BG1NPC updates to v32!


The BG1NPC Project expands on the depth of character and levels of interaction with the NPCs from the BG game. When BG2 was released, one of the major improvements in many peoples' eyes was the increased level of interaction one could have with the party members. This mod was developed to allow BG players a similar experience. NPCs in your party now have banters with the PC, with each other, and small side-quests of their own.

The new version comes with the restored component "NPCs Can Be Sent to Wait in an Inn"" which was removed for v24. Note that the component is not throroughly tested on all EE games for v2.6. V29 also has several fixes and improvements. It also fixes the install error from v28 for the German version.

Read the Readme - Project Page - Mod Forum - Download BG1NPC at G3