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Unearthed Arcana present Tome & Blood: more options for arcane casters

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2 hours ago, subtledoctor said:


Oh, sorry, I guess the regexp would need to be expanded as well if you give them numbers above x50. So in line 655, change




in which file ?

never mind you already wrote which file to edit. testing right now ..

I'm not worried About Olvy spells since I only make a copy of the spells ( I wont rename them)

also Are you saying I dont need to add the line to Spell.ID to make them appear in the mana sorcerer list ?

Edited by kaiiak
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42 minutes ago, kaiiak said:

I'm not worried About Olvy spells since I only make a copy of the spells ( I wont rename them)

Oh good idea - that would be safer and more compatible. Should probably be fine. There could be weird little bugs - like, say, if he has some kind of variant Magic Missile spell and he edits Shield to block his new spell? Then Shield would not block your copy of it. Or if any actor is scripted to detect a spell cast and react to it. But those situations are pretty unlikely. You should be fine.

42 minutes ago, kaiiak said:

also Are you saying I dont need to add the line to Spell.ID to make them appear in the mana sorcerer list ?

Yes. The Mana Sorcerer (and Multiclass Sorcerers, and if you install the spell-switching component, then vanilla sorcerers as well) do not rely on spell.ids to choose spells. They use a custom UI interface (a version of Kjeron's spell-learning UI) to choose from any spells in d5clonmn.2da. In a game with only the vanilla spells, d5clonmn.2da will probably be identical to the set of wizard spells in spell.ids. But the spell learning function only cares about the .2da file, so you can pad it out by expanding the regexp to catch more spells not in spell.ids, and those new spells will be available to sorcerers. 

(Similarly, in Faiths & Powers you can add any spell filename you like to the sphere system and it will be incorporated during installation. As an example, the sphere system auto-converts the Shadowdancer's Shadow Step innate ability to a cleric spell, because I included the "spsd" filename. My custom versions of Animal Growth and Magic Fang are also added this way.)

EDIT - of course spell.ids might be used for other purposes, including in my own mods. It might be used for imbuing familiars with spells...? Maybe. I forget. Maybe also for determining which spells can be cast spontaneously in the Revised Specialists component... maybe. Possibly also in other places, like in Might & Guile. Again, I can't recall off the top of my head. But for these specific purposes (Mana Sorcerer and Multiclass Sorcerers), you should be able to add any arbitrary spells you want by naming them between SPWIx51 and SPWIx89. (Heck, maybe that regexp should go to 80 by default, just for this purpose...

Edited by subtledoctor
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I can't get the +1 Spell Slot Items component to install with the Multiclass Sorcerer component, even on a clean install with only those two components. WeidU spits out the following error:

"ERROR: cannot convert fake_slots_equal_1_7 or %fake_slots_equal_1_7% to an integer
[d5sslot.spl] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

Edited by JediMindTrix
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Yes. The Mana Sorcerer (and Multiclass Sorcerers, and if you install the spell-switching component, then vanilla sorcerers as well) do not rely on spell.ids to choose spells. They use a custom UI interface (a version of Kjeron's spell-learning UI) to choose from any spells in d5clonmn.2da. In a game with only the vanilla spells, d5clonmn.2da will probably be identical to the set of wizard spells in spell.ids. But the spell learning function only cares about the .2da file, so you can pad it out by expanding the regexp to catch more spells not in spell.ids, and those new spells will be available to sorcerers. 

@subtledoctor - thanks for that. I found out that after multiple reinstallation the new spells are not created any more . I have no doubt its a bug in my local copy - like some files are not getting deleted during uninstallation.

I ended up going the different path (I'm documenting it for future generations )

1. made copy of the spells I needed with SPWI###

2. I manually edited d5clonm.2da to tell the installation these are the spells which need be patched * ( this should happen automatically during installation once you edit line 655 as @subtledoctor suggested)

3. Reinstall Tome and blood

4.profit ? 


edit , I should also mentioned that d5clonm.2da will be recreated during the multiclass sorcerer or the spell switch component ,  you need to edit the file , make a backup of it , and copy it back to override folder after those components are installed but before the mana sorcerer is installed.

Edited by kaiiak
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@subtledoctor - I cant seem to install multiple sorcerer components (on either BG2EE or SOD) .

 the error I'm getting is :

[./override/luFM0.2da] loaded, 3869 bytes
ERROR: cannot convert %first_empty_row% or %%first_empty_row%% to an integer
ERROR: [luFM0.2da] -> [override/lud5_98.2da] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.

any Idea ?

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I mentioned in the M&G thread that I figured out a less clunky method of spontaneous spellcasting.

Base the class as a sorc. So, base class = 19. Patch the armors as you've done. Now, buff the fuck out of your clab's thac0, apr and give it, you know, HP_FM. Then assign your spells as actual wizard spells instead of innate ones.

