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Enhancement suggestions for DR v6


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> Install Lorekeeper of Oghma for Finch (if Finch detected)


I realize she's not a standard NPC but she seems to be pretty popular. Also she says she worships Deneir, but the readme says Deneir is an intercessor for Oghma. What with her bookish ways otherwise, it seems appropriate for her. And it would supplement the Battleguard for Branwen and Nightcloak for Viconia choices already implemented.


> Rebalance so only 9 cleric kits per race


This discussion started in other threads, but it makes sense given the fact there are currently 13 cleric kits in DR (including Bioware mods) but you can only have 9 displayed during character creation for each race. Currently one kit (Feywarden) is restricted to elves and half-elves. Maybe another kit (e.g. Strifeleader) could disallow elves and half-elves. That brings it to 12 kits per race but perhaps there could be additional racial restrictions. The alternative is perhaps move some of the cleric kits to become druid kits but that might be a major recoding effort.

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> Install Lorekeeper of Oghma for Finch (if Finch detected)


I realize she's not a standard NPC but she seems to be pretty popular. Also she says she worships Deneir, but the readme says Deneir is an intercessor for Oghma. What with her bookish ways otherwise, it seems appropriate for her. And it would supplement the Battleguard for Branwen and Nightcloak for Viconia choices already implemented.


I've had the same thought about Finch. However I don't think Lorekeeper is an acceptable "substitute" kit, reductionism doesn't really suit the FR pantheon. On the other hand, Deneir is perhaps too minor a deity to have a kit included in DR - and such a kit would likely be similar to the Lorekeeper. One solution could be to give Finch the Lorekeeper kit, but have it use a "______ of Deneir" title in her case. IIRC some of the kits in the NPC Kitpack were done in a similar fashion?

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I don't want to restrict certain kits from certain races just for the sake of making numbers even--you can always choose not to install all the kits at once. :) One thing I for one would like to add is more demihuman deities, such as the other heads of racial pantheons.


The Deneir idea's a nice one, if Bons is fine with that.

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I don't want to restrict certain kits from certain races just for the sake of making numbers even--you can always choose not to install all the kits at once. :)
But it's too tough to choose which to install! Especially if you're not intimately familiar with DR. I tend to play fighter or thief types, but decided I might take a stab at a cleric. "Oh cool, Divine Remix... let's give it a spin... [reads DR readme] Whoa!" All the kits have their advantages, depending on which type of cleric you feel like playing. Having them race-segregated (although an unfortunate workaround due to the 9-kit-per-race limit) at least allows you to experiment with them better than backing out any post-DR mods, backing out DR, reinstalling DR, reinstalling post-DR mods, etc.
One thing I for one would like to add is more demihuman deities, such as the other heads of racial pantheons.
That would be great. But still the 9 kit per race limit. Don't suppose there's any way to get around that, like coding in pseudo-class options like "Cleric I" and "Cleric II" during creation to give you 18+ potential kits. I kinda doubt it, or someone would've modded a new class by now.


What about moving some of the cleric kits to be druid kits? Particularly if the deities concerned are associated with some aspect of nature (be it storms, forests, fire, etc.). Druids seem to get the short end of the stick kitwise, though it seems the kits are otherwise highly customizable. Meaning you could theoretically give a druid kit cleric-like abilities, armor, weapons, spells, etc. if you wanted.


Just throwing out some ideas, not complaints. Great mod really. It's complex yet subtle... like a fine wine. :)

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Or you could always consider adding the specialty priest kit for Denir, though it is kind of weak for actual combat rolls as far as special abilities and special spells. Then again, I'm not sure if combat abilities are so important with regards to Finch's character:



Requirements: 15 int, 15 wis

Prime Req: Int, Wis

Alignment: NG

Weapons: Any one handed bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons

Armor: All armor types up to and including banded mail; no shields

Major Spheres: All, astral, combat, creation, divination, elemental, guardian, healing, protection, summoning, thought

Minor Spheres: Animal, plant, sun, time, weather

Magical Items: Same as clerics

Req Profs: Reading/writing (Common)

Bonus Profs: Reading/writing (any)


- Glyphscribes gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws vs. damage and malicious effects caused from reading, touching, or walking near books, scrolls, runes and other magical writing, including the effects of curses and magical tomes handled by the wrong class. In situations where the reader gets no saving throw (such as reading explosive runes), then a normal saving throw is allowed without modification. THe DM may determine the extent of this benefit, but it should be confined to written works or those using specific, definable images. Note that the glyphscribe also receives this benefit against spells or similar effects cast upon him or her by being read from a scroll


- [section on how glyphscribes know pretty much all the languages of Abeir-Toril and Realmspace, up to the max their intellignece allows]


- [section on how glyphscribes can determine what type of person scribed a rune/ward, and what the general meaning of the rune is]


- At 3rd level, glyphscribes are able to create a glyph of revealing (as the second level priest spell) or cast erase (as the first level wizard spell) once a day.


