater priority for necro, if it comes to that. See my thoughts in the Summons thread.

Ice Dagger: Yawn. To me, the snowballs at level 2 is more than enough.


Level 2

MS2: See MS1 above. The specific creature used is not very important to me. With the "summon more monster of a lesser MS level instead" via a ToBex menu implementation (à la 3.5 PnP), balancing the creatures between one another and providing versatility across the spell suite as a whole is more important. As a rule of thumb then, one MS2 monster should be worth 2 MS1 monsters (again see my comments in the v4 summons thread). Very high prio.

GEL: More electricity damage is always welcome, but not strictly necessary. I'd prefer to make room for a "Create Undead II" here.

SSS: Yes please, more frost at low levels is more important/scarce than lightning. I also like the streamlining of having frost based always deal 1d4+1 rather than 1d6 (same average, but more "consistent" than fire/lightning). Will Ice Storm also use 1d4+1 damage dice?

Resist Fire/Cold: Please make this Resist Energy (for arcane and divine caster alike) as you suggest. A 50% selectable resistance via a ToBex menu is not very "daring" IMO, just good practice consistent with your plans for the lvl 5 energy immunities. High priority IMO.


Level 3

Animate Skeletons:

within Forgotten Realms setting they actually have an Undead Summoning spell at each lvl.

I'm with you 100% here, see the v4 summons thread for my ideas on how to incorporate this just like the MS and AS suites. Also as a sidenote, there's no real need to have a low level summon be upgraded at a higher CL if you follow this route - just put the upgrade in a higher spell slot - it will save you time and effort. Low level summons are still useful as distractions, to draw out Banishments or trigger traps (if you go with that suggestion of mine :)

Icelance: Sure why not. Moderate prio IMO - level 3 has so many canonic invocations already, but "ice is nice".


Level 4

Phantasmal Killer: Yes, good idea :) High prio in my book.

Vitriolic Sphere: Yes, for the reasons you state. Also high prio.

MFM: Yes to making this and FA target individually (Magic Missile too?). In fact, now that I think about it, perhaps this would be a good way to implement *all* "party friendly" AoE spells like SSS and even ADHW too? (If it works with the AI). As for damage, the need for balance in BG takes priority over PnP in my book, so tweak away until you're happy with it :) Very high priority now that Skull Trap and ADHW are "necromantic" in nature.

Enervation: I like Ardani's suggestion to make this replace Contagion (causing disease feels more like an evil priest thing to me, plus it's unappealing). However you decide to implement this, I think it should simply be a lesser version of the 9th level spell (so one should probably look at both of these simultaneously when designing the mechanics). Moderate priority, if only for replacing an underused spell.

Dimensional Anchor: Not needed at all. Narrow pro-active defenses are horrible IMO. Spell deflection etc. is already a counter to the effects you mention. Specific protections are needed more to counter creature abilities (like fire breathing or death gazes) than spells.

Animate Ghouls: A fine candidate for Create Undead IV?


Level 5

Swift Etheralness: YES! Yet another spell that fits into the "panic button" suite I have mentioned earlier (with level I fog up to level IX Absolute Immunity). Might I suggest moving PfNW to level 3/4 to make it more useful in BG1 and possibly PfNM to level 2 and make it powerful but 3-4 rounds duration too. That IMO would balance this spell as the 5th level "panic button". High prio IMO.

Waves of Fatigue: Seems nice and a high prio to improve necro selection. I suggest incorporating the summon shadows into Create Undead V of course.

Ball Lightning: This is great, great news. Will [force] damage dissipate it just as it would a Mordy Sword, or perhaps "short circuiting" it with electrical damage is more appropriate? If only 1 is permitted, perhaps the same rule should be applied to Mordy Sword (*takes cover* lol), especially if the summon cap is removed. The sword could be improved somewhat to compensate for only having one IMO. Ball Lightning is very highly anticipated by me!

GrDimDoor: OH YES! Very high prio. Looks like level 5 is gonna be an exciting spell level with tough picks for a sorceror, at last. I would suggest at least a 1 turn duration though.

