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Flirts, flirts, flirts, spam and flirts


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For those of us in the northern hemisphere, it looks like we will have many cold, lonely months without Aklon. :blush:


I for one wouldn't mind making the time pass more quickly by reading other flirt suggestions.


*shudders just imagining the long, cold winter without Aklon*



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Are there any special flirts/dialogues for a fellow monk? It'd be nice to get to see them bond over things they have in common.


Feel free to be vague if you'd rather not do the spoiler thing. Although I woudn't mind a bit. icon_whee.gif


i remember asking BigRob this somewhere in the past. dunno when it was...but yeah there will be special monk flirts if I remember correctly. should be fun!

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Sorry for the long gap in posting, it's been a busy old week...


Hey, I might have found Aklon too late to be able to suggest any flirts, but I can still throw my ideas out into the ether (and maybe get BigRob to release a spoiler) :blush:


I don't want to relaease too much before completing Aklon, but I'll have a look and seewhat can be released.


And as for suggestions, everyone feel free to post away. There's still ToB to write and they don't take all that long to write, so I can always add a few more flirts to the pile.


The party has stopped to rest


Aklon is practicing his martial art moves


*musn't be distracted with thoughts of Aklon without his shirt* :D


<CHARNAME> watches for a few moments, and then asks Aklon if he would be willing to show her a few moves.


He agrees, they practice a few moves, than <CHARNAME> suggest they spar for real. Aklon is dubious (raises his eyebrow) but he doesn't want to be rude. <CHARNAME> teases him a little bit, eggs him on, and finally (if only to get her to stop) he agrees.


<CHARNAME> and Aklon face off (oh yeah, Aklon may be older, wiser and more experienced, but he is going down!) <CHARNAME> looks like she wants to seriously kick his butt, Aklon looks back at her calmly (determined not to her her pride too badly)


<CHARNAME> flashes Aklon. He's so shocked he just stands there for a few seconds (he's still a guy after all) and <CHARNAME> knocks him on his behind and lands atop him laughing.




*fans herself with her hand*

Boy, it's a good thing I go back to work tomorrow. These long holiday weekends are turning my brain to mush!

There is someting very like this already available... I must admit I didn't think of flashing as an option, but I can always make allowances when I return to things for final editing. :hm:






Anyway. On to what I was going to say. *thinks* Ah!


Miss Michelle got me thinking on flirts too! If the deadline hasn't passed..


Are there any special flirts/dialogues for a fellow monk? It'd be nice to get to see them bond over things they have in common.


Feel free to be vague if you'd rather not do the spoiler thing. Although I woudn't mind a bit. icon_whee.gif


Are there any special flirts/dialogues for a fellow monk? It'd be nice to get to see them bond over things they have in common.


Feel free to be vague if you'd rather not do the spoiler thing. Although I woudn't mind a bit. icon_whee.gif


i remember asking BigRob this somewhere in the past. dunno when it was...but yeah there will be special monk flirts if I remember correctly. should be fun!


Yep, Menelanna's right, there are indeed special options for monk flirting, particularly in the sparring flirt. There are also dialogue options available in the Player initiated Dialogues and the main romance track. Again, I'll see about finding something to release as a teaser. ;)

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I would love to see Aklon get flushed and embarrassed, one of those early getting to know you moments. And likewise give him a chance to tease the PC in a similar situation.

Definately on the cards. :D


Oh, dear, a wicked idea for flirts just entered my head and hopefully it isn't too bold. Seeing as Aklon is a well-travelled man of the world, there are any number of veiled innuendoes that CHARNAME could make under the guise of innocent curiousity. EG:


"Oh, so, you've been to (Thay/Calimshan/Appropriate Exotic Setting)? I remember reading a fascinating tome in Candlekeep about the practices of tantric lovemaking in that land. I don't suppose you learned much about that particular art while you were there? I only ask out of pure anthropological interest."


Cue possible blushing and stammering. ;)

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Oh, dear, a wicked idea for flirts just entered my head and hopefully it isn't too bold. Seeing as Aklon is a well-travelled man of the world, there are any number of veiled innuendoes that CHARNAME could make under the guise of innocent curiousity. EG:


"Oh, so, you've been to (Thay/Calimshan/Appropriate Exotic Setting)? I remember reading a fascinating tome in Candlekeep about the practices of tantric lovemaking in that land. I don't suppose you learned much about that particular art while you were there? I only ask out of pure anthropological interest."


