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Graion Dilach

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Everything posted by Graion Dilach

  1. I probably could do this. I had to look up the soundsets during that mod and I am aware of the in-campaign voice changes (which i doublechecked for EE Fixpack). Which do matter though. Neera's voiceset changes for SoD because Adoy's in her head, Imoen's voice changes during Irenicus's dungeon and Aerie/Nalia changes during ToB. Even if one ignores Nalia and Aerie, the Neera/Imoen voiceover changes are fully plot-relevant and needs to be kept around. I don't really see the point of it though, because I don't see it as a problem. Transitions changing the voiceset is basically how the characters evolve here.
  2. Good. Do NOT install content mods after EET_End. You should have installed all the mods you've installed after it before MIH_EQ even. None of those mods will work proper.
  3. They are part of EET. Check the EET/other subfolder.
  4. If you don't know anything about modding, then don't start with EET conversion of (classic!) mods at all. Even with the abstraction layers involved, the assumption is still there that you know which assets you assume existing from the games and how do you refer them. Classic to EE conversion involves it's own pitfalls and it's a wholly separate topic than a BG(2)EE to EET mod conversion. And if the mods you're thinking about are still classic-only at this point, then their code quality might also be subpar and that can't be solved via cpmvars or a function library. Maybe write your own mod first to get the hang of it. Start from and read the IESDP @ https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/ along with the weidu documentation to grasp the basics.
  5. There are multiple conversion strategies to BGEE->EET (BG2EE->EET is pretty simple, there are only a few things needed to be considered like fate spirit NPC responses, BGEE is where things get complicated). 1) fully manual step, basiically reading the documentation and manually handling all the replacement options. The docuimentation is good enough that this is doable, but it isn't the most novice friendly. 2) CPM vars. Thiis is pretty good, handles most of the cases (IIRC there's no table for spells if necessary) and it is a library which a fair amount of mods already use. One just pulls in the library and substitutes the variables where it's necessary. 3) EET_PLATFORM_CONVERSION. This is a function introduced during EET 13 development primartily for SotSC but it's also used by Walahnan BG1 by now. Basically the function rereads the entire ccode of thee mod and substitutes (almost) all the BG1 constants on the fly. You still need to specialcase op319 SPECIAL and the worldmap, but those would be necessary for method 2 as well. Also, the mod needs too have all it's relevant code in an external tph, seen in those two mods.
  6. Even if you rebuild those additional components (tbh SoD banters should have been earlier), areas which you already visited will have the monsters with half XP. If the mods got reinstalled, excluding this issue, it should be fine.
  7. Which area(s) would be the goal? If you'd only copy-paste the areas, the only problematic step I can think of suddenly is the TIS-PVRZ filename derivation rule explained in the TIS file format notes - https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/file_formats/ie_formats/tis_v1.htm -because I'm not sure how crowded the M section is. You can ofcourse reindex both the TIS and the PVRZ manually but you've got covered for this one: IESDP's ARE file format definition includes a great summary of what files are needed and I'd start from there. The complications start if you intend to edit the artwork and not just pull and push pretty much, I thiink that needs to involve DLTCEP and can't be done with NI alone. If you also intend to downscale the artwork from PST's scale to other IE scale (which would be IIRC 83%), I fear you will need to rebuild the overlays outright because of tile alignment. I won't be back on Discord 'til Wednersday I think, but sure I'll be available to help.
  8. We're arguing about how you dismiss Lava's statement about his IWD mods. No. That's not what he prefers. He actually had a statement which you overlooked despite I've already pointed to it: Emphasis mine. Incase, you'd still ignore it, let me spell it out for you - Lava would not approve your method either. And yes, I am itchy about this, because this was something which already came up in the IWD1-in-EET Arcanecoast thread and I don't like how it was looking. Yeah, I know it well. It's not that others helped - others did it. And the main reason why Lava allows it is because of the EET_modconverter code K4thos wrote tailored for SotSC in EET 14, which is also used by Walahnan by now, put together by yours truly. This situation is different compared to the BG mods on EET, and it is actually much more in line with the SotSC on BGT request which was denied outright. Last I heard, Neverending Journey was offered up freely for the community to be ported to the EEs, as long as the port breaks compatibility with the classic. I've already implied this as an aalternative take - I always did -, but you said you never were interested. Okay, understandable. I already suspected you were a self-serving bastard under a masquerade, so I'm not surprised on your threat nor your entitled tone to run mods on your platform (I don't want to imagine the tirades you'd throw if you'd play on a console!). I mean, you have already trashtalked my debugging skills on Reddit before, yet that didn't stopped you from pinging me to look into stuff thenafter. You're only nice as long as you don't get criticized and/or get what you want. For the record, the only reason I'm following this venture and was willing to look into your struggles is because this can come handy for someone who would attempt porting Classic Adventures over to BG2EE. No other reason. And yes, I was. You keep proving you don't deserve my time. However, to end this on a high note - I will acknowledge that you buying IWD2 for this is recommendable, because the mod doesn't check for it nor require it. That's cool.