Mind Fog: I have no PnP experience of this spell and it looks a bit too narrow for my tastes, but "vive la difference" if there's room. Low prio IMO.

Acid Sheath: Seems reasonable, moderate prio.

Various: None of the spells seem interesting here IMO. Please consider my suggestions in the v4 summons thread as this level could easily fit Summon Monster V, Create Undead V and Planar Binding.


Level 6

Shades: Why are illusory summons needed? Aren't the illusory clones sufficient? Not sure which schools illusionists give up, but in v4 you'll essentially have summons in necromancy, conjuration AND evocation. And frankly, you must give up something if you specialize. If you decide on this spell, I'd implement it as a quasi-real Summon Monster 6 clone where the monsters summoned are very weak (1 hp?) but deal double damage unless you have true seeing or something like that (and the AI should handle them as "real" normal monsters). Definetely a glass cannon concept as you suggest, but not necessary to make a dedicated summon for this spell. Good "gated" dudes is a higher priority IMO (see my summoning suggestions). Another illusion spell is probably needed here though, so I suppose it has a moderate prio.

Eyebite: Yes sir, very flavorful and canonic indeed. One of my PnP favorites. High prio!

OFS: Nice, but with SSS, Ice Storm and Cone of Cold available it's not really necessary. I do like all schools having at least 2 spells/level though. Moderate prio.

Improved Slow: This looks highly interesting to support summons/party fighters. Not many things are immune to slow, right? High prio.

Also, I suggest incorporating the Skeleton Warrior into the Create/Summon Undead suite.


Level 7

MS-VII: You know my sentiments on these already :)

Conjure GrElem: See my comments in the v4 summons thread. I suggest making a Planar Binding suite that I envisioned would also incorporate the geneies. I think Druids should get more/better elementals (while clerics should get more/better infernals/celestials through Planar Ally) than arcane casters, but I'm fine with mixing in some elementals into the arcane spell suite too.

Prying/Watchful Eye: Unless you incorporate this into the Invisible Stalker summon, which I feel should be part of the Summon Monster suite as per 3.5 PnP, I think there is a need for better arcane trap detection than what the rabbit familiar can provide. So it depends on what you do with the stalker really. Btw, have you given any thought to implementing Project Image as a short ranged Farsight with an "untouchable" animation through which you can cast your very own spells but from a distance (as suggested in the other thread)? Gets around the whole duplication of the spell portfolio problem!


8th level

Mind Blank: Will it be castable on allies? If not, have you considered putting it at level 7 instead to make it a bit more appealing?

MS VIII: See the summons thread. To reiterate, I do suggest a 1 round/level duration on the entire spell suite to make the balance less of an issue. Also being countered by Banishment is a pretty significant thing.

Conjure Elder Elemental: For druids IMO. But see my thoughts on a Planar Binding suite in the summons thread.

Create Greater Undead: Incoporate into the spell suite as no. VIII.

Lightning Ring: Definitely agree on the need for more evoker spells on this level. I like it, and with the acid sheath it does really complete a suite of offensive/defensive spells of all elemental types, that grow appropriately more powerful by spell level. It's elegant, cool and a high priority IMO.

Polar Ray: Yes to a 20d6 single target no save frost ray with auto hit. Clean and perfectly balanced for a level 8 evocation IMO. Moderate to high prio.

Mass Polymorph: It is only fitting - this will be to Poly Other what Weird is to Phantasmal Killer etc.

SoI/SoC: I have no qualms with keeping Bioware non-PnP spells, so if an 8th level SoC is better, I say go for it.

Solipsism: Mass Feeblemind sounds rather interesting situationally and on par with mass poly, so why not? Moderate priority if only for the "2+ spells per school and level" rule.

Exec Eyes: I love using summons and buffing them up. Between this, mass slow and tele field with no save, I foresee great battles in the future for my sorceror's minions. Will these type of spells affect evocation summons like ball lightning and mordy sword too? I believe I can haste Mordy Swords in v3, but perhaps that's a bit unrealistic no?


9th level

Foresight: I only recall this spell by name from PnP so I can't really comment. IIRC what it does, the challenge will be to make it compete with Absolute Immunity.

