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Tutu State of the Modding Union


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Az, I am not sure on 1PP and Mac stuff. Try a direct PM to Gorilym and eric p.; I believe they are the current active testers/reporters for troubled materials on OSX installs.


My bet is it is a specific difficulty with .bam files on Mac, as I remember a big thread back a ways about 1PP and Mac problmes. I am pretty sure that no install order stuf is involved with that. It comes down to whether or not Mac platforms can survive the distributed .bams.

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Thanks cmorgan. Yeah, I get a little lost with where to post sometimes with so many boards and then I have mod-developer versus platform-guru decisions on who I should ask. I'll post that 1PP issue over at Macinfinity...




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I've already replied to Azalar elsewhere; but it might be of use to others to know that the only currently Mac-compatible version of 1PP is here. Bug-free in both my experience and that of the two people who've sent me feedback about it. :laugh:


I've already thanked Gorilym elsewhere, but I'd prefer to cover all my bases ;)


You'll get some feedback from me, once I get rolling.


Thanks Gorliym!

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Guest Guest_Nameless One_*

Can the current install guide be used for the new version of EasyTutu or are there known problems that could arise?

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Can the current install guide be used for the new version of EasyTutu or are there known problems that could arise?
Shouldn't be any different... unless someone who's actually tested it says otherwise, or if you want to stick Hard Times in as I mentioned here.
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I have no troubles with UB v6 in either order (BG1NPCv16 then UB v6 on EastUtu_ToB, both "old" and "new", vs UB v6 without those components listed in the thread then BG1NPCv16).




You will want to make sure you are using BG1 UB v6, not UB v16, and you will want to make sure you are using the correct version,


BG1UB V6 for BG1/TotSC/ToS - NOT this one...

BG1UB V6 for Tutu/BGT - This one here<<<

BG1UB V3 Mac - NOT this one, you want the Mac OS updated version buried in the thread (and perhaps a PM to JCompton to ask for it to be moved up to the website download page) found in this message: http://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php/to....html#msg311544



The minor error (not game stopping) in this message http://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php/to....html#msg311751 can be done manually, if you want, and there are some additional minor things for BGT installs above in that thread, but on my install (after repair of http://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php/to....html#msg308483 for my own happiness) things are working great.


Can you please post your experiences over on their forums, so they (and we) can help you?

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You will want to make sure you are using BG1 UB v6, not UB v16, and you will want to make sure you are using the correct version,


BG1UB V6 for BG1/TotSC/ToS - NOT this one...

Given the post Guest was pointing to is two years old, this is likely the problem, since the Tutu UB wasn't around when that post was written. But that's ok. I'm still living in the 80s and use words like "bitchin" and "gnarly."
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What parts of it do you use, Miloch?


And cmorgan, if it's not too much trouble, when you update the Tutu Mod Compatibility and Order of Install thread, is there any chance that you could provide a list of the changes you've made, so we don't have to go through the entire thing each time?

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