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Everything posted by Endarire

  1. Our family's intention for a megamod install was to have a rotating cast of NPCs for story purposes.
  2. I also had interest in having Vlad's Neverending Journey be updated to EET as a way to play IWD in EET, but with the ability to travel mostly freely between IWD and the rest of the Sword Coast that was unlocked.
  3. What about making multiple custom characters?
  4. What is the statute of limitations for mods before others are allowed to work on them? I wasn't sure how long Jarl has been silent on the relevant forums after saying he was updating his stuff, but I've encountered many who say they will do something but treated it as an idea and not a definite thing, meaning what they claimed they never finished.
  5. According to kir of Infinity Engine Discord... This seems like a bug, though I've not played it.
  6. @morpheus562 How does your planned Psi Warrior interact with the Will to Power mod?
  7. Carsomyr - the Holy Avenger and signature weapon of Paladins - is a major reason to go Paladin in BG2. I'm also for having a significant amount of spell resistance on Paladin weapons as incentive to be a Paladin.
  8. @tipun To clarify, does your newest subrace mod depend on players using specific AI scripts for characters?
  9. @tipun How compatible is this mod with Morpheus's AI scripts? I ask because I thought your subrace mod used scripts but I like Morpheus's scripts too!
  10. Thankee! To clarify, what sort of area altering mods are likely compatible with yours? I like the notion of epic thieving by OlvynChuru and the GuardianAnubite enemy randomizer, but I also like prettier graphics!
  11. Code-wise, what's involved in making a mod that simply opens Wyrm's Crossing (the bridge to BG City) from the start? I assume it comes with a standard warning of, "This may mess up your game if you do X, meaning don't do X until time Y."
  12. I prefer to remove the latest part of the URL so users can easily see the change log Via old releases, but that’s preference.
  13. Are you using any mods which modify this amulet like Item Revisions?
  14. Are allied or no hostile undead also hurt by this new ability? Should they be?
  15. My next concern is how I played by scrolling to a part of the map that I wanted my team to move then clicking there. what about having a toggled innate ability for all PCs to lock or unlock screen focus for that character?
  16. To my present understanding, @Grammarsalad has been working on some sort of install time mod like this.
  17. The idea matters more for nonreload runs.
  18. @Bubb Will 2 be fixed in a near term EEex version?
  19. Thankee for making this spiffy sounding mod! May we also get an option to get the respawn only if the entire party wipes?
  20. What about simply allowing more forms for this shapeshifting based on character or caster level, power points spent, etc.? That’s what other shapeshifting abilities do.
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