Weird: Truly a high prio IMO. And certainly possible has as much right to live alongside WotB as Phantasmal Killer has to live despite Finger of Death. It will be a challenge to make both equally appealing yet different though.

Shadow Clone: A possibility but not a priority IMO. I'd rather fit the last Create Undead spell here if it comes to that.

MS-IX: Agreed on being mandatory (I feel the same about Summon/Create Undead IX). To me, these spells compete with Gate-type spells by being more convenient and not requiring a drawback. See my thoughts on this in the v4 summons thread.

Mass Domination: Extremely powerful for 2 reasons: it is very rare that all foes in an encounter are immune (pure undead or golems basically), and it is very rare that all will save. Each failed save basically counts as 2 failed saves from a WotB, because you gain an ally on top of removing a threat. If you go ahead with this, the save penalty must be less than the one for WotB to balance it IMO.



Great job so far! I may be a bit late, but if I can also make a personal suggestion to incorporate a canonical spell, I would suggest Magic Jar. My oh my I had fun with that spell in PnP. I suggest an implementation similar to Poly Self, greater dim door or eyebite. For the duration, you can attempt to dominate/possess a target once per round, but never the same target twice and not if protected from evil. If you succeed, your own body drops unconscious (best to make it invisible etc. first). Then when the target dies, you return to your body and may dominate again if the duration is still active. Ideally, you would be able to explore about in another body and walk about among hostiles without them attacking you (since you look like Gruff, the ogre). And if you walk out of long range, say, the spell would end prematurely. What do you think?

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Thanks for the feedback urdjur. Fortunately we seem to agree on almost everything, making my reply to such a huge wall of text much easier. :)



Will you include BG1 versions of the familiars, much like there are ToB versions of them? Otherwise, playing BGT(utu) with SRv4 and a protagonist arcane caster could amount to a free, fully fledged Pseudodragon from the get go, which is kinda like starting with a Glabrezu familiar in SoA.
Ages ago I started working on a HUGE revision of all familiars (see here) but unfortunately I got quickly overwhelmed by the amount of work it involved and since then it lies in one of my BG installs semi-abandoned. :( Sooner or later I do want to work on it, but now I'm really curious to see if BGEE does something on this matter. Something has to be done indeed though.


Fog Cloud

I had a bad feeling about this, then I read a suggestion to only make it last as long as PfMW. I think that's a great idea and completely in line with my suggestions in the v4 revisions thread on a "PfMW" suite of spells (including mantles and Absolute Immunity) - a collection of short duration, casting time 1, "oh shit"-defenses. This seems fine for a level 1 implementation of such a spell. However, not strictly necessary.
I'm not sure about casting time 1 for a cloud spell, but it could be fine, I have to think about it. Making it lasts only 5 rounds is fine if it's necessary to balance it.



Why are illusory summons needed? Aren't the illusory clones sufficient? Not sure which schools illusionists give up, but in v4 you'll essentially have summons in necromancy, conjuration AND evocation. And frankly, you must give up something if you specialize.
Because illusionists desperately need more "offensive" spells. In PnP a true Illusionist would be able to create any sort of illusion to confuse or even harm his opponents, going from simple illusionary images to semi-real copies of summons and evocations. I want to be able to play any specialist mage and feel I can fill most of my spellbook with appropriate spells, whereas vanilla's Illusion school only offered tons of invisibility spells. I love that SCS makes specialist mages focus on spells of their specializations, and I like to dream that one day Transmuters and Illusionists will join the ranks (right now SCS only has Evokers, Conjurers and Necromancers - I'm not sure about Enchanters and Abjurers but they should be there).


Speaking of the spell itself. Illusionary summons will behave in a rather unique way compared to real summons. They should be "powerful glass cannons" made even more fragile by a True Seeing spell, and vulnerable to anti-illusion spells such as Detect Illusion (which will work as a Banishment Spell against them).


Kit Revisions will then add the final touch, by making illusionary summons more powerful when summoned by an Illusionists. Similarly a Necromancer will create more powerful undead, and a Conjurer more powerful summons. This will give another incentive for a specialized mage to use the spells he/she is supposed to have mastered.


