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Gibberling Poobah
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Everything posted by CamDawg

  1. Also relevant: this was deliberately changed from BG to BG2. Healing Viconia in BG was also an adventure in RNG, and the devs changed that in BG2. Otherwise, we've largely wandered into the realms of rules lawyers and house rules.
  2. On Discord, we found an issue with this new DS when used with IWDification on oBG2. Essentially, EE versions (via IWDidifcation or SCS) use spells named sppr5XXa and sppr5XXb for the subspells of Righteous Wrath, whereas the original uses fixed spell names unrelated to what the main spell gets named. DS expects the former and craps out on the latter. I'll be adjusting this on IWDification's end for the next release so no DS changes are needed.
  3. It's not so much the problem of backing up the tlk (or changes to it), it was more that removing strings on installation would cause the mods being reinstalled to end up as different string refs. Doing it that way would break any references that end up in save games--e.g. pretty much anything from a mod NPC's name and sound set--if you started reinstalling or re-ordering components. (Granted, players shouldn't be doing that anyway.)
  4. Oh wow, somehow I missed* the entire first page of this thread. FWIW the lack of ring99 is a slam-dunk bug as, among other things, it provides standard undead immunities--e.g. you shouldn't be able to poison or panic skeletons. It's only a marginally weaker case for the physical resistances but FWIW I'm confident it would have gone into the BG2 Fixpack without discussion. More importantly: welcome back @cmorgan! Hope everythign is well, and that you can at least socialize for a bit. * As in, I didn't see it, not there was any actual value to it.
  5. Tweaks Anthology (Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor per P&P) is probably the first, but now there are tons of variants of these.
  6. As lynx says, this can be scripted. On EEs the conditions for op 232 have been expanded so you can do it directly. Dorn's sword Rancor (sw2hd1) gives him a THAC0 bonus when he kills someone.
  7. No, it's sadly still regexps. While Tweaks does have a couple of examples, it's not really something you can generalize since each text replacement will likely need their own, unique (and complex) regexp.
  8. Where are you seeing this? My trigger and action IDS files are identical between the current release and the beta.
  9. I sense a new 'anal-retentive text tweak' mod in the making...
  10. What would the preferred nomenclature be here? Instead of perhaps or It'd be easy enough to mass update item descripts in Tweaks.
  11. Please don't use Github as download links for G3 stuff. Use the links to the download center, e.g. this for Tweaks Anthology.
  12. Yep, Tweaks doesn't mess with usabilities. All it does is change the 'disable spellcasting' opcodes to miscast penalties, as appropriate. Even then it works off a fixed list, so if it's not a known armor it'll be ignored.
  13. That, plus G3 has had no downtime since migrating to its new hosting in December 2018.
  14. Yes, when he can get off his lazy butt and do something. Typically Mike or ace beat me to it by miles these days. Others have already suggested Github, but I'd go farther and suggest consolidating all of it into an RPGD Github (c.f. G3, SHS, or PPG). Since @Gwendolyne and the SHS folks have already done a lot of work it might be better to get a forum there, but I'm still game if you want to pursue one here.
  15. ToB-style NPCs just takes the lowest-level *existing* creature files and copies it over the other, higher-level versions. These 'new' higher-level creature files are then adjusted to keep their old set of known spells, inventory, and XP totals. It doesn't mess with pips on either end.
  16. Do... (gulp)... do my own work? You monster! Cheers.
  17. In both the BG2 and BG2(EE) actions list, the entry for 162 ReputationSet is this: ________________________________ 162 ReputationSet(I:Reputation*) This action sets the reputation to the specified value. IF Global("KRGOODDEED","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetReputation(20) SG("KRGOODDEED",1) END The example, presumably from a mod (or made up) since it's not used in the base game, uses the incorrect SetReputation instead of ReputationSet. BG2EE does have an actual, in-game use from the Black Pits II campaign, but it uses an EE-exclusive trigger so it may not be a good example for the oBG2 entry: IF Global("TIER","GLOBAL",0) Global("OHB_INITREP","OH8100",0) AreaCheckAllegiance(PC) OR(2) ReputationLT(Player1,10) ReputationGT(Player1,12) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("OHB_INITREP","OH8100",1) ReputationSet(10) Continue() END
  18. Yeah, it's basically running out of icons, as @Sam. noted. I'm actually in the process of re-doing this component from scratch, but in the mean time you can open up cdtweaks/lib/unique_containers_default.tpa and deleting these lines: 346 => ~d1bag~ // Silver-Blue Bag of Holding 347 => ~d1bg1bag~ // Silver-Blue Bag of Holding
  19. "You must construct additional Melf's Minute Meteors." "Your summons are under attack." "You require more healing potions."
  20. It could, if the two authors who lived and breathed balance discussions were still active and making decisions instead of the tech guy who leaves chat at the first utterance of the b-word. So, no, you're not going to see me implementing further sphere variants--and that would apply even if it didn't go against the original visions of my fellow authors.
  21. This is exactly the type of passionate, in-depth response that I live for; that it happens to point out shortcomings of the mod doesn't make it any less welcome. (You were also completely nice about it, though your comments would be welcome even if that wasn't the case.) More than anything it echoes my frustrations that I've yet to find a constructive way to address these deficiencies. Well, yes and no. Yes, because it's always my goal to mod for as many platforms as feasible, but also no, because there wasn't anything special required to support BGT.
  22. The sphere system, while once the backbone of the mod, was moved to an optional component for a reason. Like @Nox mentioned, the lack of spells ends up making it a major nerf for divine casters instead of being this awesome, cool thing that differentiates clerics from one another other than their special abilities. The 'solution' was to try and throw more spells onto the pile, but ultimately it's just a bandaid for a deeper and more problematic issue. Ultimately, you run into multiple, reinforcing issues with this approach: Every spell you add stands out more and more as mod content unless you also adjust the enemy AI to detect, react, and use these same abilities. Every spell must be checked so that it doesn't wildly imbalance power Spheres are still ultimately unequal; some will always be better than others Creating new spells which are non-PnP sourced makes all of these problems even worse. And that's not even counting the fact that we're trying to force the old engine to do something it's not really well-designed for and the resulting bugginess. I could definitely do more by abandoning the originals and making DR EE-exclusive but that's not what I'm about, now or ever. Plus there's already a pretty good mod in that space, the aforementioned Faiths and Powers. As for compatibility, DR's got a pretty easy library system to support other spell mods. IWDification and Galactygon's spell mods are already covered, and it's simple to extend it to cover other mods if anyone has one that's not already in.
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