Cue possible blushing and stammering. ;)


I've got several items of teasing and innuendo already built into the flirts and some of them are right up there for boldness. The idea actually meshes well with some stuff I've already done, so when I go back over things for editing, I'll see if I can work this in. But you should be careful asking Aklon something for "pure anthropological interest", you never know what he'll come up with. :D

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In the last couple of months during which I started to get to know Aklon, I got an idea for a flirt, and this seemed as good a place as any to suggest it.


What if there was a inn-specific flirt in which Aklon and CHARNAME could dance?


It's something I've always wanted to see in flirts, even more so because I have this undying memory of "A Different Dance", chapter 6 in Lord of Chaos (book 6 in the Wheel of Time chronicles by Robert Jordan, some of you are probably familiar with it), in which Mat, one of the main characters, dances with one of the serving maids in a tavern.

It could occur even before the RomanceActive global is set to 2.

I can easily picture Aklon twirling CHARNAME in the common room of an inn, as the bards and minstrels play a spirited jig: I've surmised that, as a monk, he's pretty light on his feet.


I don't know, it's just a thought, it might be nice. Or not. ;)

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no, Eleima, that's a great idea! and, if it's further in the romance, they could slow-dance. that would be soooo sweet... ;)


I think it is a lovely idea, too. As long as it is not ala Solaufein where he dances with the pc to pay homage to his goddess yet again...

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no, Eleima, that's a great idea! and, if it's further in the romance, they could slow-dance. that would be soooo sweet... :D

I think it is a lovely idea, too. As long as it is not ala Solaufein where he dances with the pc to pay homage to his goddess yet again...


Having never played the Solaufein romance, I hadn't thought of that (although it does seem rather in character for him, since the unmodded Solaufein's supposed to worship Eilistraee, if my memory's any good).


I hadn't imagined any slow dancing either, for my part. For some reason, I can't imagine any slow dancing in the Forgotten Realms setting (maybe I'm taking my role-lpaying a lil too seriously... :D;) ), I just pictured a jig like I said earlier, or a farandole, or a gigue, or a passacaglia... I'm getting carried away here! ;)

I don't know, I could just easily picture Aklon and the PC sashaying in the common room to a happy tune with the sound of flute, lute and harp filling the inn, not long after a small victory somewhere outside Athkatla. ;)Lovesick.gif

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yeah, Eilistraee Silverhair is portraid as "the dancing maiden", if my memory serves me correctly. so maybe dancing is like a form of worship to her. (i'm not very good at this. can you tell?) ;)


:D I'd agree with you. Supporting my belief, here's an excerpt from the "Deities" chapter in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting tome:

Eilistraee (eel-iss-tray-yee) is the deity of good drow and those of that race who wish to be able to live on the surface in peace. (...)

The church of Eilistraee encourages drow to return to the surface world and work to promote harmony between the drow and surface races so that drow again become rightful nonevil inhabitants of Faerûn. Members of the church nurture beauty craft, musical instruments, sing, and assist others in need. Clerics must be able to sing adequately, dance gracefully, and play the horn, flute, or harp. Skill at swordplay is also encouraged, as is the ability to hunt.

Clercis of the Dark Maiden pray for spells at night, adter moonrise. Their rituals revolve around a hunt followed by a feast and dancing (wearing as little clothing as possible). (...)

Dogma of the Eilistraeen cleric: (...) Learn and teach new songs, dances, and the flowing dance of skilled swordwork.


I know all this especially applies to the cleric of Eilistraee, but wouldn't a worshipper follow a similar, if less rigid creed?


Umm, I think we've strayed from the main topic here... ;) Time to refocus on the topic... Aklon flirts; to dance or not to dance? :D

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yeah, Eilistraee Silverhair is portraid as "the dancing maiden", if my memory serves me correctly. so maybe dancing is like a form of worship to her. (i'm not very good at this. can you tell?) ;)


Yes, I understand! I just want Aklon to care for the pc and want to dance with HER. I like Sola, it's just that EVERY time he wants to be alone with the pc it is to talk about Eilistraee, and wants to dance with the pc to worship Eilistraee...it's like he can't want to be with the pc to be with the pc only. That's what I meant. After a while I wanted an option to slap Solaufein if he so much as mentioned HER name again!

Yes, perhaps Aklon and the pc can dance just to be with each other. No goddess allowed! :D

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