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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Totally understandable! The dungeon crawl you remember is DSotSC, but I'm only giving additional info. Not attempting to make you install a mod you might not enjoy (again).
  2. I'm not trying to change your mind, but just to be nitpicky: NTotSC has custom areas even though some are quite obviously edited original areas. DSotSC reuses original areas. It's one of the first big mods and from a time where 56k modems where super fast internet connections, and it enabled a great dungeon quest while keeping the file size low.
  3. This sounds awesome. May I ask how you do it? The best choice for compatibility would probably be to alter the original string references using "STRING_SET" and changing all explicit gendered terms into tokens (<PRO_LADYLORD> instead of Lady etc.). Here is what I found: in baldur.bcs, if the PC checks romance requirements, the variable SetGlobal("AnomenMatch","GLOBAL",1) is set: With this variable at 1, upon his joining dialogue (ANOMEN.dlg) all other needed variables and timer are set, e.g. like in this example from his joining dialogue. You see the different reply options whether the PC matches the romance criteria or not: With this timer and variables, Anomen's script (ANOMEN.bcs) triggers the first lovetalk when the timer run out: The question is: was the "AnomenMatch" variable set via tweaks, and if not, why not.
  4. Oh, but the Anomen Romance is really good. It gives more depth to Anomen as a character and why he is the way he is. I played with Anomen as female PC, had his romance, and with this first impression never understood why everyone finds him "Anoymen". (I do think he is a poor guy but more because of his abusive father, not because of what I think about him as a character.) I'm at the wrong device to help with your actual question.
  5. This is for my Solaufein Mod (just to make sure because there is also Weimer's first Solaufein mod) which doesn't have a romance. The recognition of PC being drow via installed subrace mod would be automatic, the additional component for recognition of PC being drow is only for adding a somewhat 4th wall breaking reply option into Adalon's dialogue to set the variable this way. This subrace mod is not yet considered, I need to update my Solaufein mod.
  6. Not sure whether this isyour question, but the Balduran's Seatower mod adds interjections in its quests for some NPCs, Edwin also at some onstances and Imoen even more. Oh, and that mod also fulfills the requested critria of good looking new areas. And good quests, of course. I'm not biased at all or anything. I think Transitions does that (new mod here at G3). It's not compatible with Tamoko (in EET) either, though, as it also delays the trasition to SoD. Compatibility (of sorts) with Endless BG1 is given. I don't know whether the transition to ToB could be installed as a single component, in that case that would be no problem. I don't understand the question: interjections from mod NPCs are added by the mod NPCs which are usually installed later than the RE mods, so interjections included in the RE mods can't overwrite them. (?)
  7. Do you have mods installed? Because originally, transition to SoD happens after Sarevok was killed, and noone steals Sarevok's sword. Please post your weidu.logs in spoilers.
  8. Thanks! I'm encountering more and more disadvantages of my 7th party member design, though: -For levelling up, he has to join the party (that one was clear by design tho) -Items in the 7th pm backpack will not be recognized for quests - that's a real bummer -there is hickups with banters if not started by the 7th pm that just end abruptly - these reports were from other NPC mods but it might also apply to Solaufein All these issues are restrictions due to the hack I use for 7th pm mode. I'd say the "7th party member mode" works as long as players keep in mind that it's basically a scripted hack that wasn't intended by the original devs.
  9. The variables are usually used to patch the area scripts or to make area checks etc. Used like this with the doubled entry, things supposed to happen in the lower floor of the "house 08" will happen at the upper floor.
  10. Which, as a rule of thumb, is a smart assumption when it comes to IE mods... Okay, half kidding actually, because there is games where mods are way less compatible (or compatibility of two mods not feasible at all). IE mods are at least trying.
  11. Hmm, thre is an inconsistency in the checking variables whether the PC decided for someone else. What is the value of the variable "B!Alternatives","GLOBAL" at? I assume you didn't agree to work for Alan or Bodhi yet? If it's at "5" and you are not working for any other guild yet, then as a workaround you can set Global("B!Alternatives","GLOBAL",4) before talking to him and Global("B!Alternatives","GLOBAL",5) back before going back to Aster - this is the best I can offer currently. Once you agreed to pay Aster and Global("B!Alternatives","GLOBAL",6) is at 6 you decided to work for her and Malficus will leave.
  12. Where exactly? Is this a special scroll with a unique name or is it supposed to me any restoration scroll? Reports like these are also very welcome in the mod's bug thread so they don't get lost.
  13. https://forums.pocketplane.net/ works fine for me.
  14. I'm open for crossmod material, but possibilities for crossmod are endless and more work than players would think if they see the resulting one, two dialogues in the game. Crossmod for my mods more or less happens if I have a mod along while writing for mine or if I notice one that would conflict if I do not consider it, but my time is limited. I will not play with Imoen Romance; so I doubt any comments of Ajantis to it will happen anytime soon, if at all. EDIT: The short answer is "no", I guess. I'm not familiar enough with the Imoen Romance mod and I'm not interested in playing with it.
  15. I4E after Text Patches and after BGT is fine.
  16. In a former version it was that Ajantis from the mod was skipped if my Sir Ajantis BGII mod was detected. I don't know whether this was changed in any way, though.
  17. Yes. Probably - I don't know what exactly Ascension changes. I4E changes text lines and adds triggers to relevant reply options so it needs the game as original as possible. I would think that what I listed above should be about all incompatibilities (i.e. content wise with regard to Imoen's whereabouts). The only real incompatibility was with NPC Strongholds if Imoen takes over the Thiefguild before going to Spellhold but that should be fixed.
  18. One warning about I4E: it changes the story arch by giving back Imoen in chapter 2&3. Most mods do not consider this possibility, so they assume Imoen is kidnapped (if talking about her) and Imoen will be addressed as if she was freed from Spellhold already (if she is talked to). Have a look into the I4E forum for compatibility list. Also, recommendation is to install I4E before mods that might insert reply options in BGII. If you install NPC Strongholds and Brandock, install Brandock after NPC Strongholds. Have a look here for an install order list of "my" mods. I think you got the other mods on my list/I am maintaining right though.
  19. I understand the enthousiasm, but please only post mods here that are EET compatible. Thank you for the reports. The list will be updated at some point. Everyone, feel free to make pull requests on GitHub to speed up the process.
  20. Well, the romance, which is a bit "doh", but apart from that, the smaller quests and reactions to game events etc are available for non-romance case, too. The friendship track has less dialogues than the romance, that is true. For ToB, Ajantis doesn't feel as connected to the PC's destiny if they are not romancing so he doesn't have to cope that much with what is happening.
  21. @Ezakimake that's a funny pic. But please give proper credit to the original artist and only post a link if it's copyrighted content.
  22. @subtledoctor thank you very much for the clearification! Very appreciated. @Endarire I'd suggest removing mods where the spells do not count to the limit from this list, or listing them in a separate paragraph so people know they were considered.
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