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Gibberling Poobah
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Everything posted by CamDawg

  1. Thanks to @Angel, v8.5 of Wheels of Prophecy is now available. It fixes some minor issues identified in the previous release and also sports a new Simplified Chinese translation thanks to angel_c4. Nab it from the usual spot.
  2. Thank @Lava and @jmaeq, I just made the post.
  3. Version 2.01 is now available, with the changelog of Replaced %MOD_FOLDER% with YoshimosRemorse in tp2.
  4. Well, we can go ahead and add Garrick's Infatuation to the 'full EET support' list as of Beta 4. Apologies, as I thought I had already gotten all G3 stuff up to speed.
  5. This is a maintenance release, primarily to provide full EET support and full Project Infinity integration. Check it out on the downloads page.
  6. Sure, and the same could be said for C/C#/C++, Java, Perl*, hell, even OCaml, etc. It's the formal programming structures and libraries (that WeiDU can kinda, sorta do) that we're longing for. Yep. * But seriously, don't use Perl**. ** Like, for real.
  7. These are both EET compatible--my bad, I should have caught this and mentioned it in the readme.
  8. Yes it is. I should probably start making more of a point to mention EET when I write my readmes.
  9. It sounds like WeiDU's getting hung up trying to do some basic read/writes at the beginning of the process and not getting permission from the system or something similar. Is your game installed in the Program Files directory? You could try moving the game out of program files or running setup as an admin though I don't actually know if that will help. Older versions can be found on the downloads page, though it's not intuitive. If you click on 'see changelog', it'll list older versions in a dropdown. You can select an older version and a download link will appear at the bottom of the changelog. Alternatively, if you follow the mod's Github link (in the readme and project page) you can navigate to the mod's release page on Github; this is the one for Tweaks.
  10. Divine Remix adds a handful as a standalone component; from the readme: Previous versions also imported spells from IWD, but this was discontinued when IWDification released.
  11. Version 3 is up thanks to a new Polish translation from @Cahir!
  12. Added the note for translators to the OP; long story short there's a component to auto-translate about 80% of the mod.
  13. I promised this in the readme, so what follows is a breakdown of how you actually receive lore bonuses. The variables mentioned here are all available and adjustable in cdlore/customize.tpa. These are used at install time, so you'll need to make your adjustments to this file before installation. Note that all of these depend heavily on resting, specifically the script that runs once you hit the rest button. The mod deliberately puts all of this scripting at the end of the script so that higher-priority events (e.g. a love talk) can preempt the mod checks; this is why it's recommended to install LFL after mod NPCs. Also note that these individual components can preempt one another e.g. if you get a lore point from books, it may delay your martial lore point. Books Provide Lore Bonuses The idea here is pretty straightforward: every time the party rests, the PC will spend time reading books. The PC gets three 'actions' per rest (customize this with the variable actions_per_rest) and reading a book is one action. After five books are read (books_to_read variable) the player earns a lore point. This process can be repeated until a max of 10 lore is earned (max_lore_from_books). I have built a framework so that special lore books will, by themselves, earn the player a lore point and consume an entire night's reading. For now, the only book that has been so designated is the History of the Fateful Coin. Weapon Knowledge Provides Lore Bonuses This one's a lot simpler: earning grandmastery in a single weapon earns you one lore point. This is a one-off; getting grandmastery in a second weapon does not earn you another point. A second lore point can be earned through proficiency (just one pip) in 6 different weapons (number_weapon_profs). By default weapon styles do not count towards this bonus, though you can have them count by enabling count_weapon_styles. Party Members Provide Lore Bonuses There are a total of six available lore points here, three from race and three from class. The idea for both is simple: it checks if party members are of a race or class different than the PC's and, if a threshold is reached, it increments a variable every rest. After a certain number of rests you'll earn a lore point. For race, you need three other races than the PC (other_races) and receive a bonus after 3, 10, and 30 rests (race_bonus_1, race_bonus_2, and race_bonus_3). I've included the player-selectable races plus what I could find from the game and mods (e.g. vampire for Hexxat and Valen, tiefling for Haer'Dalis, goblin for M'khiin, and rakshasa for Verr'sza). If I'm missing someone here, let me know. Class checks work on the same idea. You'll need four other classes (other_classes) and receive points after 5, 15, and 45 rests (class_bonus_1, class_bonus_2. and class_bonus_3). These checks are in the form of xxx_ALL so being a multiclass will actually work against you here as e.g. a fighter-mage counts as both MAGE_ALL and FIGHTER_ALL in these checks. On the flipside, a paladin with just Aerie (cleric-mage) and Jaheira (fighter-druid) would hit the threshold due to their multiclassing. Kits do not affect the checks and barbarians are also, internally, classed as fighters. I have some vague plans to expand this for NPCs of more 'exotic' backgrounds--someone like Viconia or Haer'Dalis should really count for more than someone like Imoen or Jaheira. Defeating Monsters Provides Lore Bonuses The first time you see a dead monster of race X (essentially anything 100-199 in race.ids), it increments the counter. At 10, 30, and 60 different types of dead monster (monster_bonus_1, monster_bonus_2, and monster_bonus_3) you'll get a lore point at the next rest period. This is a simple check and doesn't really care if the party was the one actually doing the killing, and also relies on having Party AI enabled since it abuses dplayer scripting. I will probably lower the third threshold at some point as 70 (edit: default is now 60 as of v3) is actually fairly difficult to reach as not all of the race.ids entries are filled or valid. Exploring Areas Provides Lore Bonuses The player accumulates exploration points for visiting areas and will earn a single lore point at three different point thresholds, defaulting to 150/400/800 (area_bonus_1, area_bonus_2, area_bonus_3). All 'master areas' are worth a point. A master area is a technical term, but basically any major area of the game is a master area--e.g. Beregost is a master area, all of the smaller homes/shops/inns inside Beregost are not. In addition to master areas, other areas provide variable bonuses up to five points. In general temples, taverns, and inns are worth 2, famous landmarks are 3, areas specifically relating to the PC's special heritage are 4, and extraplanar travel is 5. You can see (and adjust) these scores are desired in arealist.tpa in the /lib folder. For modders, if you want your areas to contribute, simply set value to the score you think your area should have, and then extend the area script with cdlore/baf/area.baf with an EVALUATE_BUFFER.
