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Viccy's skin colour...

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A while ago I suggested a tweak that made Viconia's avatar have pale blue skin to match her portrait, and it was added to the tweak pack. Should this be in the fixpack? Personally, I think it should as, although her skin should be black in portrait and in avatar, consistancy with her portrait is a good idea. Oh and no-one mention Minsc's hair as a reason why portait-avatar consistancy sucks cock, as there is no way to fix it.

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Isn't there some sort of corrected demon animations component in the fixpack already? If so, then I don't see why Viccy's skin colour should not be corrected. Think of it as the "corrected drow animations" component.

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Yes. It's JET-BLACK and the artists have tough time making the portraits of drow in the standard lightening.


Viconia was painted when she stood awash with moonlight, her skin silvered... er... bluered... by a poetico-romantic bard (now deceased, as Viconia was not happy to look like some half-blood of moonies descent)

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In the absence of a 17 page document, signed by the entire game development team and their families, not to mention the creators of D&D and the drow race, and in fact, any of the drow themselves, I can clearly classify this as "not a bug".

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