  9. His second post was that the mods should be for IWDEE because IWDEE is underutilized. That opne still applies to this even. And IWD1-in-EET is already shaky in this context because last I checked, Auril's Bane is already bundled into it. How can you promise or how can you ensure that this doesn't get repeated? You don't control the environment.
  10. Either you have the mod listed twice in your PI install order or the folder you're installing the mod to already had it installed prior. Doublecheck your install order and restart on a clean folder.
  11. I've glimpsed through the chapter related UI code, but couldn't find out how the game assigns chapters/chapter backgrounds to events. Something tells me that's the step where everything goes haywire (note that Black Pits is chapter 0).
  12. Oh, that's similar to BGEE AR2600, where one of the fountains next to the chanter group ended up keeping the checkerboard shadow.
  13. Actually, you need to expand M_K#TBL.lua. {id = 'BG1', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_BG1', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_BG1', title = 0, bigLogo = 0, icon = 0, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = false, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = false, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreas}, id: 3-char uid name: title defined in eetStrings at the bottom of M_K#TBL.lua description: expanded desc, same location as title title: frame index in TITLE.BAM bigLogo: frame index in BIGLOGO.BAM icon: index in CMPGEET.BAM (this one already includes the IWD icons) background/button/sidebar/importenabled: lazy to look these up tutorialEnabled: enables the tutorial button forceParty: skip single-char generation dialog cheatAreasTable: lists the areas available to the area jump list - default ones are in BGEE.LUA, you can define your own block in an M_XX.LUA. I'm not sure, but you might need to expand bioClassData and bioRaceData wiith new coloumns for description.
  14. That UI.MENU step got simplified, I'm not even sure if it's needed at this point. The block looks like this in my EET BG2 testrun,. not assuming UI mods or EET_GUI or stuff like such: function onCampaignButton(buttonNum) if startCampaignData[buttonNum] ~= nil then startEngine:OnCampaignButtonClick(startCampaignData[buttonNum].id,true) Infinity_SetINIValue('Program Options','Active Campaign',buttonNum) else startEngine:OnCampaignButtonClick('BG1',true) Infinity_SetINIValue('Program Options','Active Campaign',const.START_CAMPAIGN_BG1) end currentCampaign = buttonNum end
  15. A fair amount of EET Tweaks are actually generic tweaks which work well for oBG2. https://rawgit.com/K4thos/EET_Tweaks/master/EET_Tweaks/readme-EET_Tweaks.html
  16. I intend to fix those BG1NPCSoA spells, everything is just wrong with them.
  17. Note that SCS adds monsters - the DSotSC kobolds come to my mind -, so I'd edit that to just say it should come after SCS outright.
  18. Version 1.9; Random Spell Scrolls: Add ClassSpellTool support.
  19. Why do you want to tie this to tipun's mod? Because from what I get, you would just basically use, I dunno ~15 areas from IWD, maybe a bunch of item files and creatures only. I don't see what is the benefit of just including these assets directly with your mod over relying on another one to provide it. This helps on mod compatibility - ensure that all mods think about the same item availability (keep in mind that most IWD item importer mods rename the IWD item filenames) via using your mod prefix everywhere, allows combining it with A7-TotLM-BG2EE -, makes the code a lot simpler - you don't have to dynamically rewrite all the area scripts and maybe the areas themselves if you want to redefine scripts and whatnot -, decreases fat via not relying on someone converting over the entire oIWD imported and then dangling aside, allows you to mix IWD1 and IWD2 assets (since both Dragon's Eye and Severed Hand are explored in both of the games). Keep in mind that tipun had converted over oIWD1 moreso and not IWDEE and those are static conversions (unlike EET which is dynamic and k4thos's IWD-in-EET's also a dynamic import-based project). It needs a lot of work, I don't know anything about it's mod compatibility (it's install instructions are pretty shaky, since it's alpha) and IMO even the IWD2 considerations would offer a more balanced take than this dependency. Then again, IWDEE still needs a lot of work, for example on the audio front (besides the usual skellytz inaccuracies, there's also the issue that IWDEE uses BG2 CRE soundslot layout with the actual creatures still having oIWD or BG1 assignments). I don't see the gain of the dependency. Keep in mind that Yxunomei is Belhifet's rival and she outright acknowledges that in his talk, so you still have to tweak that.
  20. Honestly, I'd scrub the IWD1 and IWD2 map areas clean for this one (and maybe mix them up so that I'd use areas from both games) and I wouldn't try using the imported IWD areas, but outright clones under a modder prefix. I think the solution to that would be to ensure all areas have two exits and the variables just flipping which exit is available, akin to how De'Arnise Keep is switched.
  21. I don't remember any PnP system I've played with where there were differences between strapped-to-the-forearm and actually handled shield types. (I'm wording it this way because IIRC there was a small shield type which also lacked the handle). It's an interesting idea, but would look weird if someone combines a buckler with another shields thenafter.
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