Baldur's Gate II Fixpack Version 12 Released


The BG2 Fixpack is a WeiDU compilation of fixes for Baldur's Gate II. This collaborative effort, including the work of modders from several different modding communities, has been the definitive compilation of fixes to supplement the official patches since its initial release in 2006 and includes all of the fixes addressed by previous efforts such as Baldurdash (including the Game Text Update) plus several hundred more.

This update marks the largest expansion of the Fixpack since its initial release, and concludes the four releases in the v11 beta series. The culmination is version 12, the first new stable release since 2013, and meets the two very ambitious goals set for it:

  • Modernization. The Fixpack was started over a decade ago, and a lot of the code shows its age. I used to joke that a rewrite of Fixpack would cut its code to a tenth of its current size--as it turns out, it was only about a half. The upshot is going to be much easier maintenance, a series of very useful macros (CD_EXTEND-O-MATIC could probably write about 90% of a new Spell-50 mod, if anyone's so inclined), a lot more flexibility, faster turnaround for new versions, and a much easier to read (and therefore customize to their preferences) Fixpack for players.
  • Expansion. The advent of the Enhanced Editions has been an absolute boon. Having a full team of developers, QA, and a massive influx of players identified a ton of new material to address. Since the EEs incorporated the Fixpack since their inception, a number of bugs that Fixpack thought it fixed but really didn't were identified along with identification of more content to restore, and just plain old bugs that had just never been noticed much less fixed. While there are a veritable ton of new bug fixes, Fixpack still has significant ground to make up to catch the BG2EE 2.5 release, and work will continue.

The changelog for the mod can be found in this thread (or jump directly to the v11 beta series or v12). The Fixpack is available from the downloads page or you can browse the readme. You can learn more about the mod (including documentation of the bugs fixed) from the project page. Feedback is strongly encouraged; please join us on the Fixpack forums.