G3 Welcomes Thieving Skills for Bards


Feel like you have to shoehorn a Thief into every party to be able to Pick Locks and Disarm Traps? Now you don't have to! G3 welcomes the Thieving Skills for Bards mod by @morpheus562. Thieving Skills for Bards allows Bards and Bard Kits (including those from mods) to use Pick Locks, Find/Disarm Traps, and Pick Pockets in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and the Enhanced Edition Trilogy. Bards will receive skill points in Pick Locks, Find/Disarm Traps, and Pick Pockets when leveling up, so now you have the option to choose an alternative to Thieves and change up your gameplay a little bit. The Action Bar is updated via EEex to allow Bards to Sing, Detect Traps, and Use Thieving Abilities at the loss of the quickspell. 

PLEASE NOTE: EEex is required to be installed for this mod to work. 

Join us on the forums or Discord, learn more about the mod from the project page or readme, or download the current release.