Dimensional Anchor

Not needed at all. Narrow pro-active defenses are horrible IMO. Spell deflection etc. is already a counter to the effects you mention.
Even if I'd like to point out that Spell Deflection is "self only", I tend to agree with you that this spell is not a top priority.


Ball Lightning

This is great, great news. Will [force] damage dissipate it just as it would a Mordy Sword, or perhaps "short circuiting" it with electrical damage is more appropriate?
The only thing capable of countering this spell is Dispel Magic. I do not feel any more counters are needed, and Death Spell/Banishment should not work against it imo. Do not consider this as a summon, because unlike Mordy it won't have hit points (nor stats in general), and it won't be "targetable". Try considering this a small 5 feet radius "cloud spell" or a sort of "Blade Barrier" which the caster can move around as he/she wishes. Opponents can "counter" it as they would do with any other purely damaging spell, using ProElectricity.


Will "buffs" affect evocation summons like ball lightning and mordy sword too? I believe I can haste Mordy Swords in v3, but perhaps that's a bit unrealistic no?
Ball Lightning won't be affected by any buff spell.


You do have a point about Mordy Swords. Surely it should not be affected by things such as Bless or Chant (I'll add this to my to-do list), but I'm not 100% sure about Haste or similar spells. I'd like to hear other players on this matter.


Mind Blank

Will it be castable on allies? If not, have you considered putting it at level 7 instead to make it a bit more appealing?
It will be castable on others. :)


Magic Jar

I fear this would be a real pain to implement (both for players and AI), not to mention it would hugely overlap with Domination. Mmm...

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Because illusionists desperately need more "offensive" spells.


OK, seems like a good motive. Then it's not specifically summons that they need, but offensive spells. But I like your idea here. Perhaps there will be some sort of shadow evocation option for them too? Options like these alongside things like Phantasmal Killer and Weird should make Illusion a rather versatily speciality.


On Evocation summons

IMO, I think you should streamline the evocation spells in this line to build on the same mechanic. If Mordy Sword deals magic damage rather than physical damage, should it really have hit points at all? I think you should implement this similarly as the ball lightning. I also like your idea of removing blunt damage from MMM and have them deal fire only. More fitting since it is evocation rather than conjuration IMO. In general, I think this line of evocations should:

*Ignore Magic Resistance

*Deal elemental or force damage as appropriate

*Use to-hit rolls, but not count as physical weapons (as in, "only +2 weapons or better" conditions don't apply, but immunity to say magic damage or electricity damage works).


Also if you do this, you're a frost and an acid spell short of a complete elemental suite using this mechanic. Perhaps include Snilloc's Snowballs and Acid Arrow in the same mechanic? Gives a useful work around for evokers who are otherwise badly thwarted by Magic Resistance: Now they have a range of spells to attack AC instead, if that happens to be a weaker spot on the enemy :) I don't know about the snowballs, but didn't acid arrow require a to-hit roll in the original 2ed version?

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Having read through this thread I agree with most in the initial post but would like to add Beltyn's burning blood as a 4th level spell for consideration and add the proposal for Vitriolic Sphere be set as 5th level as it is in 3rd ed to better spread single target offensive magic out in the spell levels.


Also making the snowball spell party friendly with a lower damage would be a lot better than having it not party friendly with higher damage for the sole reason that it would make it usable by the ai, which is the same reason I want to spread more single target damage spells around. Although 2nd level spells isn't in the same desperate need as 4th and 5th for ai friendly spells so it could go either way I guess.


Also regarding evocation summons, summons seriously shouldn't be evocation spells imo, that's the domain of conjuration spells.


Regarding conjuration spells, in 3rd ed conjuration spells that do not summon a form of energy (ie stuff like Flame Arrows are out because fire = energy) bypass spell resistance because when the melf's acid arrow hits the enemy it's no longer magical, the magic resistance simply dissipates the inertia that made the acid arrow hit the target in the first place which doesn't stop the damage from working. If this 3rd ed rule would be incorporated it would go a long way to giving mages tools other than 9th lvl spells to work against magic resistance. If you think about it the reason why the Dragon's Breath HLA bypasses magic res is probably because it summons the head of a dragon who is then compelled by the spell to breath fire, and spell res doesn't stop dragon fire, ie it should really be a conjuration spell.