- at 5th level, glyphscribes have the ability to create a glyph of warding (as the 3rd level priest spell) once a day. It takes them five rounds to do so, no matter what the size of the area to be warded is. They may not ward any area more than 50 square feet with this ability


- At 7th level, glyphscribes are able to cast amanuenis or dispel magic (as the 3rd level priest spells) once a day.


- at 10th level, glyphscribes are able to speak with dead (as the 3rd level priest spell), speak with plants (as the 4th level priest spell), or speak with monsters (as the 6th level priest spell) up to four times a day.


- At 15th level, glyphscribes have the ability to create a symbol (as either the 7th level priest spell, or the 8th level wizard spell) once a day.



Special spells:

2nd level: Glyph of Revealing (alteration, evocation)

3rd level: Amanuenis (alteration, evocation), Shift Glyph (Alteration, evocation)

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Bugger, yes it is because the Tutu NPC modders decided that they didn't need it and would include them with the NPCs themselves.


Well, how difficult would it be to add "Kit Finch" as a Tutu-only addendum to otherwise BG2-only Crossmod? If Bons approves, that is.

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I don't want to restrict certain kits from certain races just for the sake of making numbers even--you can always choose not to install all the kits at once. :)
But it's too tough to choose which to install! Especially if you're not intimately familiar with DR. I tend to play fighter or thief types, but decided I might take a stab at a cleric. "Oh cool, Divine Remix... let's give it a spin... [reads DR readme] Whoa!" All the kits have their advantages, depending on which type of cleric you feel like playing. Having them race-segregated (although an unfortunate workaround due to the 9-kit-per-race limit) at least allows you to experiment with them better than backing out any post-DR mods, backing out DR, reinstalling DR, reinstalling post-DR mods, etc.
One thing I for one would like to add is more demihuman deities, such as the other heads of racial pantheons.
That would be great. But still the 9 kit per race limit. Don't suppose there's any way to get around that, like coding in pseudo-class options like "Cleric I" and "Cleric II" during creation to give you 18+ potential kits. I kinda doubt it, or someone would've modded a new class by now.


What about moving some of the cleric kits to be druid kits? Particularly if the deities concerned are associated with some aspect of nature (be it storms, forests, fire, etc.). Druids seem to get the short end of the stick kitwise, though it seems the kits are otherwise highly customizable. Meaning you could theoretically give a druid kit cleric-like abilities, armor, weapons, spells, etc. if you wanted.


Just throwing out some ideas, not complaints. Great mod really. It's complex yet subtle... like a fine wine. ;)


The ideas are appreciated. :) I'd really not put arbitrary restrictions on kits, though, just because some people might not be able to decide which to install. I don't see that there'd be any real advantage--I mean, even if you created a multiplayer party of 6 Clerics, there's still enough space to make them all different.

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well, here is an interesting question: could code be created that read in how many player kits are already installed, and then give players a choice of swapping out new ones?


(Please understand this is a theoretical question -- I am asking if it would be possible, and if so, how would it work --- I am really not suggesting that someone spend thousands of modding hours to do this when a piece of paper, pencil and ReadMe viewing can handle this :))

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Ooh, I like the idea of adding non-human deities. Never made sense that a CG elven PC would have to choose between worhipping Lathander or no kit at all.
Well, you've already got Corellon in DR.
Feywardens of Corellon must be elves or half-elves, and may be of chaotic good, neutral good or chaotic neutral alignment.
You just have to remember to remove some kits, or don't install earlier kits in DR, because the Feywarden appears pretty late in the list (12 out of 13 or so).


Since we have at least one elf deity, it'd be good to have other demihuman gods, which others have discussed in other threads, e.g.:

I'm big on balance, so my personal suggestion would be to balance out as many deities as you can, just spread them evenly across the board. For example, have each pantheon represented with at least one, if not more, god. Examples:


Drow - Lolth

Dwarf - Moradin, Clangeddin

Elf - Corellon Larethian, Erevan Ilesere

Gnome - Garl Glittergold, Baervan

Halfling - Yondalla, Arvoreen

Orc - Gruumsh

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Lolth I'm particularly interested in, as it could be applied to pretty much any of the drow clerics in game. I had previously made a list of clerics in BG2 that we should kit; many of whom we've already covered. A few other deities in the game with priests represented: Cymbaril, Ghaundar, Mask, Talona, Umberlee, Waukeen--even Sekaloh for the fishy priestess and Bhaal for Melissan. Though it's technically an illegal kitting, Aerie could get Baervan.

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