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Jarno Mikkola

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Everything posted by Jarno Mikkola

  1. Likely fix is, remove the game from the Steam Deck, then either: 1. verify the file intergrity via Steam, or... on your PC copy of the game. 2. uninstall the game on your primary computer, then remove the game folder ... then reinstall the game, then install the Siege of the Dragonspear add-on, or just install the game with it on already. .. on your PC copy of the game. Then start the game, and set the language you want to play it with. Then exit the game. Then the crucial step you didn't do before, install the DLC Merger mod( specifically download and extract the win-64bit-A7-DlcMerger-v1.5.zip -file, and run the setup-DlcMerger.exe file and install it), this is to allow you to modify the game as a whole, and so you will no longer get the invalidf strings notices. Then install all the other mods you had before. Then move the game to the Steam Deck ... Also, you need to extract the mod files into the primary game folder, not the override folder... and then run the setup-modname.exe files.. in case it wasn't clear.
  2. I think it's time to summon some goblins, cause that high AC vs Thac0, everything can hit it and never miss, except with critical (misses)-s. Anyways, this ought to be good.
  3. Get Near Infinity and open up the MOS folder. https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/file_formats/ie_formats/mos_v1.htm The files you wish to remake all start with "startxyz" -names, at least in BG1EE. Basically they are just pictures, in the above format. To see the rest of the structure, you want to see the start.chu file.
  4. Yes... well, as the game just adds maps, the transit is just in game cinematic and a teleportation to a new/old BG2 start, there's no interface you can reset it at. And you don't need the Tweaks to play the original way, which is what the cleric / ranger multi class is. But there is a tweak that can adjust this in the Tweaks mod. BUT YOU DO NOT NEED TO INSTALL ANY NOR every single one of them, as everyone of them is a choise you get to make, during install. Talking about the - -tweak. Just Skip it with S. Also the G3 BG2Fixpack doesn't alter the game rules, like spell selections for classes, it just fixes a few of the originally broken scripts, and sets a few more of the creatures alignments to be a bit more lore accurate, that's the largest thing it "tweaks stuff" in. And SCS generally doesn't touch the players own spells, except the anti magic ones. So no R/C spell table edits either here.
  5. Well, arguments could be made that Trebuchet is a slingshot too, so I don't see your point. You probably mean slinghshot ala: But that's a kinds toy.
  6. The obvious answer is a: No. If you need to make journal entry, you make sure to delete it when it's no longer valid.
  7. So, assuming you downloaded the sod2bg2_iu-v2.0.1.exe -file, that's the self extracting mod archive, which when ran in a modern Windows system, the Windows might deside to "protect you from" by noting that the you are now installing a program that is not listed in the Antivirus protected safe zone, marked by a list of program manufacturers and files... just like every one of weidu mods, and asks you on how to proceed; It will allow you to proceed, you just need to select the correct things... and it will do this in your native language, whatever you have selected to be. Then should show you this: Which will then allow you to proceed to the automatic installation route, after it has extracted the files into the selected (game) folder. If you open the archive(.exe) file with an archive tool, you'll see the contained sod2bg2_iu -folder, and the "setup-sod2bg2_iu.exe" -file. After this, of course your Windows/antivirus might again deside to "protect you" again, by removing the setup-sod2bg2_iu.exe, as it's the weidu.exe just renamed as that, to take orders from the setup-sod2bg2_iu.tp2(that is in the folder). And it's not in the list... as we don't have the moneys to reassure everyone of the Antivirus protection programs to leave our small .exe alone as it has as many file names as there are mods made with it. As it's a bounty system, where we would pay the 'tax' to get to the list. If the above happeens, my instruction is to go offline and disable your antivirus... then might want to rethink your approach, might switch antivirus programs ... then install the mod, and re-enable your antivirus program and scan the whole computer .. and then go back to online.
  8. Meaning ? This ? https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/file_formats/ie_formats/bam_v1.htm And this: https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Portraits Or do you mean the artists that made them... no idea. The fandom has them cathagorized, erhm for their in-game file names: https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Portrait_File_Names More... there's a whole G3 web page dedicated to them... mostly non EE one though: https://www.gibberlings3.net/gallery/category/1-portrait-packs/ Or AI source to 'enhance them'...
  9. WOW, in 3 WHOLE places in since 2021... and not previously in This Very Topic. Am I just dumb, or could it be that you aren't as clever as you think you are ? For example, you could build your own topic somewhere that you pour in all your "knowledge" of the days games, and questions one might have and answer them to the best of your abilities, so you could link to it via your signeture, or link to in all your replies, for convinience, so you will not be ever misunderstood.
  10. And you coudn't ever bothered to mention this before, well this very moment. And STOP bad mounting me.
  11. In your PC... or in your Steam Deck ? Those are different things, and Steam Deck doesn't have the 'PC' Command Promp, so it cannot start the weidu.exe ..
  12. Thing is, you ought to use causion when assuming things work right out of the box. Yes, the game might work simultaniously... but they both utilize the same savegame folder, and so loading the wrong save, playing a bit and saving again, and ups, some, then more of your items begin to lack certain features like description texts and vola, it will have that in BOTH games, bacause the save came form one and then it was saved in the other, so the items are from both games dialog.tlk file references that will not match, if they are differently modified games. And there's nothing in the world that will allow you to check from which game the save came from unless you type it into the savegame file name itself. That's just one problem. There's others...
  13. This is likely because you have not installed the DLC merger... https://github.com/Argent77/A7-DlcMerger/releases/tag/v1.5 Which is what you need to install to the BG1EE+SoD to install mods onto.
  14. Right, until you just copy the safe backup onto the modified game and you get garbage as a result. Because the modified files are still there.
  15. Just copying the game folder to elsewhere will back it up. Just understand that that backuped folder, will not generally work without returning it to the original folder. And in the case you will want to use the backup rather than the then remoded version, you should just throw the original to the trashbin and copy(or cut and paste) the backup to the originals place. And just copy paste without the first deleting the original, will not work.
  16. You do realize I didn't have Crtl+c Crtl+V at that moment ? Aka, when you put ActionOverride into script function, you OVER(W)RITE the targeted creatures ACTIONS. But the point of the message was that one was creature, while the other was a dialog phase, or contingency. And if you were to code things a little bit better, you wouldn't make these mistakes and you would name things with cleverly so that you couldn't ever mix things up.
  17. The action overwrites are creatures... while the IF THEN EXTERN's are dialog states to which they link into. Uuh.
  18. Did they also have the ammo for it ? Baecause they won't use it without the ammo...
  19. Do the people that are hit have melee or ranged weapons ? Cause if one has ranged weapon, darts or the like, they take +4 damage, just from that.
  20. This address doesn't have a downloadable/released archive, while only this one does: https://github.com/skellytz/infinity-animations/releases -and I believe this one is more recent too.
  21. This is all over the place actually... it came from one of the weidu updates.. it's here, there, and elsewhere. It's so called well known bug. But it only affects the old game, as you don't need to do that to the EE games, as it has no effect in the EE engine.
  22. Is that any more needed as the new version of the files should all be assigned to the first 127 characters in the codepage... aka they no longer use the bad characters.. I too got triggered by this... but then I went to view the files, cause I saw the new github address..
  23. Wha... have you tried the other version of the Near Infinity, that doesn't use Java ? +
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