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Vitriolic Sphere

Having read through this thread I agree with most in the initial post but would like to add Beltyn's burning blood as a 4th level spell for consideration and add the proposal for Vitriolic Sphere be set as 5th level as it is in 3rd ed to better spread single target offensive magic out in the spell levels.
Moving Vitriolic Sphere to 5th level could be fine, but I'm not sure I'd pick Beltyn's Burning Blood if I move the former. BBB isn't a really canonic spell (I try to stick with either PHB or Forgotten Realms books), and a Necromancy spell dealing fire plus acid damage is kinda strange imo. If I had to add one more Necromancy spell I would start from extremely canonic spells such as Enervation before starting to think about other ones.


Snowball Swarm

Also making the snowball spell party friendly with a lower damage would be a lot better than having it not party friendly with higher damage for the sole reason that it would make it usable by the ai, ...
My point exactly.


Non-conjured summons

Also regarding evocation summons, summons seriously shouldn't be evocation spells imo, that's the domain of conjuration spells.
Unless I forgot something Mordy is the only Evocation summon. Ball Lightning could be considered a sort of "summon" in terms of implementation, but it has really nothing in common with a real summon other then you having control over its movements.


Are you instead referring to illusionary summons?


Conjurations bypassing magic resistance

...in 3rd ed conjuration spells that do not summon a form of energy (ie stuff like Flame Arrows are out because fire = energy) bypass spell resistance...
Flame Arrows too is supposed to conjure real flaming arrows which bypass mr. I don't remember where this has been discussed, but while conceptually I do agree that conjured webs, arrows or things like that should bypass mr, I did not implemented it because of "compatibility issues with the AI". SCS mages do check for mr before casting these spells and do not use them if the target has high mr, thus making them bypass mr would only be an advantage for players.


If you think about it the reason why the Dragon's Breath HLA bypasses magic res is probably because it summons the head of a dragon who is then compelled by the spell to breath fire, and spell res doesn't stop dragon fire, ie it should really be a conjuration spell.
I find it hard to believe this spell really conjures a dragon to just breath one time before dismissing it. Not to mention it would just summon a decapitated head of a dragon. :D I do think the dragon's head is just a cosmetic thing, and the only real reason HLAs such as this (or Comet) bypass magic resistance is that developer wanted them to be the ultimate spells. For the same reason Dragon's Breath is party friendly, even if something like that is pretty much impossible to explain.
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Vitriolic Sphere

Moving Vitriolic Sphere to 5th level could be fine, but I'm not sure I'd pick Beltyn's Burning Blood if I move the former. BBB isn't a really canonic spell (I try to stick with either PHB or Forgotten Realms books), and a Necromancy spell dealing fire plus acid damage is kinda strange imo. If I had to add one more Necromancy spell I would start from extremely canonic spells such as Enervation before starting to think about other ones.


I guess Mordenkainen's Force Missiles could fill the slot of 4th level single target damage, if it's relatively AI friendly. Otherwise you could also take a look at the Orb of "insert damage type here" line of spells from 3rd edition. They are quite boring but stable spell choices.


Non-conjured summons

Unless I forgot something Mordy is the only Evocation summon. Ball Lightning could be considered a sort of "summon" in terms of implementation, but it has really nothing in common with a real summon other then you having control over its movements.


Are you instead referring to illusionary summons?


I was referring to the previous post by Urdjur, but I probably didn't think that line through very well. Illusionary summons are fine because they are not really summons but illusions that trick the opponent into thinking its hurt when it really isn't placebo style. No actual conjuring is involved.


Conjurations bypassing magic resistance

Flame Arrows too is supposed to conjure real flaming arrows which bypass mr. I don't remember where this has been discussed, but while conceptually I do agree that conjured webs, arrows or things like that should bypass mr, I did not implemented it because of "compatibility issues with the AI". SCS mages do check for mr before casting these spells and do not use them if the target has high mr, thus making them bypass mr would only be an advantage for players.


