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Infinity Auto Packager - automatically generate mod packages when you publish a release

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1 hour ago, lefreut said:

I like it better with a lowercase 's'. But it's not a huge deal anyway

To me it is, and YEAH. As in, this is a hill to die on. LOWER CASE EVERY LETTER ! Why, cause there are OS'es that are file case sensitive. You really want to fuck that up with a file tool ?!? WTF !

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On 1/4/2021 at 7:45 PM, Jarno Mikkola said:

To me it is, and YEAH. As in, this is a hill to die on. LOWER CASE EVERY LETTER ! Why, cause there are OS'es that are file case sensitive. You really want to fuck that up with a file tool ?!? WTF !

It's not often, but for once Jarno and I agree completely.  MacOS- and Linux users like myself do not like mixed-case filenames at all.  If a mod claims to be MacOS- and Linux compatible, all mod files should be kept in lower case!!

Edited by Angel
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IAP was updated to fix annoying inconvenience of .iemod package files having no default Linux permissions. This happens only when 'unzip' command was used for extraction, using graphic file manager of popular Linux distribution like Ubuntu didn't face this issue.

No action are required from modders as new mod release will create .iemod packages without above inconvenience. This is not really necessary but If you really want, you could regenerate .iemod packages of your mods that won't have new release in foreseeable future. Go to your GitHub repository, open "Actions" tab, you will see the list of "workflow runs". Then click on the latest workflow run and at the top-right there will be a button called "Re-run jobs" (if you don't see this button, it means that the workflow was expired and cannot be run again). Click on it and choose "Re-run all jobs" from submenu. Packages for the latest release should be regenerated.

Edited by AL|EN
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IAP was updated to remove warnings about deprecated 'node 12' and 'set-output' command . No action are required from modders.

EDIT: When creating a new repository, you might want to check 'Workflow rights' from the first post. No longer needed.

Edited by AL|EN
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IAP was updated to remove requirements of changing setting for "Workflow permission" since too many people face this issue because of GitHub defaults.

No actions are required from modders as long as the latest version of IAP will be used when creating new repositories.

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Would it be preferable to make the package name default to the mod TP2 name (without setup-) rather than the metadata mod name? For example:

sagea4a/sagea4a.ini -> Name=Sage Advice for Adventurers

sagea4a/sagea4a.tp2 -> Version ~v1.0~


Currently, IAP generates a longish "sage-advice-for-adventurers-v1.0.zip" rather than "sagea4a-v1.0.zip"

Or am I the only one who prefers shorter filenames?

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I prefer the longer filenames.

How would I know which mod c#sodboabri-v5.zip is supposed to be? Or acbre-vx?

Or something completely obscure like "cdtweaks"?

EDIT: Also, unless I misunderstood your suggestion, this would mean that the overall mod package would have the same name like the mod folder (except for the version number), which I think would be unfortunate.

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After nearly 3 years since the creation of the first version, it's time for a major update. Thanks to recent GitHub improvements, version 2.0.0 switches to a global model: after updating the InfinityAutoPackager.yaml file in the repository, there shouldn't be a need to update it again to use new features and fixes. Multi-threading has also been incorporated to allow packages to be created simultaneously. This enhancement is only noticeable in the case of very large repositories, such as RoT. Additionally, it provides a workaround for the occasional issue where creating a new release doesn't trigger package creation. This problem has been confirmed by GitHub's team but no ETA has been provided.


- Switched to a global model
- Added multi-threading
- Workaround for skipped runs

How to update:

- the installation/update process remains unchanged, simply replace the content of the "InfinityAutoPackager.yaml" file inside your repository with the new version

Thanks to @jastey for reporting skipped runs and @Graion Dilach for testing.

Edited by AL|EN
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