BGQE updates to v16 with 5 new components!


This is a mini-mod for all BG games: "vanilla" BG (with the add-on Tales of the Sword Coast), BG1Tutu v4, EasyTutu, BGT, BGEE, and EET. It adds several small quests and encounters to the game. Upon other fixes and impprovements, v16 comes with 5 new components. Also, the quest "Many little Paws" was changed to make it less tedious - the boy will take the grown hamster now, too, if your PC doesn't feel like searching for the vendor. Many thanks to Lumorus and White Agnus for two of the new components! Learn more on the forums, project page, or readme, or download the new version.

May 9 update: Unfortunately, wrong text formats found their way into v16, which lead to a freeze of the game. For BG:EE and EET, the mod needs to be updated to v17!