Well, this is a case for DavidW, not the maker of SR tbh. In the same way he has to manually add your new spells to SCS to account for them (most recent example is that sunscorch is used by SCS24), he would simply have to remove those mr checks for the affected spells when SR is installed. As it is now, if SR is installed and SCS isn't, the result is that the player gets several new spells the AI doesn't use making it a pure advantage for the player anyway.


I find it hard to believe this spell really conjures a dragon to just breath one time before dismissing it. Not to mention it would just summon a decapitated head of a dragon. :D I do think the dragon's head is just a cosmetic thing, and the only real reason HLAs such as this (or Comet) bypass magic resistance is that developer wanted them to be the ultimate spells. For the same reason Dragon's Breath is party friendly, even if something like that is pretty much impossible to explain.


The way I think about Dragon's Breath is that a flat gate spell is created above a random red dragon somewhere, then quickly lowered so only his head gets "transported". Then a feather is conjured and starts tickling the dragons feet making him cough which triggers the breath whereafter the gate is cancelled and the confused dragons head returns to its body. Doesn't explain the party friendly part though.

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If you think about it the reason why the Dragon's Breath HLA bypasses magic res is probably because it summons the head of a dragon who is then compelled by the spell to breath fire, and spell res doesn't stop dragon fire, ie it should really be a conjuration spell.
I find it hard to believe this spell really conjures a dragon to just breath one time before dismissing it. Not to mention it would just summon a decapitated head of a dragon. :D I do think the dragon's head is just a cosmetic thing, and the only real reason HLAs such as this (or Comet) bypass magic resistance is that developer wanted them to be the ultimate spells. For the same reason Dragon's Breath is party friendly, even if something like that is pretty much impossible to explain.
Actually it summons the extra dimensional dragon to breath on the target, the dragon then moves on to other pastures... just like the gate spell summons the demon, but the demon is more willing to pass to the primary material realm, so it jumps at the chance, while the dragon is not.
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By the way:


Evocation [Force]

Level: Sorcerer/wizard 4

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Targets: Up to four creatures, no two

of which are more than 30 ft. apart

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes

Sparking bolts of blue magic, like giant magic missiles, streak from your out-stretched hand to strike your foes and explode in sparkling bursts.

You create powerful missiles of magical force, each of which darts from your fingertips and unerringly strikes its target, dealing 2d6 points of damage.

The missile then explodes in a burst of force that deals half this amount of damage to any creatures adjacent to the primary target.

The missile strikes unerringly, even if the target is in melee or has anything less than total cover or concealment. A caster cannot single out specific parts of a creature.

The spell can target and damage unattended objects. You gain one missile for every four caster levels.You can make more than one missile strike a single target, if desired.

However, you must designate targets before rolling for spell resistance or damage.


Doesn't seem that OP to me if it would be implemented this way. One bolt/4 levels with each bolt hitting for 2d6 points of force damage + 1d6 damage in aoe around the target (probably around the same area as flamestrike in BG). To reach 15d6 damage the caster would have to reach level 20.

From 3.5 spell compendium.

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Mordenkainen's Force Missiles

Doesn't seem that OP to me if it would be implemented this way. One bolt/4 levels with each bolt hitting for 2d6 points of force damage + 1d6 damage in aoe around the target (probably around the same area as flamestrike in BG). To reach 15d6 damage the caster would have to reach level 20.

From 3.5 spell compendium.

How did I missed the huge nerf from AD&D to 3E? Anyway, it's a good thing. Up to 10d6 (5d6 to secondary targets) is quite fine indeed. To the primary target it's exactly the same damage you would cause with a 2x MM put into a Minor Sequencer. Thanks for pointing it out.
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Hmm, would it be too much to ask to put the Shield spell to good use here and make it remove the very first MF's Missile, while being canceled by it(provided there are no other spell protection spells) ... unlike the Magic Missile which cannot pierce the spell at all ? While using the Magic Missile animation perhaps recolored...

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