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Everything posted by Endarire

  1. @temnix This seems bugged on my install. Cutscene mode activated and assassins only appeared when I slept at the inn. Otherwise, cutscene mode activated and there was no way to skip it. I also found no assassins. Best to put the foes near CHARNAME's current location and remove cutscene mode. I was also disappointed that I couldn't learn Vanishing Act at character creation. Maybe it was my mod wad. (Firebeard Elvenhair spammed Horror on the assassins, trivializing the fight and proving his spells were for more than just show! Alleluia!) Thankee!
  2. @tipun I mentioned adding this mod to the EET compatibility list so more people could find and use it. It's more official if a mod author requests their mod be added to the list. Provide a link. Thankee!
  3. I meant that you could use Near Infinity or the console or save file editing to give yourself the desired amount of EXP. Fission slimes and black puddings may also give you the EXP loop you seek. You could also play EET, make the party you want in Black Pits 2/Shadows of Amn/Throne of Bhaal, export them, then import them into your game so you'll start at a higher level.
  4. @subtledoctor I noticed a bunch of T&B errors in this 2.5 EEex install for reasons of which I am unsure. Maybe things were installed in the wrong order. (5e casting also didn't install, or its effects didn't stick.) How to fix? Thankee! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KN_Z2QuJXJ3Ew8TcOsioVdiACFTrXoTz/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105431936210541578735&rtpof=true&sd=true
  5. Spell Pack: Maybe it's my mod wad on 2.5 EET with EEex, but Evard's black tentacles were invisible! There was a black glob of spell effect that moved toward the spell's destination when cast by my Wild Mage (level 16), and I heard the spreading/exploding sound effect, and my character made saves vs. spell. I'm unsure what's wrong. Also, I can't target myself with Isaac's greater missile storm, even though I can self-target with shocking grasp. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KN_Z2QuJXJ3Ew8TcOsioVdiACFTrXoTz/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105431936210541578735&rtpof=true&sd=true Thankee!
  6. There's the console or some third-party utility if you just want to skip to the point.
  7. Your GitHub documentation has a typo: Why are you mentioning "Run setup-might_and_guile.exe in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components." for Will to Power?
  8. Haiass el Lobo the Wolf Companion is also EET compatible as of 2.4. Saradas Magic II should have its link changed to this due to a newer release.
  9. Knights of the Old Republic simply makes new PCs join at the main character's level or thereabouts and lets players customize them until that point. Does NPC_EE fix this?
  10. OlvynSpells has the ghostwalk arcane level 2 spell which doesn't require EEex (according to its description) and permits walking through walls, and ethereal jaunt the arcane level 5 spell which requires EEex and also allows walking through walls.
  11. @temnix Download Link: https://github.com/subtledoctor/test_stuff/releases/tag/0.999
  12. How to handle maps that normally can't be fully cleared, like coastal maps? What about using vanilla clairvoyance to clear maps instantly?
  13. I was concerned the problem was with Dimension Gate. How should things be fixed so the mod is truly EET compatible?
  14. My EET_End isn't installing and I'm unsure why. EET is 1.0 RC12, the newest one for 2.5, and I'm installing onto 2.5. Is it a WEIDU 2.47 version problem? Seemingly not because I reran Setup-EET_End while offline using Weidu 2.46 and got the same result. Relevant Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YXdaxHVHovcDZOpcCeSQleFIWZH3P7Lr Thankee!
  15. Greetings, all! I attached my WEIDU.LOG because today, after I installed a bunch of mods on 2.5 to test how spells worked with Morpheus's scripts, I got a totally black screen during the times I would normally control my characters in the game world! I made a sample Throne of Bhaal Wizard (Arcanist kit) as a test, and when I arrived in the area where the talking stone heads should have been, I found only blackness! Blacknessssss! I also found it odd that I ran EEex.exe after installing EET and I saw only the BG2EE interface with EEex mentioned on screen. I could also make characters (plural) and go through character creation as normal. PS: This isn't my final mod list for our family's grand EET adventure. This is just a small subset of official mods to test certain things. Thankee for your help in fixing what's likely my oopsie! WeiDU.log
  16. @Daeros_Trollkiller This page for this mod still goes to 2.0.1 and doesn't list anything new from 2.0.2. https://www.gibberlings3.net/files/file/1016-sod-to-bg2ee-item-upgrade/ Also on GitHub for 2.0.2, the exe for Windows comes with an exe installer, but the zip version didn't.
  17. @GawainBS Single-classed Mages were often going Wild Mage for the low drawback compared to the bonus spell slot per spell level. I'm also +1 to removing the hard prohibition on schools for specialists.
  18. How do you categorize the engine changing EEex and mods that depend on it like OlvynSpells and Epic Thieving?
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