  14. The mod makes the assumption that you're using your rest period productively and just uses simple checks for books in your inventory. So on every sleep you'll get a message that you 'spent time reading book X' and, when a certain threshold is reached, you'll get a point of lore for it.
  15. G3 is pleased to introduce the The Lore From Learning mod, a small WeiDU mod that adds lore bonuses to your main character as you learn and adventure throughout the game. The bonuses (and the stimuli that provide them) are, by design, meant to be minor and enhance the role-playing aspect of the game. Project page Readme Download
  16. G3 is pleased to introduce the The Lore From Learning mod, a small WeiDU mod that adds lore bonuses to your main character as you learn and adventure throughout the game. The bonuses (and the stimuli that provide them) are, by design, meant to be minor and enhance the role-playing aspect of the game. Project page Readme Download v6 changelog Fixed bug that prevented installation without the new component v5 changelog Fixed corrupted text in the Polish translation, thanks Roberciiik! Added the Exploring Areas Provides Lore Bonuses component Thanks to Cahir (Polish) and paladin84 (Russian) for the translation updates for the new component Fixed a bug where the custom values set by players in customize.tpa could be ignored by the mod v4 changelog Added Russian translation, courtesy of yota13 v3 changelog Added Polish translation, courtesy of Cahir Decreased the threshold for the third point of lore in the Defeating Monsters Provides Lore Bonuses component Added some missing Project Infinity stuff that really should have been in v1 Earning a lore point with the other components could interfere with the various counters for the Party Members Provide Lore Bonuses component Earning lore from books now requires literacy (9 INT) v2 changelog: Fixed bug where Weapon Knowledge Provides Lore Bonuses would not install on non-EE games Fixed bug where Defeating Monsters Provides Lore Bonuses was not iterating correctly when looping through monster types Fixed bug where earning a point of lore would prevent sleep Added a few more continuations in scripts to hopefully prevent conflicts with actual combat actions Fixed bug where Defeating Monsters Provides Lore Bonuses was not picking up on the correct breakpoints for lore bonuses For Translators! The mod has about 100 strings total, of which 80 can be automatically generated using a hidden component. All you have to do is uncomment it in the tp2, make a few settings, and then run it on BG2 (most of the strings) and IWD (about 10 more). Once that's done there are about ~20 more strings to translate.
  17. Version v6


    The Lore From Learning mod is a small WeiDU mod that adds lore bonuses to your main character as you learn and adventure throughout the game. The bonuses (and the stimuli that provide them) are, by design, meant to be minor and enhance the role-playing aspect of the game. Learn more about the mod View the Readme Visit the Forum
  18. The Lore From Learning is broken down into more targeted components for the player. However, they all work on the same mechanic: at every rest, your main character will have some time to read books, talk with their party, etc. It is during these rest periods where lore triggers will be evaluated and, if appropriate, bonuses awarded. The specific details about triggers are deliberately vague so as not to spoil, however, full details will be posted on the forum for those interested. Advanced Customization In the mod folder is a text file named customize.tpa. Using a text editor, you can adjust various factors that affect the various triggers and rewards related to all of the mod's components. Details are in the file itself; if you have any questions or feedback feel free to ask on the forum. Books Provide Lore Bonuses As the player adventures through the Sword Coast and beyond they find many history books. As the player reads these books they can earn bonuses for learning the history of the broader world. A handful of books will provide greater bonuses than others. However, there is a maximum amout of lore you can earn from books. Weapon Knowledge Provides Lore Bonuses As your skill with various weapons advanced, two lore bonuses are possible. Party Members Provide Lore Bonuses Given how much time you spend with them, the party can be a wealth of information. This component provides some minor rewards for traveling, long-term, with a party with a diverse set of backgrounds, specifically, of many different race and class combinations. Defeating Monsters Provides Lore Bonuses The player will gain lore knowledge as they adventure and defeat monsters. Specifically, lore bonuses can be earned by defeating many different types of monsters. Exploring Areas Provides Lore Bonuses The player will gain lore knowledge as they adventure and explore new areas. In particular, famous or exotic locations (e.g. other planes) will provide larger advancement for lore bonuses.
  19. Under-Represented Items adds items to Baldur's Gate 2 from Icewind Dale 2. Only certain kinds of items were chosen with the intent to flesh out smaller weapon families. Version 7 modernizes the code, makes it EE-compatible, and contains numerous bugfixes. Readme Project Page Windows v7 OS X v7 Linux v7
  20. This sounds like a broken install. Trigger 0x40a8 is a default trigger and should be there; not being able to find Ajantis' script is also a bad sign.
  21. That's odd as it implies the mod was not able to add strings to the tlk. This can be caused by having the game (or an editor) open when installing, or selecting the wrong language for WeiDU when it's first run.
  22. Use the latter. The problem with the former is that it will throw off your replacement tokens depending on whether it decompiles with "ue". E.g. REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~Dialog\(ue\)?("\(foo\)")~ ~Interact("\2")~ will fail on a match for ~Dialog("foo")~ because it only matches one group, not two. Also of note: while scripts are compiled/decompiled and go through the process Mike1072 describes, dialogues themselves store actions and triggers as plain text. What you see in NI is what you need to match.
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