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SR Revised V1.3.900 (2022 August 8th)

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20 minutes ago, FixTesteR said:

Wow! Sounds great! I take it this is only a feature of SRR. And so, what can be done with SR? When installing SR, is it possible to leave Petrification at vanilla version? I don't care that much about breaking romances, and it seems stone to flesh loses all utility within the party. Thanks for your answers. Or anyone's!

SR is always the third option, soft petrification for everyone. But you could dig into the files and disable SR's petrification changes. In spell_rev\components\main_component.tpa, commenting out/deleting line 3351 ("INCLUDE ~spell_rev\lib\kreso_petrification.tph~") should do the trick.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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16 hours ago, FixTesteR said:

Hey, thanks! Do I need NI to do that, or does notepad do the trick?

.tpa and .tph files are just plain-text, so Notepad is just fine. Search for the text or hit CTRL+G for the go to line function. However, you must have made this change before you installed it - editing the file after you've already installed the mod you're editing doesn't do anything. Near Infinity would be needed to revert it in a game already being played.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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@Bartimaeus You know this talk about petrification breaking banters and romances permanently? Surely there must be a way to reset a character with a console? Roleplaywise, it's just a memory loss.

Also, using SR, I've encountered Ajantis, while being protected from petrification, had a color change (to grey-brown) after being repeatedly hit by a basilisk gaze. Sometime later, his colors reverted.

I'd like to clarify something. I know that in SR, Break Enchantment rids your party member of the petrified form. Could Stone to Flesh also be used, or a scroll of the same action? Could Break Enchantment be cast before petrification takes full effect (3 rounds), and still work? What if you cast Prot From Petr during that time?

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9 hours ago, FixTesteR said:

@Bartimaeus You know this talk about petrification breaking banters and romances permanently? Surely there must be a way to reset a character with a console? Roleplaywise, it's just a memory loss.

Also, using SR, I've encountered Ajantis, while being protected from petrification, had a color change (to grey-brown) after being repeatedly hit by a basilisk gaze. Sometime later, his colors reverted.

I'd like to clarify something. I know that in SR, Break Enchantment rids your party member of the petrified form. Could Stone to Flesh also be used, or a scroll of the same action? Could Break Enchantment be cast before petrification takes full effect (3 rounds), and still work? What if you cast Prot From Petr during that time?

I can only answer for SRR:

1. Break Enchantment should stop petrification in the slow phase, but it currently doesn't. I'm trying to figure out why not.
2. Green Stone to Flesh cures both soft/hard petrification just like Break Enchantment, though it too does not (currently) stop petrification during the slow phase.
3. Blue Stone to Flesh doesn't exist in SRR (its resource is used for a different spell), but the way the petrification update function works should catch it and accomplish the same as well even if it did still exist.
4. I just had like 5 Greater Basilisks attack my Protection from Petrification-ed character, and it doesn't seem my character ever turns grey/grown no matter how many times he gets hit by their gaze...but annoyingly, they did get slowed, which probably shouldn't happen. It'd be nice if Protection from Petrification carried a "do not attack with gaze" state so basilisks would at least try to melee you.
5. If you cast Protection from Petrification before you're petrified, you should be protected from the actual petrification (but not the temporary slow effect).

Edited by Bartimaeus
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I have a question regarding Web and ghasts. Presumably ghasts are immune to hold effect, and Web spell inflicts hold effect on a creature when this creature fails save vs breath. My ghast from Tiax seems to be not immune to hold effect from Web. Is it supposed to be this way, since i believe thee are 3 or 4 different opcodes for hold effect and maybe ghast missing one?

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1 hour ago, pochesun said:

I have a question regarding Web and ghasts. Presumably ghasts are immune to hold effect, and Web spell inflicts hold effect on a creature when this creature fails save vs breath. My ghast from Tiax seems to be not immune to hold effect from Web. Is it supposed to be this way, since i believe thee are 3 or 4 different opcodes for hold effect and maybe ghast missing one?

I don't think I ever touched the ghast summoned by that spell, I guess I should probably take a look.

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4 hours ago, pochesun said:

I have a question regarding Web and ghasts. Presumably ghasts are immune to hold effect, and Web spell inflicts hold effect on a creature when this creature fails save vs breath. My ghast from Tiax seems to be not immune to hold effect from Web. Is it supposed to be this way, since i believe thee are 3 or 4 different opcodes for hold effect and maybe ghast missing one?

My favorite explanation for this sort of thing is one I saw... Morpheus562? Bartimaeus? ...give recently about Arbane's Sword. The sword specifically makes you immune to Hold/Paralysis, but does not immunize you against Entangle or Web. I think of Ghasts the same way: their undead(-ish?) nature prevents them from being paralyzed or held rigid via a magical enchantment effect (like the Hold Person spell), but they still have physical form and normal mobility, so they can still be hindered by objects like tree branches or sticky webs.

So, working as intended IMHO.

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7 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

My favorite explanation for this sort of thing is one I saw... Morpheus562? Bartimaeus? ...give recently about Arbane's Sword. The sword specifically makes you immune to Hold/Paralysis, but does not immunize you against Entangle or Web. I think of Ghasts the same way: their undead(-ish?) nature prevents them from being paralyzed or held rigid via a magical enchantment effect (like the Hold Person spell), but they still have physical form and normal mobility, so they can still be hindered by objects like tree branches or sticky webs.

So, working as intended IMHO.

I don't think it was me, but maybe. Probably Morpheus. Yeah, I don't...really see any reason most undead shouldn't be held by webs or roots, I guess I was more thinking that if other ghasts are immune, then so should Tiax's...but if that's not the case, then I don't see an issue.

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2 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

I don't think it was me, but maybe. Probably Morpheus. Yeah, I don't...really see any reason most undead shouldn't be held by webs or roots, I guess I was more thinking that if other ghasts are immune, then so should Tiax's...but if that's not the case, then I don't see an issue.

yeah i think @subtledoctor gave a valid explanation. For some reason i thought all ghasts should be immune to Web spell :) 

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I made quick install to try "Mild petrification overhaul",but i dont it works right now. I think patch deletes petrification effect from dvbaspet.spl even for petrification=0 option but doesn't replace it with anything. Maybe an early loop end at line 81? I know It is not released yet so if it not finished you can ignore this.

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