Okay, so I'm playing around with this "Duskblade" kit. It's old but, you know, throw in a later version of fl#add and crap. Well, point is it played smoothly. And this was my CLAB (very rough draft, using random spells i could clobber together). Again, this is a Sorcerer kit (with all mages being able to wear all armor), with hpclass handled with HPPRS:


I hope this picture is clear. But anyway, stealing Thac0 from RR#.

AP_DU1/DU2/DU3/DU4 each install a list of spells. The mod originally set them as innate and semi-spon-cawsted from there, and he I think used the Fighter class.

What I did is changing all those innates (within the list) to wizard spells, as well as any other ability that was GA_ed.

Since I'm a sorcerer, and my spells are all mage spells, I can cast them spontaneously like a sorcerer.

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Oh yeah, you can certainly give a sorcerer some bonus thac0/APR and call it a fighter/sorc. And maybe give it some cloned divine spells and call it a cleric/sorc (like that geological sorcerer or whatever it’s called). But that seems hacky to me. And you could never do a thief/sorcerer. With my reinvented sorcerer casting, you can make real sorcerer multiclasses, or do funky stuff like allow every single divine caster decide in-game whether they want to use Vancian casting or sorcerer casting. (Which is a thing we have in Faiths & Powers.) 

Edited by subtledoctor
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Guest Godelian

Dude you are the first one ever to make a spell ive wanted to use in baldurs gate since i first played it. That is projected simulacrum. Its the first time i feel like an illusionist is a true illusionist as in turning monsters against themselves. But then I saw that using it on monsters doesnt allow you to control them. Is there anyway to change this? I havent played baldurs gate in a long time but when I saw this mod it made me buy and install. Is there anyway you can make the spell function that way? As in create a clone of any bad guy but then put it under player control? 

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On 1/8/2021 at 9:34 AM, Guest Godelian said:

projected simulacrum. Its the first time i feel like an illusionist is a true illusionist as in turning monsters against themselves. But then I saw that using it on monsters doesnt allow you to control them. Is there anyway to change this?

That spell simply changes the targeting of Simulacrum from [self] to [target]. It’s designed to be a sort of portable Vhailor’s Helm: cast it on your fighter for an extra tank, or on your priest for extra summoning/support, as the situation calls for. 

But it still uses the Simulacrum effect, which AFAIK doesn’t change the AI of the target. Green targets are cloned green, and I guess red targets are cloned red. The effect does not allow you to set it the way the Monster Summoning effect does. 

I suppose it might be possible to add a conditional effect in SIMULACR.spl that could change a red clone to green... maybe? Or maybe that cannot be done with spell effects. (AFAIK stuff like the Mirror of Opposition is totally scripted, not done via spell effects... and I’m loath to add scripting to this spell.) Maybe @kjeron would know. 

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2 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

Very quick shout-out to a solution that doesn’t require overhauling enemy AI: use Tome & Blood’s “level 1 cantrips” to make 1st-level spells usable at will. Then enemy mages (and you) will never lack something useful to cast.

But shouldn't those be level zero cantrips, as othervise you are either restricting the mages to 8 levels of real spells, or boosting the spell casters to even higher pedistal than they already are.

And, no, I have no trouble with allowing bards to cast infinite low-level spells at a certain level, but not so much with level 1 mages.

Now, one could make a point in allowing the specialist mages to cast their own class single cantrip spell indefinetily, but that's game mechanics.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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3 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

I suppose it might be possible to add a conditional effect in SIMULACR.spl that could change a red clone to green... maybe? Or maybe that cannot be done with spell effects. (AFAIK stuff like the Mirror of Opposition is totally scripted, not done via spell effects... and I’m loath to add scripting to this spell.) Maybe @kjeron would know. 

It can be as simple as applying 0-duration op72 just above op236, though you run the occasional risk it becoming permanent on the target as well (as op72 sometimes bugs out).

Applying the op72 effect to the clone after it's created only changes it's EA value, it doesn't make it controllable, for that you would also need to use op5 or op241, using the "Neutral Charm/ Neutral Dire Charm" option, for at least 1 second.

You can do this by applying in order: op272, once/sec, timing mode 9, then op236, then op321 to remove the op272 before it triggers on the target.

op272 would trigger on the clone, casting a spell with op72: EA:ALLY, timing mode 1, and op241: Neutral Charm no text, duration =1.

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3 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

But shouldn't those be level zero cantrips, as othervise you are either restricting the mages to 8 levels of real spells, or boosting the spell casters to even higher pedistal than they already are.

And, no, I have no trouble with allowing bards to cast infinite low-level spells at a certain level, but not so much with level 1 mages.

Now, one could make a point in allowing the specialist mages to cast their own class single cantrip spell indefinetily, but that's game mechanics.

I believe the idea is "cantrips AT level 1", not "cantrips take up level 1 spellcasting".

I tried this mod a long time back, and thought the cantrips were...neat, but eventually realized that without a character script that would automatically cast them for me, there's no way I'm actually using them because it's too little benefit for how much effort it is to keep casting them. However...if SCS AI automatically uses said cantrips in an appropriate manner (i.e. after exhausting all of their normal combat options), then that sounds like a worthwhile idea again.

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