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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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In the words of a wise doggie, "rih ron't roh." :undecided:

I just updated it. It installs fine on 2.5. Go ahead and try it out if you have a 2.6 install handy.

EDIT - FYI, for purposes of AI, MnG's bard songs can be  bit complicated. They are innate abilities instead of actual bard songs, for one; and many of them don't stop you from taking other actions. So you could script a bard to play a song of Courage and never change it; however, some bard songs do stop you from casting spells, and one or two stop you from both casting spells and attacking. In these cases they grant you an innate ability to stop the song; the script cannot simply tell the bard to cast a spell, it would have to cancel the bard song first and then cast a spell.

Edited by subtledoctor
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On 8/23/2021 at 2:09 AM, morpheus562 said:

@subtledoctor good to know, thank you! I have some minor updates to publish that I've been sitting on for the last month. I'll look at seeing if I can include Might & Guile with it.

Any progress adding IWDEE compatibility? I'm playing modded IWDEE right now, and I admit I miss this mod badly :(

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