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Everything posted by AL|EN

  1. Erik, RC10 doesn't have: Correct install problem with Lefruet UI allow for a missing file in some IWD installs remove 'test' component so if you don't use Lefruet UI, you can go with RC10
  2. Pale master kit from this link works for EET: https://github.com/ArtemiusI/The-Artisan-s-Kitpack
  3. Well, such mistake can cause troubles because '19' was added to weidu.log so in case of debbuging, there will be no way to distinguish between '19 aka 18' or true '19' from weidu.log itself. Could you simply increase version to '20' and make a new release?
  4. @K4thos So how about replacing html by markdown? Even less work.
  5. @cmorgan When using LABEL for ID context, translating will deny it's purpose. You would not want to have language-dependent tp2 filename inside weidu.log, right?
  6. You welcome! The pleasure is on my side
  7. It goes even futher: all mod components can have one major label (eg. "MyMod") and and also extra unique label ( eg. "MyModDragonQuest", " "MyModIslandQuest") so it's possible to check for ANY component of the MyMod.tp2 and aslo for specific component separately. Just to be clear: the LABEL keyword name is not adequate to the context of the usage. I only used it because weidu doesn't have anything else. If there would be an eg. "ID" keyword with documentation, the context of the usage would be much more clear.
  8. @jastey I was thinking about code example but anyway: 1. You are talking about cross-mod requirements (not cross-mod conflicts between two or more mods/components which can be handled differently), when the one mod is looking especially for specific external mod component, right? List of things: - bg1npc v24 component 10 (former 1) : The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections - Jarl's Adventure Pack Main Component (auto-assigned number of 1) : the main component - cross-mod requirements which are defined by such code: (you don'r really need to use folder name and .tp2) ACTION_IF (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ "1") BEGIN Problem: bg1npc v24 changed DESIGNATED number from 1 to 10(for valid reasons) so now JAP needs update. Unfortunately, you are depended on other modder support. But there is a way for bg1npc to help you in a way which won't force modder to keep DESIGNATED numbers the same for eternity. But let's start from the beginning: - let's use weidu %TP2_BASE_NAME% as ID, it's the tp2 file name without intention and without 'setup-' - the BG1NPC mod is inside BG1NPC/BG1NPC.tp2 file, it has ID of 'BG1NPC' ... that doesn't solve anything So ... let's assume for a second (not an actual suggestion for bg1npc) , that the "The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections" component would exist as ... separate tp2 file: - it would probably have a filename of: BG1NPC-BantersQuestsInterjections.tp2 and 'BG1NPC-BantersQuestsInterjections' as ID But since I'm not suggesting that bg1npc mod should be spited into many tp2 files, what we can use to have ID for mod component? Weidu doesn't have support for such thing but it has ... LABEL: 1. The "BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections" component needs to receive LABEL keyword with "BG1NPC-BantersQuestsInterjections" https://github.com/Gibberlings3/BG1NPC/blob/eev2.5/bg1npc/bg1npc.tp2#L65 There is no technical reason to change such label and one component can have multiple labels if needed. 2. Instead of checking hardcoded component number (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ "1") check for component number of the LABEL: (the syntax is not great but it is what current weidu require) REQUIRE_PREDICATE (MOD_IS_INSTALLED "BG1NPC.tp2" (ID_OF_LABEL "BG1NPC.tp2" "BG1NPC-BantersQuestsInterjections")) "This component require 'BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections' component to be installed." So no matter what BG1NPC DESIGNATED number will use for this component, as long as it won't change label, you and all other mods are safe It still require cooperation between two modders but the main benefit is: it doesn't limit the author of the BG1NPC in terms of how he can structure internal mod components. I'm aware that all of this require change the concept of how modders see mod components but for me, mod components were always ... well, mods! I use LABEL keyword only because weidu doesn't have any kind of support for component ID out of the box. But if there are valid user cases... History shows that it won't work because there are technical reasons to change DESIGNATED (install sequence, GROUP etc). My suggestion would be to ask for label-based solution or implementation of the "component ID" support for weidu in any kind of form.
  9. Valid point, please give me example so I can see the context and show you how to solve this issue
  10. No, because there is no established alternative, and even if there were, it would not deprecate READLN because there would still be valid use cases. @Wisp To what extent you are fine with updating description of ACTION_READLN? How about: ACTION_READLN variable Do not use this action without a real reason. There are no valid cases for it which cannot be replaced by SUBCOMPONET or user configuration file. Waits for the user to provided an enter-terminated string and store it in variable. Said string will be stored and re-used during non-interactive reinstalls. and additionally, replacing READLN tutorial section with SUBCOMPOENT/user config tutorial for the examples covered?
  11. To give you even more motivation for removal of the ACTION_READLN: many modders are using you mods as an examples in order to start with IE modding. So such contributions have extra value: not only makes mod better but also teach others how to have best code for staring point
  12. I've never played Breagar so I can't comment on NPC itself but it's real pleasure to see ACTION_READLN removal! Thanks!
  13. "Mark site as read" redirect to the main site instead of the forums.
  14. Yes, Project Infinity can do this, you have to set folder for extracted mods, set language to English and import weidu.log
  15. @K4thosYou can switch to https://htmlpreview.github.io
  16. @Kaliesto What i mean is: you can install EET using PI right now but it requires extra steps: converting BWS/BWP install order, separate installation of mods for BG1EE-part.
  17. @Kaliesto It depends: what are you expectations?
  18. @skellytz Yep, that's how it could work. But it still require maintaining of two files. And some of the component description require some specific things like tables/images. I'm not against such feature but you have to be aware that modders like when players reads readme files because there are lot of important information there regarding compatibility, install order, etc. So when player will read component description, without reading readme, he might endup with wrong install order/conflicted mods etc , then he will fill "bug" report only to get modders response of "readme says that you should install my mod after X and not use it when you also have mod Y..." or something like that. Everything can be done, but not everything is worth it.
  19. @skellytzI might but which modder would create two sets of component descriptions (readme + metadata file) for each component?
  20. Above link stoped working but more imporant, this one https://www.gibberlings3.net/files/category/29-oversight/ https://www.gibberlings3.net/files/category/29-oversight/ is not working either. @Mike1072Care to take look?
  21. By adding metadata, you complete "Phase 1" and got one for completing, by removing ACTION_READLN you complete "Phase 2" and got stars since it require a lot of work. It is really fantastic work! Thank you!
  22. Just to confirm: no changes are required for mods, even if they come with zip without extra top-level directory (good practice anyway). Users will simply create such extra top-level directory by themselves, one time only and all future updates will be handled correctly.
  23. @cmorgan Yes, user folders/directories for extracted mods. It has nothing to do with the way how anyone structure his mod. Everything is related to the situation when multiple mods which contain "Download=..." were extracted to the same top-level directory like this: both mods has perfectly fine folder structures, they can be copied and installed without problems but they share top-level directory (Quests) so delta updates can't be preformed safely. User will have to create one extra top-level directory like this: in order to be able to preform delta updates.
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