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Complaint regarding BG1RE content (resolved)

Glam Vrock

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Could I suggest have an optional separate installation for ALL of the encounters that constitute a rape fantasy? I know that this isn't the only one, and I agree with Glam Vrock that the warning doesn't properly reflect what seems to be going on this particular encounter. Sometimes you guys have a tendency to downplay how dark some of these encounters are, and when it comes to potentially triggering material, you really shouldn't.

Also... yeah, I found a lot of the "you're being politically correct" and "it's not really assault" comments in this thread pretty upsetting. I don't have anything against dark content, but I'm also uncomfortable with labeling rape fantasies as romance. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with writing or enjoying them, but it's really not a subject to be treated lightly. As a society, we've got a ton of problems with the concept of consent, and letting stuff like this go unremarked doesn't help.

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Thank you for your thoughts and feedback.


Do not take our silence currently, as a sign that we are ignoring the topic. It's the opposite.


As the mod organizer, I apologize for taking the subject too lightly. I set up rules when calling for contributions, and somehow I weighted one (the player has full control over the encounter) higher than the other (no violence).


The component "Dirty Guard" disqualifies for bg1re, as it includes (sexual) violence against the PC. Giving exit options at every instance is not enough, I was too naive in this regard. It is my mistake, and I want to apologize.


We are discussing the topic currently, identifying all components with trigger disposition. There will be a new version, without the component in question, and with a newly set-up installer, that will give respect to this very important and deliacte subject, hopefully.

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Thank you. I understand that those involved in this project have likely known each other some time, and it isn't easy to tell a friend that something they worked on will be cut.


I realise that none of this occurred because of malice, and I apologise if I've made you feel like a villain. However, I needed you to see this for what it was, and pulling the punches wasn't going to achieve that.


We all make mistakes. It's how you handle them that counts. I appreciate your maturity in making this decision, and I hope there'll be no hard feelings.

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Glam, as I see you stressing again the opinion that you did what you did exactly the right way to achieve what you had in mind, I have to react to this. You are wrong by thinking that you made a good start or a good impression in this discussion, if we can call it that. As you can see by scrolling back, your way of attacking made me react in defending for the first x pages. It needed other, more reasonable statements of co-authors to get us where we are now.


I feel personally attacked when I have to read that it would need this flaming to make me react, and that the topic would have been swept under the carpet otherwise. I'd rather you learn to have trust in the common sense and insightfulness of your discussion partner, and start a more sensible, fertile discussion next time.


Sergio: I don't know what you are referring to, seeing how this thread comes to a calm, agreeable ending I am surprised about your phrasing.

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Building on what jastey said, there's some good lessons for all us here.


The goal of criticism is to bring something to a modder's attention, and to get them to fix/change/explain it. While inflammatory rhetoric certainly helps with the former, it absolutely poisons any discussion and turns pretty much anyone defensive and stubborn.


For a modder standpoint, it's simply another reminder that useful feedback comes in many forms. Wrapped in praise or scorn, even the harshest criticism is given because someone genuinely cares about your mod and wishes to see improvement. With engagement, you can always find a way to improve--or, at least, learn something.

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That's just what irks me, how the mod maintainers responded to another white knight getting offended at virtual (and textual only) rape. How about they get offended about every book containing such scenes, or even better, the real rapists. FFS this pisses me off sorry for the rant

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Bear in mind that it wasn't ultimately my decision.


The mod team and the site staff discussed this privately for several days before making their choice. If they concluded I was just some idiot getting in a tizzy over nothing, they'd have dismissed the complaint. Why do you think they didn't?



EDIT: In fact, I'll come right out to the folks in charge and say that if you're just doing this to keep me happy, don't. I'm not saying that is what you're doing, but I think it's worth clarifying for those upset with the decision.

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