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SR V4 Open Beta (last update 25 October 2018)

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@I fear your issue has to do with the game requiring you to pick Reckless Dweomer from spell selection screen. I guess I'll have to put it back there. I hope it's not necessary as well for the other Wild Mage spells. :(

Erhm, it is likely to be so, as the specialist have to pick spells from their own school if they can and the Wildmage only has 3 special spells they are allowed and have to take. You could replace the spells with other chaotic spells ...

So for example you could replace the Reckless Dweomer with a spell that has a 33% chance to cast Magic Missile to the target, 33% chance to cast Chromatic Orb to the target, a 22% chance to cast Color Spray on the target, a 11% chance to cast Cure Light Wounds to the target... and a 1 % chance to cast fireball to the target.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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Ouch! Which Yamaha do you ride?

A naked Fz6. It isn't too much damaged but I'm sure it will cost a fortune to repair anyway. :(


A chance to get a Moto Guzzi? Surely most repairs are expensive enough. The paintwork on your bike is scratched or is it worse?

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@I fear your issue has to do with the game requiring you to pick Reckless Dweomer from spell selection screen. I guess I'll have to put it back there. I hope it's not necessary as well for the other Wild Mage spells. :(

Erhm, it is likely to be so, as the specialist have to pick spells from their own school if they can and the Wildmage only has 3 special spells they are allowed and have to take. You could replace the spells with other chaotic spells ...

So for example you could replace the Reckless Dweomer with a spell that has a 33% chance to cast Magic Missile to the target, 33% chance to cast Chromatic Orb to the target, a 22% chance to cast Color Spray on the target, a 11% chance to cast Cure Light Wounds to the target... and a 1 % chance to cast fireball to the target.


I'm not sure what this would accomplish, except having to wait for KR's Wild Mage to get back the Dewomer as an innate. Are you suggesting to simply do not flag it as Wild Mage and make your substitute spell available to all schools?


Off-Topic stuff

A chance to get a Moto Guzzi? Surely most repairs are expensive enough. The paintwork on your bike is scratched or is it worse?

My bike is this:


Fortunately there's little paintwork and stuff which can be easily damaged, but I bet they'll ask me something around 800-1000 euros for the repairs. :( At least I hope I'll get that money back because the accident wasn't my fault.


My father had a Guzzi ages ago but I'm more of a "sport" guy. :D

Edited by Demivrgvs
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I'm not sure what this would accomplish, except having to wait for KR's Wild Mage to get back the Dewomer as an innate. Are you suggesting to simply do not flag it as Wild Mage and make your substitute spell available to all schools?

I am suggesting that as you view the current vanilla Reckless Dweomer OP, that you do not remove it, but instead just replace it. Yes, the vanilla version is OP at high levels(as it can be man handled there better) and it's not actually chaotic at all so setting up a different style spell could work perfectly. Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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Readme file is still not updated in v4beta. I assume it will be done last, just before release.

But because the v4 detailed changes thread is not really updated with the current version, the only way to see (detailed) changes is to look with NI or in-game.

I am still in the install process, trying to check compatibility with SCS spell changes and it is not easy without a proper document (ie: to decide what SCS spell components I want to install).

I will now check with NI :)

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Out of those offered, skip:

"More consistent Breach"

"Anti-magic bypasses Imp.Invis"

"Extra scrolls"

"Freedom scrolls available early"



Install "True Sight protects from Blindeness" (SR does the same but SCS won't know it).

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But because the v4 detailed changes thread is not really updated with the current version, the only way to see (detailed) changes is to look with NI or in-game.

Or you could just look at the .tra file...


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Out of those offered, skip:

"More consistent Breach"

"Anti-magic bypasses Imp.Invis"

"Extra scrolls"

"Freedom scrolls available early"



Install "True Sight protects from Blindeness" (SR does the same but SCS won't know it).


Thanks. I finally skip all of them except True sight as you said.

All others are covered by SR. I wasn't sure for "More consistent Breach" and "Anti-magic bypasses Imp.Invis" but you confirmed it :)


As for tra, good catch, I didn't think of it !

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The Two-Handed Sword conjured by the "Enchanted Weapon" Spell has an incorrect name string:




Also, two suggestions about that spell:

  • It would be nice if the descriptions of the conjured weapons listed their actual stats.
  • The spell is over-powered at the beginning of the game - e.g. it turned the Improved Ilyich battle (of Weimer's Tactics mod) from 'insane' to 'quite manageable'. Maybe instead of giving the weapons a flat +3 enchantment, it should scale with caster level? Alternatively, maybe players should only be allowed to have one such weapon at the same time.
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Regarding EE compatibility


The same issue as in the item_rev mod applies. In the English translation, this is only a very minor issue for this mod, e.g. the following text

Spell Memorized:
1° Cure Light Wounds (x2), Entangle (x2), Shillelagh, Doom
2° Barkskin, Charm Person or Animal (x2), Resist Fire and Cold, Slow Poison
3° Call Lightning, Hold Person or Animal, Summon Insects
4° Animal Summoning IV

is rendered like this:




(note the missing degree signs). However, I suspect that in other translations that use more non-ASCII characters, it's a much bigger problem.


Similarty to the item_rev case linked above, It can be fixed by patching spell_rev/setup-spell_rev.tp2 to change this block near the top:

    PATCH_INCLUDE ~spell_rev/sr_settings.ini~

to this:

  // Make sure strings are correctly encoded for both EE and non-EE games
  ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY tra_reload BEGIN arcane divine setup END
      infer_charset = 1
      tra_path      = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%~
      reload_array  = tra_reload

    PATCH_INCLUDE ~spell_rev/sr_settings.ini~

PS: Oh, and you'll have to bundle iconv.exe (like the "Edwin Romance" mod does) for it to work on Windows.

Edited by Ineth
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There has been little/no activity for some time now, Istfemer.


Demi works usually in boosts: there are long periods of gestation and short ones of hectic work and it's been like this for several years. I don't think there will be a Open Beta phase but rather an official release once IR and SR are considered stable enough to supersede version 3.

Edited by Salk
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