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Everything posted by Trouveur80

  1. Really enjoying Brage so far. I notice some things on my install : 1 - I play in english and installed Brage in english, but he doesn't have any voice sounds. I read in the readme he should have one of the HoW voiceset. I don't know what could have gone wrong on my install. 2 - 3 - I had some troubles when trying to prove Brage innocent. Also, I really like Acifer's portrait for Brage, but I think it is a little different style wise from other portraits in the game. For my personal use, I did some alterations with an AI image enhancer, in order to have a portrait better matching the other game portraits. I will not post it anywhere without your or Acifer's permission, but if you are interested in seeing it or maybe use it as an alternate just tell me and I will send it to you. Here is my weidu.log (I know I shouldn't have installed BG1 NPC project before BGQE) :
  2. Archer doesn't have charm animal ability if I remember right.
  3. Thank you for the advice, didn't know about modname.ini I installed EndlessBG1 as a quest mod so before Ajantis expansion. By the way, I didn't expect so many crossmod contents with BGRE, BGQE and even SotSC for Brandock, and somehow Brage feels like a so natural joignable NPC. I'm eagerly waiting to meet Tazok and Davaeorn with him.
  4. I really like this one too : https://www.deviantart.com/inar-of-shilmista/art/Commission-Malvae-627592221
  5. Hi, I was wondering the best install order for crossmods contents between Ajantis Expansion, Brage, I4E and Brandock. From the files I saw in the crossmods folder of each mod, I went for I4E, Ajantis, Brage then Brandock.
  6. Thank you, indeed BG1 NPC Project told me DLC Merger was not installed, even so I did it and the weidu log showed it successfully installed. I started again from scratch and this time all seems fine :-).
  7. Hi, I'm encountering an error message when trying to install Endless BG1 V17 on a BGEE SoD install 2.6.6 using English texts : I didn't got this error on an EET install.
  8. If you have the Steam or GoG BGEE version and SoD, did you first install DLC Merger in the BGEE folder?
  9. That's because you installed EET End after SCS. SCS should be installed after EET End. Otherwise, the improved NPC management component doesn't work well.
  10. Ennemies know how to use IWD spells. Mages like Lance of Disruption and Vitriolic Sphere, and druids use static charge. IWD divine spells greatly help SCS clerics to stay alive.
  11. Yes it is a know bug, for IWD spells it's better to use IWDification mod, which is more up to date.
  12. So if I understand correctly, it would be better for now to not install SCS AI over Ascension creatures ?
  13. It's Dorn in both cases, just look at the image further down on the GoG page, with Neera, Dorn and Rasaad. Pretty sure it is not a canonical party, just a way to promote Beamdog's new characters.
  14. Don't know if it's a bug, but when a character is entangled, equipping Spider's Bane or the ring of free action doesn't free him, although the entangle portrait icon is indeed replaced by the free action one. I always thought free action not only prevents to be hold, but also remove it.
  15. I ran into the same issue, you should use weidu 64 bits to install SCS.
  16. Thank you, I currently have Kivan in my BGEE party and still pondering bringing it back in BG2EE.
  17. When TotSC was released, you could import you party from the final save after Sarevok death to do the new quests and it made so much more sense. In BGEE we luckily have Endless BG1 for that too.
  18. Could you please post also your weidu.log ?
  19. Skitia already clearly said that Wings is not meaned to give Aerie her wings back. From what I remember, the mega mod with Mazzy romance allows it : https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/71473/megamod-3-09-mazzy-romance-clara-npc-darkside-anomen-flying-aerie-for-the-evil-more-done/p1
  20. No offense, and written posts can sometimes be misunderstood. I'm really impressed and grateful for all the works made by Lava and Jastey for not only creating wonderful mods, but also maintaining so much mods to be up to date and adapted to new release.
  21. All these years? Khalid BG2 was released last year! And it's author Lava can't make changes to original dialogues of other NPC if their original author didn't give their consent. And yes, some are so old than their authors are no longer reachable for asking consent.
  22. Hello, with last version (4.3), during the Serpents of Abbathor quest, the party must save two guys in a tavern in northwest BG. They are already dead, and if I remember right the two foes there should carry a key to a warehouse, but I tried a few times with reload but there is no key left. Is there another way to obtain this key ?
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