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Everything posted by lynx

  1. Just dumping everything on a (git) hosting service won't achieve much. Authors need to be convinced to start using them or things will just get stale. We've had a long discussion about this sort of stuff before, which resulted in the current sitation, where more and more g3 mods are under external revision control. Not sure you can access this thread though: http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=27649 Either way, anything on github can be mirrored automatically, once you know it exists.
  2. Why the strawman? Read everything ...
  3. I was refering mostly to the other points, but yes, a proper fighter/sorcerer is a simple weidu mod away.
  4. gemrb allows for some of this, but it's a big load to swallow.
  5. How about 187/195 or the two stats holding titles (class strings)?
  6. Looking at our code, the extra object is supported in all iwd variants and pst, but we don't use it anywhere yet, so can't confirm anything.
  7. Sounds like something long abandoned and unfinished. No mention anywhere in iesdp or gemrb.
  8. It doesn't add up, it would introduce a gap. But that's just parameter6. Fixed.
  9. Cool, one more for the evil side of things. Does she have any serious conflicts with other npcs that people should know about (like Edwin and Minsc)?
  10. Yes, it will work fine on linux.
  11. ./ is not needed to enforce relative paths, unless you need to remove an ambiguity — like with running stuff in the current dir. Above, you're not passing anything to weidu, so not sure what you're trying to achieve by running it.
  12. lynx

    The IESDP

    You mean a few days?
  13. lynx

    The IESDP

    unless you have pre-g3 links to iesdp, they all point to the most recent version.
  14. Just the title is wrong, but it's fixed now.
  15. Yes, the offset were clearly forgotten. I can confirm the rest too; as a bounding box, this can never be rotated, so it should be clear enough. updated.
  16. I understood it as an extra way to reduce the confusion between the two. And really, as a fork, the team behind it can point it to wherever they want.
  17. Talk to the author then. It's likely the mos is malformed. You didn't actually ask for a smaller resolution, right?
  18. Find out which mod installed T-1002.mos first.
  19. Come on, leave your bile at the door mysterious veteran. Let's not have a repeat of the needless downward spiral that was the closed SHS thread.
  20. Calm down everyone. The code and data of both projects is still open and public, so anyone can make direct change suggestions there.
  21. Do you have _ApplyPatches.bat anywhere in the game dir? It's from BWPFixpack and is used to do what its name says.
  22. Yes, if the download link points to my modhub, it will pick up version changes automatically. That's enough for simple version bumps, but when new togglable stuff is added like with the updated BGQE, more work is needed to present that to the user.
  23. this is the full list for bg2: https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/files/ids/bg2/sndslot.htm for the filename, just use a consistent prefix, since you're not creating it for a npc. I think subtitles for this kind of thing depend on the feedback settings in options.
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