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Improved Anvil v5+ and BWL


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*Nominar casts spell: Necropost!*


I wonder when Sikret is going to release IA6 for public, a couple of months, a year or two? When IA7 is out? Man, that could take a long time. And the BWL isn't really keen on publishing news, heck the only news on the main site past 3 years have been: "BWL is X years old, hurray!". It'd be nice if they gave us public release dates. It's sad to see that they've (nearly) isolated themselves from the rest of the community. Wish they'd give us some news on what's going on with their mods, especially IA (yeah many of you don't give a rat's ass about it but hey, I do, it's one of the most comprehensive, consistent and bug free mods out there). Sure, Sikret has posted something disputing many of the so called lies. Don't know if they're lies or not, there's not much to base upon except words against words.


It's really sad to see this ill will amongst modders, it almost borders on hatred. I don't care if someone is "stealing" something, in the end it's BioWare's property. Although credit should be given where credit is due.


An advice (and request) to BWL: Don't isolate yourselves from the rest of the (modding) world, even if you have locked yourselves away at those closed forums. Isolation will only create more speculations and eventually lies. Give us some news, post on other forums and defend your position. And learn to take constructive criticism. Trolls will be trolls, and at least they can't post as guests here anymore.


My best wishes to you BWL.

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Necropost: do not feel ashamed to post about something that interests you

IA public ETA: interested to know as well, probably not going to be very soon

No isolation: good advice, they should post more to the public

Defend position: might be good advice, but knowing the IA threads, probably not so much

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They've been steadily alienating and isolating from the rest of the community since the days of IA1, and I doubt they're suddenly going to change that trend (either by issuing apologies, defending their positions, or making any move towards releasing IA6 to the public).

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I share the frustration of the above posters also. I was an early play tester for IAv6 but do to my military commitments I could not put the proper time into testing and told Sikret I should bow out. It was not fair to what he was trying to get done to have me not active in the process. All the guys over at Blackwyrmm were great to me and I considered them friends. Unfortunatly I did not have the money and still do not to join the forums and get my access back to IA. I have also been waiting for some public release telling the IA fans that do not belong to the forums some info on when we can play IAv6. Luckly for me I have my in progress IAv6 still to play, but I know there were changes since my departure that make it even better. I found IA after a year of mega modding and I was fed up with all the errors/ clua'ing required and just wanted a mod that made sweeping changes but that was bug free. IA fit that bill and then some. I have been enjoying it ever since almost exclusively. I know there are a lot of people in the community that have had heated arguments with each other over modding but all of that aside you each have made a great game into a better and longer life game. So thank you to all the modders that have spent their time on this game so that I can keep enjoying my experiences with it! Oh and if by chance anyone from BW reads this please put a time line for public realse out....you still have non forum fans out there that are waiting for your mods!


Regards, Nazar

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Well, in a nutshell BWL's policy is that modder's concerns (read: ego) comes before players' demand. That's what I've been told by it's representatives couple of times. So, as Bigg says, anticipating any sudden change of behavior would be kinda pointless. Hope dies the last, though, or so they say.

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It all seems very odd to me.


I never posted much at BWL, though I read it plenty. I was generally hanging out over at the greatly missed FWP, but we always got on fine with the TS/NEJ folks. Feels wierd to have an account there dating back to 2004 and be blocked from actually reading most of the site. That's the right of the forum owner, of course, but I'm not sure why the modders would put up with it. Time was, you'd want your mods to be available to as many folks as possible, and be able to receive feedback and bug-reports easily without making players jump through hoops.


It's rather a shame how much ill-feeling and fragmentation has taken over the BG modding community. This is just one of many feuds I've seen bubbling away.

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I don't think they gonna defend their position, as they represente a different world & view wholly and think it as right.


Unfortunatly I did not have the money and still do not to join the forums and get my access back to IA.

@Nazar: Think it is $6 for one a year. You can't get a lunch for that, what you mean you've no money ? My problem with subscribtion isn't the fee, I don't use paypal, and also that Sikret an ass.



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It's rather a shame how much ill-feeling and fragmentation has taken over the BG modding community. This is just one of many feuds I've seen bubbling away.


If you go back to the heady, freewheeling FWP days, surely you must appreciate that things have been blissfully peaceful and quiet for years now by comparison.


Oh, sure, there are still crazy people doing crazy things, and still combinations of people who mix like lithium and water. That's inevitable in a community of any size.


But years ago, the people making the irrational decisions were in far more influential positions. As unfortunate as BWL's partial walloff is, I don't really sweat it. There's absolutely zero chance of anybody else taking it seriously or considering it a good idea to emulate.

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It's rather a shame how much ill-feeling and fragmentation has taken over the BG modding community. This is just one of many feuds I've seen bubbling away.


If you go back to the heady, freewheeling FWP days, surely you must appreciate that things have been blissfully peaceful and quiet for years now by comparison.


Oh, sure, there are still crazy people doing crazy things, and still combinations of people who mix like lithium and water. That's inevitable in a community of any size.


But years ago, the people making the irrational decisions were in far more influential positions. As unfortunate as BWL's partial walloff is, I don't really sweat it. There's absolutely zero chance of anybody else taking it seriously or considering it a good idea to emulate.


I may just be looking back through rose-coloured spectacles. I really don't remember serious problems, even in the IRC, though of course I wasn't involved in actually running anything so simply might not have noticed. Sure, there were people who were a bit difficult when you were trying to get their mods to play nice with others, or who reacted to a bug report as if you'd murdered their pet dog, but I don't remember the same levels of outright hate.

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I have recently downloaded an improved anvil v6.0 archive file. I'm having some trouble unpacking it though, seems like there is some kind of password. Since I don't have the time right now, I will write later.


EDIT: inappropriate materials - cmorgan - 8:34am CST, Sept 24, 2010.

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